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Is it me or did she just say number 1 best seller in harrods?

Screenshot 2024-08-04 at 09.59.37.png
£37.99 +£1.99 p&p for 10l of weed gone, £29.99 from the makers Assured Products on Amazon Marketplace.

Wonder if they'll do a direct comparison with that one. :unsure: :ROFLMAO:

BTW, loved Peter V selling this yesterday.

Peter said it's a contact killer, but didn't go into detail of what that means, ie it only kills the leaves not the roots.

Then went on to say, If you kill the leaves by pull out the leaves the roots remain and weed grows back, but if you kill the leaves by burning them then roots remain but weed doesn't grow back. :unsure: Unfortunately he didn't explain how that phenomena works. :ROFLMAO:

Now Joanne coming out with the same rubbish.
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Is it me or did she just say number 1 best seller in harrods?

View attachment 29291

Yeah that one puzzled me too, some folks said it's sold in teh technology dept, but don't see any thing listed. But some folks have said that there is an Opatra salon in Harrods, I wonder if they sell products in their Salon rather than through Harrods itself?

No Harrods shoppers on the forum that can pop in and check? :ROFLMAO:
I wonder how Miss Shiney is able to find the time to work - she must spend hours and hours using the gadgets she flogs, an hour here, an hour there etc etc…

She does give misleading information on these wondrous items (really?) - no mention of contra indications, just to say the ‘sucking’ machine will not dissolve lipomas, as claimed by her on one occasion. Your hair will grow back if you use the Opatra hat - where is the evidence?

I am sure there have been more dubious claims made by this channel.
Opatra is only availlable in store at Harrods
That's interesting then. They sell for full price like advertised on the Opatra website I assume? although I feel that can't be the case as everyone would just buy from IW and sell them on for a huge profit.
I wonder how Miss Shiney is able to find the time to work - she must spend hours and hours using the gadgets she flogs, an hour here, an hour there etc etc…

She does give misleading information on these wondrous items (really?) - no mention of contra indications, just to say the ‘sucking’ machine will not dissolve lipomas, as claimed by her on one occasion. Your hair will grow back if you use the Opatra hat - where is the evidence?

I am sure there have been more dubious claims made by this channel.
Reminds me of the X-Ray glasses they used to advertise in the Sunday Papers back in the 60s.
It's like the old joke, 'how many council workers does it take to ...?'
It’s one of three reasons to me….1) The old Two Presenter, One Expert in Wind Approach makes fans fly out of the door. 2) The people running TV operations for Ideal World are both profligate and clueless. or 3) The people running TV operations for Ideal World consider presenters and experts in flatulence and partners of presenters to be friends in need who NEED as much money as they can get regardless of any impact on sales.

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