Random musings and general banter.


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Jacks selling some ghastly tuppenny-ha'penny fragrance called Greed - makes Gammon sound chic and Old Spice for the social elite. "It doesn't matter what you look like," she says - 'Put this on and you become attractive to me." Peter Simon?? Are you listening?? Are there no depths she'll sink to in order to try to flog tat?
I noticed its about a fiver or less elsewhere online Duke, and she was trying to claim its as good and same ingredients as Creed Aventus that is £285 with a pic of its bottle as a 'not a direct comparison'. If she believes that she really really really hasn't got a clue ,or alternatively is giving out some of the biggest shameless porky pies to mug punters ever.

The whiff of cheap fragrance stands out a mile, unless you are Jacks who laps it up to disguise the smell of her rotten sales pitches
Channel flicking during adverts and ……No, no, no aargh, the gruesome twosome are on. i.e. the fish lipped gargoyle and head on upside down man. Plus the oft repeated Opatra gubbins. Michelin Mouth much better behind the Darth Vader mask. The Virgin EPG says it should be a music box with Mike? The one with the plinky plonky ballerina or the record player?
Always think if you can remember a jingle from an old advert then the advertising agency have done there job. I remember some going back to the 1950s, Pepsodent toothpaste, Hoover and Murray Mints.

Did she use it and if she did, did it vibrate out her lip fillers?
Oh that takes me back, when I was a child my dad used to sing "Murray Mints, Murray Mints, too good to hurry Mints. Why make haste when you can taste the hint of mint in Murray Mints..."

And don't forget "Watch out, watch out, there's a Humphrey about", "For mash get Smash", "Beanz Means Heinz".

I'll shut up now cos I could go on for ever😂
This is the last time I’ll be responding to any of your posts. That you say ‘pointless attacks’ tells me everything I need to know about you as I’ve never done anything of the sort. Antagonising and trolling here really is your ‘modus operandi’ - how sad. I’ll be joining the ranks of all who completely ignore you from here on in.
Headintheclouds, just click on his name above and click ignore. You see when they post but not the content. It's brilliant.
Oh that takes me back, when I was a child my dad used to sing "Murray Mints, Murray Mints, too good to hurry Mints. Why make haste when you can taste the hint of mint in Murray Mints..."

And don't forget "Watch out, watch out, there's a Humphrey about", "For mash get Smash", "Beanz Means Heinz".

I'll shut up now cos I could go on for ever😂
The Smash martians were brilliant. "They peel them with their metal knives, then they smash them all to pieces". Absolutely fantastic.
If there is one thing your typical reaction seeking troll detests, it is talking about them and not to them. Even more frustrating for them - see through them, not at them.
Exactly, and if they answer you back you won't see it. They want the oxygen of a reaction, its why they do it.

And if they can't stand our posts they can ignore us and then they won't have to read them.
Oh that takes me back, when I was a child my dad used to sing "Murray Mints, Murray Mints, too good to hurry Mints. Why make haste when you can taste the hint of mint in Murray Mints..."

And don't forget "Watch out, watch out, there's a Humphrey about", "For mash get Smash", "Beanz Means Heinz".

I'll shut up now cos I could go on for ever😂
My dad too, He loved Murray Mints and Nuttalls Mintoes.
The one I remember best went “They’re tasty, tasty, very, very tasty, they’re very tasty!”
What will it be for tea tonight?
Hope it's beefburgers preferably two
Birds Eye beefburgers fried onion rings
We'll have to wait and see
Hope it's chips it's chips
We hope it's chips and chips

Sung by a van full of builders on the way home in a van after a hard day's work. C.1980?
What will it be for tea tonight?
Hope it's beefburgers preferably two
Birds Eye beefburgers fried onion rings
We'll have to wait and see
Hope it's chips it's chips
We hope it's chips and chips

Sung by a van full of builders on the way home in a van after a hard day's work. C.1980?
The memory plays tricks.

It was steakhouse grills not beefburgers. Pretty much the same thing though.

Great ad.

These days the admen take an old song and give it to a young lass to sing in a weedy voice which annoys the hell out of anyone who remembers the original version. Every family featured is of colour or at the very least mixed. Boring.

Actually, BirdsEye was ahead of its time with a black actor singing "Fried honion rings" in a deep Jamaican voice. Brilliant.

Now on IW:
Sally Jackitin-Please shouty shouty in the morning. Horrible. Unwatchable.

The memory plays tricks.

It was steakhouse grills not beefburgers. Pretty much the same thing though.

Great ad.

These days the admen take an old song and give it to a young lass to sing in a weedy voice which annoys the hell out of anyone who remembers the original version. Every family featured is of colour or at the very least mixed. Boring.

Actually, BirdsEye was ahead of its time with a black actor singing "Fried honion rings" in a deep Jamaican voice. Brilliant.

Now on IW:
Sally Jackitin-Please shouty shouty in the morning. Horrible. Unwatchable.
A very young Daniel Peacock is in there somewhere - Trevor’s (Vicar of Dibley) son. A talented comic actor and writer in his own right…I remember Mum doing these for me and finding a piece of gristle in one I successfully later used as a ball for off-spin bowling for many years afterwards…
I have come to the conclusion that, if IW viewers really like Sally, Mike and Jeremy then there must be a strong contingent of chavs in the audience.

This would account for the amount of look or smell Alike brands they push. I know someone who bought empty designer perfume bottles on ebay and now fills them with cheap scents. Then when a friend says "you smell nice" she can say, yeah it's Chanel or CK.
I have come to the conclusion that, if IW viewers really like Sally, Mike and Jeremy then there must be a strong contingent of chavs in the audience.

This would account for the amount of look or smell Alike brands they push. I know someone who bought empty designer perfume bottles on ebay and now fills them with cheap scents. Then when a friend says "you smell nice" she can say, yeah it's Chanel or CK.
As I mentioned before, using the TV comedy Keeping Up Appearances for reference, QVC target Hyacinth and Richard. IW target Daisy and Onslow ;)

One thing these channels get right is knowing their target market and as you say, the products reflect this.
I have come to the conclusion that, if IW viewers really like Sally, Mike and Jeremy then there must be a strong contingent of chavs in the audience.

This would account for the amount of look or smell Alike brands they push. I know someone who bought empty designer perfume bottles on ebay and now fills them with cheap scents. Then when a friend says "you smell nice" she can say, yeah it's Chanel or CK.

I wouldn't even restrict it to chavs, a lot of society are either unable to or unwilling to think for themselves, and are easily persuaded, manipulated etc. Why we have such a big advertising sector.
Coupled with that we have a society that seems to idolise and want follow & copy, hang onto their every word and action, of any tom, dick or harry for being a celeb, tv personalities, influencer etc. Makes for easy pickings for those celebs/influencers wishing to take advantage of those that idolise them.
Humans in general are really a bunch of sheep. Some are way more sheepish than others.

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