Random musings and general banter.


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They still use one the old company’s promos with him. One of those people who you felt if they knew something was annoying people, they’d do it all the more - THE SIREN. Very Carry On double entendres type also during his shopping presentations at times. At least he’s not turned up in body at the latest version.
Very Carry On double entendres type also during his shopping presentations at times
I hate the way they do this just to get a knowing laugh in their ear or squeezing in a filthy comment on a dare. Andy (Hodgeson?) was selling a hideous crossover bag this morning and on taking the strap out he said “You get a strapon with it”. The guy next to him looked at the camera as if to say “Shoot me”.
I’m all for a dirty joke but there’s a time and a place and 10.30am on a shopping channel isn’t it.
Regarding Travel, I guess that’s why Den has got the stand in role at Create and Craft, closer to home, less hours and can always say no, she said the other week, Think she done a Friday, and said I could have done tomorrow but I have my grandaughter, probably happened at a good time for her, with Dean having his accident, so there were more hours, and if and when he does appear again, he may want to join back slowly

Would this new IW have offered Den a role, or did going to Shop Extra damage her
Den, we don't need another presenter who keeps coughing and spluttering all the time. We have enough of them already. Furthermore, she will be continuously requesting the producer to order her one of the items and one for her daughter/s. It was difficult for me to watch her, especially when she talked over people and coughed every other word towards the end of the old Ideal World and on Shop Extra.
I hopped on later last night and it was Mark flogging a handheld vac for £9.99 free p&p. He couldn't demo it as it had a 12v car plug and the adapter they had was broken. I was therefore expecting a prerecorded video to be shown of it in action. Nope. Also no details on screen re how powerful it was. Granted I hopped back off the channel after two or three minutes so a video might have been shown later.
I think she was ‘done’ when the last version of The Titanic went down in The Sea of Rattan. She’d done 20 plus years of the same act and at pushing 70, she wasn’t going to get QVC headhunting her. Probably pottering around the crafting table without the hard selling element (which she seemed ill at ease with generally) without the commute to London suits her now at that age.
What ever happened to that Welsh guy Howard? He suffered from verbal diarrhea and perhaps literal diarrhea as he always spoke of his bowel movements
I had therapy to try to forget him, his tight trousers and his seedy double entendres. I think he appeared on Blind Date once, didn’t he. I think I’d be looking for the nearest toilet with a large window if he turned up on mine. Had a spat as such with the guy who used sell the car polish over some joke he made which Howard took as homophobic. After he left, they still used his promos material for some time as I remember.

Poor old Jeremy selling bedding and other boring items. He must be watching the clock.
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Few times I’ve seen Den on C&C she has been nothing like she was on other channels, quite happy to just sit there while the guests demo the items, even having a go herself at times

Rather than her wanting to buy everything, she has asked if she can take home some of the demos for Laura, and they normally say yes
I must admit that I only watched C&C when it had hour shows on selling non-crafting items after Shop Extra stopped airing. I think Den might have burnt one's bridges to get a job on here. I think someone with her TV selling experience would have the self-respect to not want to end up selling pure tat?
I had therapy to try to forget him, his tight trousers and his seedy double entendres. I think he appeared on Blind Date once, didn’t he. I think I’d be looking for the nearest toilet with a large window if he turned up on mine. Had a spat as such with the guy who used sell the car polish over some joke he made which Howard took as homophobic. After he left, they still used his promos material for some time as I remember.

Poor old Jeremy selling bedding and other boring items. He must be watching the clock.
is it a Swan and Edgar timepiece? ;)
I hopped on later last night and it was Mark flogging a handheld vac for £9.99 free p&p. He couldn't demo it as it had a 12v car plug and the adapter they had was broken. I was therefore expecting a prerecorded video to be shown of it in action. Nope. Also no details on screen re how powerful it was. Granted I hopped back off the channel after two or three minutes so a video might have been shown later.
They showed the being used video when Mike Mason showed the item in the studio. If it sucked up a few random feathers in real use, you’d be doing well with it,
Had a spat as such with the guy who used sell the car polish over some joke he made which Howard took as homophobic.
Yes, that's it. I think he was very prickly about any suggestions or implications that he might have been a homosexual - though his constant insinuating it Dirty Peter style was fine, of course. Rather like QVC's Lee Holbein, who I believe threatened someone with legal action for suggesting that he was in a homosexual relationship. Now it's practically mandatory to be homosexual to be a BA/presenter on the Q, he's fine talking about it. He seemed to be labouring under the delusion that someone might actually care.
When Mike Mason was flogging handbags and said that he'd 'been out with a few bags', people on this forum were outraged and offended. 'Does he think this is the 1970s' one poster asked.

But it's fine for you to make homophobic comments like that?

I'm not surprised your text wasn't read either.
Paz, I notice you have only ever posted on this thread, and ones about Peter Simon.

Peter? Are you there?

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