Random musings and general banter.


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My late mum used to have Bid TV on in the background when she was doing bits of housework. She never bought anything, never sat down and watched but used to listen to the nonsense and tell me what tat they were selling. She loved the Bid TV forum on here and was always asking me if there were any new comments😊
They are selling the same tat on tjc now, why bother running two channels, they must have run out of jewellery.
They are selling the same tat on tjc now, why bother running two channels, they must have run out of jewellery.
I feel jewellery is quite a niche audience. Yes, you're going to get people who are totally into buying pieces and people who buy occasional pieces but how much jewellery are people going to buy? I am aware that the jewellery channels have branched out into other things with mixed feelings of buyers on the other forums here.

I was surprised when TJC resurrected Ideal World.
When you think of selly telly, QVC sits head and shoulders above the rest in terms of its overall quality (production, presenters and products.) I'm not saying it's immune from falling into some selly telly traps, however when you compare it to IW it truly is a case of night and day.

Yes they're no doubt aiming for different viewers and buyers of their products but even so, the differences are evident.
Maybe when they get into the new studios, but even talking on the new studio, Gen said the other week we will be in there in 3 weeks, the other day Sally was talking January
But you have to look at the existing business model of the new owners of the brand name. Have they ever sold a top, known. brand name on TJC? I don’t know about the jewellery and beauty items themselves, but more general items appear to be their own brands, or unknown completely brands of things in the main. They clearly believe in that way of making sales. it might be a bigger studio in the end, but I don’t think we are suddenly going to see high ticket brands with some kudos about them being sold by the presenters.

The former Ideal World, two or three years ago, often featured Apple and Samsung tablets and phones. Reconditioned albeit, but top names nonetheless. They also had some decent fitness stuff occasionally, with a really good quality Reebok treadmill brought to air, for example. Rug Doctor products, too. Plus known high street brand clothing brands. And Vostok watches were also at least known outside of the channel. And more off-the-wall stuff at times, like that rent-a-gob ex-Apprentice fellow and his ‘magical’ golf club. But what we have here in the main, outside of the beauty stuff, is one deadly dull TJC brand of clothing, and relentless under 10 quid unknown (to me) brands products that you would feel tight buying as Secret Santa gifts. Low spend, and small returns but sales in high numbers is probably their aim. But is anybody actually buying the stuff in the amounts needed to keep paying high profile stars like Simon Peters £30 a show?
Miss Precision says she hopes we trust her as to the quality of the watch, that's after she said that teh £771 rrp on the Heritor web site was a great price for a watch of this quality.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

How can we trust someone that firstly says £771 is a great price for a bog standard Chinese watch which can be picked up for under a £100 on Ali and secondly we already know from the Resultco CEO that their RRPs have been vastly inflated to allow big discounts by retailers as customers love huge discounts. ;)

So were back to the usual full on IW ******** watch shows.
The unbranded fashion has made Sally worse, as she will say ooh this has no label in it, I’ve seen clothing like this made by whoever, could it be
I said a few posts ago she did this with boots a week or so back and said 'who knows, maybe these are made by that same well known brand' wink wink.

As we've said before, these presenters will prostitute themselves to whoever is giving them a gig. Fine, it's how they earn a living, bills to pay etc. That aside, they'll put on a different persona and use different techniques depending on the calibre of the channel and the products.

So taking the example of Sally, if she was on QVC actually selling the higher priced branded boot, she'd have no need to take this approach. However she's on a bargain basement channel selling mostly unbranded stuff, so the dubious sales techniques are deployed. Not saying it's right, however to drive sales you can see why they do it. They are very similar to the market stall sellers of years gone by.

These towels are exactly the same as the ones you'd find in Harrods missus, they come from the same factory! However we're not asking £50 the pair, not even £25 the pair. These can be yours for a tenner madam, and not for the pair but for four!
But you have to look at the existing business model of the new owners of the brand name. Have they ever sold a top, known. brand name on TJC? I don’t know about the jewellery and beauty items themselves, but more general items appear to be their own brands, or unknown completely brands of things in the main. They clearly believe in that way of making sales. it might be a bigger studio in the end, but I don’t think we are suddenly going to see high ticket brands with some kudos about them being sold by the presenters.

Yeah, loads! Huge brands like… Gamages! And, er, Opatra! And William Hunt perfume… And, er Homesmart electronics! Not forgetting OhMG! perfume (TJC's manly presenter Mark Gould has such a large following he created a mens fragrance for TJC to sell. He made a big point of how much time and effort went into it, including designing the packaging …which was a plain black bottle with the name in. Best review for it "Smells like a cheap aftershave from 1972 doesn't last very long (thankfully!!)").

Anyway tbf, TJC sometimes have a Max Factor mascara (exact same one every time) and BOY do they make a giant deal about it, despite it being basic, non-fancy, and cheaper to buy in shops like Superdrug). Pretty sure they had it on IW recently too.

They sometimes get the occasional known brand bought in bulk from a a stock clearance (i.e. stuff high street discount retailers have passed on) but it's one-off and non repeating.
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Talk of the new studio, Will that ever happen? Mmmmh

Everything including the presenters just strikes me as so cheap bottom of the barrel stuff, its the small things that cost buttons that could help for example the rotating table has been with us since IW mk3 started and been used to present nearly all the items, Just now it has 2 big clumpy pairs of boots sat on it just exactly like you'd see at any car boot sale.
You wonder if there is a hidden agenda at work? And that is obtaining the channel slots for other projects down the line, or for an attractive, debt free sell on to another buyer who might be looking to be more of a rival to QVC rather than the QMC (car boot sale).
Miss Precision says she hopes we trust her as to the quality of the watch, that's after she said that teh £771 rrp on the Heritor web site was a great price for a watch of this quality.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

How can we trust someone that firstly says £771 is a great price for a bog standard Chinese watch which can be picked up for under a £100 on Ali and secondly we already know from the Resultco CEO that their RRPs have been vastly inflated to allow big discounts by retailers as customers love huge discounts. ;)

So were back to the usual full on IW ******** watch shows.
I don't mean this in any sort of nasty way. It would be genuinely interesting to hear what she'd say if discussing this with a friend. For example if the friend was saying to her ...

'You do realise these watches are essentially the same that Ali offer bar a little tweak here and there? For a fraction of the price. No history, no heritage, just cheap production line watches. Did you know that?'

Surely she must know the actual origin of these products, otherwise what sort of expert is she? Actually it would be interesting to hear what all the presenters and/or 'experts' would say about this in general. Not in public, but one to one with a trusted friend and relating to all the products not just the watches.
I am just reaching the point where if there is no immediate improvement, it would be better off closing - AGAIN!!!
Peter selling the camera watch again, you can take it fishing and record your catch. It's huge he says, then a comment about saying it when he gets out of the bath, time to release the Kraken! I don't like to think about that, and his chipolata.
IW must be about to close again, there can be no other reason for Simons inane ramblings about barmaids satsumas, his false teeth, shitting coins from a chrstmas pud, and innuendo about his winkle. It was all too much for me after 10 mins of him and that gopping pointless watch camera. G'night IW.

The channel is pretty much done isn't it.
IW must be about to close again, there can be no other reason for Simons inane ramblings about barmaids satsumas, his false teeth, shitting coins from a chrstmas pud, and innuendo about his winkle. It was all too much for me after 10 mins of him and that gopping pointless watch camera. G'night IW.

The channel is pretty much done isn't it.
A shitsu massager??

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