Random musings and general banter.


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I remember one of the boys going in to get his, laughing his head off about how everyone else were total wusses for being scared of needles.

Then he got effectively carried out by a teacher, as he'd fainted just as the nurse attempted to jab him.

That was one of the high points of my school years
In the corridor, all waiting for the, what turned out to be, the BCG jab, but...
... other older kids passing kept saying it was for the "cough and drop" instead, to scare us into thinking it was going to be the hernia test where you pull your pants down and the doctor checks your testes while you cough!)

Then when I went in for what did turn out to be the BCG jab, there was a humongous large long syringe, lying on the tray, must have been at least 8 inches long. Not usually worried, this gave me the willie's for a moment, until the actual nornal 3 inch small syringe was presented.

I think the large syringe was either deliberately left there to distract, or as a joke or to make you feel better when realising it is not that one. Or it was used as a water flush hypodermic or something. Or probably the staff were thoughtless careless unthinking blithering idiots. Probably the latter. Wish I'd asked or mentioned it, but when you're a kid you don't think to say, point out or complain, unlike you would now!
Is there any planning put into the shows or is it run on the smallest of small budgets by inexperienced staff?

Cameras all over the place, graphics giving the wrong prices, incorrect spelling, no sample products just what they have on when selling trousers for example. then half way into the show finally getting an example sample, and the less experienced presenters being told about the product from someone in their ear!

And i've noticed in fairness to the more experienced presenters they can see the mistakes and informing the "gallery" of the mistakes!
Is there any planning put into the shows or is it run on the smallest of small budgets by inexperienced staff?

Cameras all over the place, graphics giving the wrong prices, incorrect spelling, no sample products just what they have on when selling trousers for example. then half way into the show finally getting an example sample, and the less experienced presenters being told about the product from someone in their ear!

And i've noticed in fairness to the more experienced presenters they can see the mistakes and informing the "gallery" of the mistakes!

TJC is so profitable because (I assume) they keep things as minimal as possible behind the scenes and run a tight ship. They don't seem to like spending money if they don't have to. It's presumably why we don't see guest presenters/experts that often: they cost. And when they do put up the dosh for some food demos in an air fryer, it's not exactly… a Brodel-grade spread. The rotisserie show last night cooked one chicken (badly) and then just replayed clips of it as needed. Big bad Brodel wouldn't have been happy with one chicken.
TJC is so profitable because (I assume) they keep things as minimal as possible behind the scenes and run a tight ship. They don't seem to like spending money if they don't have to. It's presumably why we don't see guest presenters/experts that often: they cost. And when they do put up the dosh for some food demos in an air fryer, it's not exactly… a Brodel-grade spread. The rotisserie show last night cooked one chicken (badly) and then just replayed clips of it as needed. Big bad Brodel wouldn't have been happy with one chicken.
They didn’t even have a carving knife, Peter said he used a Bread knife
When I see Natasha presenting beauty products it reminds me of these backstreet aesthetic salons where they work on each other when it’s quiet. The results are debatable to say the least.
Her "enhancements" don't encourage me to buy. Is not like she got those with Opatra or Cetuem.

Her lips look like she got them pumped up along with her tyres at the local petrol station

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