Random musings and general banter.


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Don't know what version of 'nutrition' Dean the spiv is on, on the late ITV programme tonight, but he's getting in the words per minute at a fast 'speed' say no more, nudge nudge wink, with the bloke who's an expert on electric bikes, running machines vibrating machines and now watches, fashion etc😄

Dean would eat himself if he could "the ladies favourite" must be regretting leaving the cushty Craft gig for this shower or maybe he was pushed
Watching a airfryer hour, thinking what a waste of food
The world largest air fryers hour. Was looking at our Ninja air fryer today it’s very compact but still a good deal bigger than a toaster and capacity is 3.8L. No complaints on it, It gets a lot of use, albeit usually only me and my mrs tea to do.

That linea one they keep punting is 14.5L but no mention of will it fit in your kitchen, or any consideration of the size, do you need one so big, no, just get spit roasting or whack a few baby bells in it! Can’t see any customer reviews for it on their website.
What fascinates me is when old ‘upside down head keep wearing your masks’ pipes up about certain watch stock levels NOW in single figures. But were they only ever in single figures, as single figures were all they ever bought? He never says, for example: “Well, Boys and Girls and Them - we had 30 originally, but now we have just single figures left.” I suppose you could say he is only being factual if single figures stock levels were all they ever had originally, but if that point is true, it is to put it politely, a questionable tactic for any presenter in general for any item, to imply that by having single figures left they are selling like hot cakes..flying out the door…But I am sure Chunk Of Change head always presents stock levels then and now entirely accurately and transparently for us. Remember- they must be all terrified of the ASA sucking them to death if they twist the facts at all.

And now back to the leg end that is…
Yep that noted heavyweight the ASA, a long while back on here I shared my correspondence with them after I sent some fairly damning evidence on most of the channels, depending on who you get they either tell you to repeat yourself, ask for the same information over and over again or do not even reply.

On the odd occasion I got past all that (and kept the motivation to keep going through the very lengthy process) I had 3 out of 4 upheld, good news you would think. Not really just the usual stern warning and a "do not broadcast this in the same way again" which means nothing.

. Lets face it if they had any backbone or desire to they would have closed down a few of these channels or at least heavily fined them years ago.

As for the sales figures IF they went the TJC route of displaying live sales the whole routine of Mason and others would have to be completely revamped unless they fiddled with them which I don't think even Ideal would risk.

I can't quite see Mason mocking himself when only 2 have sold after a few minutes but could be wrong.
It is one of their tactics ‘70 percent stock gone’ but since when?, if its the hard rock cocktails since last year and that included the festive booze period, so i think im safe to mull it over for a few months yet!:LOL:
An exercise bike for £39.99. Classy. You can see it is a huge fan of Robin Sarstedt (1976 pop music reference) by the ease of peddling. Quality for that price? Also, the more I see of Ween Dilson, the more annoying he becomes.
Took me a while but my brain finally came up with "My Resistance Is Low"🤣
It is primetime and yep we have boltless shelving

The muscled-up presenter seems very easily pleased "wow" as Alan connects two pieces together

Alan again tells us you can do this alone and then straight away asks the presenter for help

Oh that was a VT now back to Eat myself Wilson and Vollevant with Wilson pretending its busy
The same repeated demo again 10 minutes after it was last on...

Is Vollevant unable to build it himself live? In all the demos they have they use this where Alan makes it look difficult

"Deano" was completely out of material before this VT cut "please email in any pics of messy rooms or before and afters of using this product"

Whats the logic were they are trying to cut costs in paying Vollevant to stand there barely holding the thing up and saying things like "zip lock bags, bedding, paint" over and over and over
Other than having a marital connection to one of the existing presenters, I fail to see why Peter is there at all. He is called an expert on this and an expert on that, but in particular, when he was playing a technology expert, I thought it was one of his poorest theatrical performances to date. Comfy armchair explainer and painting black mucky stuff technician on bits off a roof are two of his slightly better ones.

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