I remember a program a while back, i know i should get a life, but anyway, the program featured Sally 'flippin heck' Jacks flogging sandals or some flat shoes, anyway she rabbited on about how bad heels were for you, she couldn't wear them anymore, getting too old, so she never wears them now.
But strangely every fashion show, unless they're flogging flat shoes, she's wearing heels, why you ask, well she hates looking like a munchkin next to the clothes racks they have on IW because they are taller than her, she moans about it but they never do anything about it.
So Sally 'flippin heck' Jacks, IW's in house medical & health expert, preaching to all of us about how we MUST look after our health and bodies, so we must buy and do what she tells us to, decides to ignore her own preaching advice for the sake of vanity, well talk about shooting yourself in the foot, huh.
Ok i'll get my coat now.
Kev 'if you're new to these shows' Reynolds is back tomorrow with a pick of the day, how wonderful he'll be able to tell us all about COSC certification again, and he'll be joined during the day by IW own presenters with extensive horological experience, Shona, Peter Simon and Tim Britton. It's bad enough with Shona and the plonker, but Tim Britton selling collectable timepieces?

But strangely every fashion show, unless they're flogging flat shoes, she's wearing heels, why you ask, well she hates looking like a munchkin next to the clothes racks they have on IW because they are taller than her, she moans about it but they never do anything about it.
So Sally 'flippin heck' Jacks, IW's in house medical & health expert, preaching to all of us about how we MUST look after our health and bodies, so we must buy and do what she tells us to, decides to ignore her own preaching advice for the sake of vanity, well talk about shooting yourself in the foot, huh.
Ok i'll get my coat now.
Kev 'if you're new to these shows' Reynolds is back tomorrow with a pick of the day, how wonderful he'll be able to tell us all about COSC certification again, and he'll be joined during the day by IW own presenters with extensive horological experience, Shona, Peter Simon and Tim Britton. It's bad enough with Shona and the plonker, but Tim Britton selling collectable timepieces?