Random musings and general banter.


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Peter speaking a load of rubbish again, the wires and battery on the face have nothing to do with the watch movement, they are just there for show. It's a small £5 miyota movement, and separately a few LEDs fitted in a circuit round the dial powered by a different battery to the movement.
Yeah they look different, but there is nothing horologically special about them, it's the cheapest quartz movement and a flashy dial, it's all show, if you like that fine, but as i said the wiring/LEDs have nothing to do with the timekeeping/movement, all style no substance. ;):)
Each to their own but for me, regardless of whether or not the wires and bits/bobs do anything or not in those watches, they look a) cheap and b) like something you'd buy for a child. I stop short of saying teenager cause teenagers would most likely NOT want to wear one of those.

Peter S doing what he's paid to do I suppose, fawn over the watches as if they're genuinely cutting edge, being sold too cheaply etc etc etc, all the usual guff.
I know some people on here say Peter Simon isn't funny but he's still talented enough to give me the biggest laugh of the week so far by talking about a £450 Electricianz watch and saying "Put it on your household insurance" :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

And yes I know there are people out there who like the Electricianz watches so much that they actually buy them, but anyone paying £450 for something that most likely cost considerably less than £50 to manufacture in a (presumably) Chinese factory really needs to seek professional help (y)
Please tell me the presenter wasn't Peter Simon😳
Oh God, can you imagine? He'd be doing his gurning and licking his lips throughout while holding the vibrator, sorry massager and trainer, in an awkward place so he could get a laugh from the production crew down his ear.
Then turning to the camera for his close up where he does his fake sympathetic voice "Now ladies, when you get to our certain time of life riiight, and things drop and droop and we, not uhnly, lose sensations that we had in our fast disappearing youth...QUICK CHECKOUT YOUR BASKETS! JUST BUY IT! ONCE IT'S GONE, YOU'LL BE SORRY! PUT IT ON YOUR HOUSE INSURANCE!"

No, luckily it was Jimmy Savile presenting. I don't believe she has any kids so she must just need it through general wear and tear. Kind of puts Creepy Crawley in a new light!
Oh God, can you imagine? He'd be doing his gurning and licking his lips throughout while holding the vibrator, sorry massager and trainer, in an awkward place so he could get a laugh from the production crew down his ear.
Then turning to the camera for his close up where he does his fake sympathetic voice "Now ladies, when you get to our certain time of life riiight, and things drop and droop and we, not uhnly, lose sensations that we had in our fast disappearing youth...QUICK CHECKOUT YOUR BASKETS! JUST BUY IT! ONCE IT'S GONE, YOU'LL BE SORRY! PUT IT ON YOUR HOUSE INSURANCE!"

No, luckily it was Jimmy Savile presenting. I don't believe she has any kids so she must just need it through general wear and tear. Kind of puts Creepy Crawley in a new light!

I wonder if Shaun Ryan has bought one for "me mam".:ROFLMAO::LOL:
We all know the total crap they spout about the radiators but a little bit of searching came up with this...

A spokesperson for the Energy Helpline: Overall, for heating the same space, using an electric heater is more than twice as expensive as using central heating.

Power RatingPer HourPer Day*Per Week
1000W (1kW)18.54p
1200W (1.2kW)22.25p
1500W (1.5kW)27.81p
2000W (2kW)37.08p
We all know the total crap they spout about the radiators but a little bit of searching came up with this...

A spokesperson for the Energy Helpline: Overall, for heating the same space, using an electric heater is more than twice as expensive as using central heating.

Power RatingPer HourPer Day*Per Week
1000W (1kW)18.54p
1200W (1.2kW)22.25p
1500W (1.5kW)27.81p
2000W (2kW)37.08p

And that's only one radiator on for just 6 hours a day. Imagine having a few of these on for longer periods over the winter, your electric bill will go through the roof.
I see Sally's wearing a nice watch today, wonder if she bought it from IW, cause she buys everything from IW. Oh wait despite IW selling luxury high end watches, the presenters have/wear Rolex, Cartier, Longines, Omega, but sadly never seen the presenters wearing one of IW's horological wonders, even though we've been told on numerous occasions that they have bought IW watches and today we have Sally with a Santos de Cartier on. You won't get much change out of eight and a half grand buying one of them.

So it begs the question if IW watches are such great high end luxury timepieces at bargain prices, then why are all the presenters wasting their money, buying and wearing watches that cost many, many, many times more than the cheap Chinese made watches that IW sells and which they are telling/begging/conning us to buy?
And that's only one radiator on for just 6 hours a day. Imagine having a few of these on for longer periods over the winter, your electric bill will go through the roof.
I read a report that said the one possible benefit of these electric heaters (when compared to central heating) is in scenarios where you only require to heat a single room. So on that IW theoretically have a point. However it's tenuous at best, the report then went on to say, especially when really cold, heating only one room is not the best approach for us in terms of health, especially for the elderly. And I've already made my views on dragging a heater from room to room known on here.

If you only require to heat a single room, I still reckon (cost wise) central heating would give an electric heater a run for its money, with all other TRVs off aside from the TRV in the room you wish to heat.
Peter Peter Peter…Let me just stop you there with your recliners. I have to say…my name is Den. That’s with a D for delightful… You may think I am in my late teens, but I am actually 96 years old..Incredible, isn’t it? I am a living miracle…Now, enough about me. Well, you can never actually have enough about me!! My husband..Let me tell you about him. Better looking than Tyrone Power and with a resting heart beat of minus 50. He can lift both you, Peter, and that chair with one finger..Now..Back to what you all want to hear about - ME!!!!
Peter Peter Peter…Let me just stop you there with your recliners. I have to say…my name is Den. That’s with a D for delightful… You may think I am in my late teens, but I am actually 96 years old..Incredible, isn’t it? I am a living miracle…Now, enough about me. Well, you can never actually have enough about me!! My husband..Let me tell you about him. Better looking than Tyrone Power and with a resting heart beat of minus 50. He can lift both you, Peter, and that chair with one finger..Now..Back to what you all want to hear about - ME!!!!
She is SOooo condescending.

I caught a few mins of a pension show last night with her presenting. She was talking about the pension company and the guy sitting in the studio as though they were gods. They had consolidated all her pensions, found a pension she didn't know she had, and this had given her money to change her car, pay off credit cards and put in a dropped kerb to make it easier for family to park when visiting.

Most impressively for her, due to this new found mini-wealth, she had been able to reduce her working hours from 40 per week to 20, although she assured viewers she wasn't retiring any time soon as she loves her job ... I won't comment on that.

'If they can do this for me, they can do it for you ...'

Very true ... assuming you have x pensions that you've accrued over the years/decades. However if you don't, no company will be able to magically find money for you. What these companies can do for you is all relative to how much you've paid in and the terms of the pensions. Of course that little point gets glossed over.
On the heaters, any room not heated as Ideal suggest you only heat the rooms you occupy would surely over time and a cold winter period become damp.
It just doesn't make sense for so many people on so many levels. If you took their stupid advice and wheeled 1 radiator around, you'd never be warm. Imagine it's a freezing day, you're sitting in your lounge, all doors closed, nice and cosy. You then want to go through to your bedroom for 15 mins to sort through some paperwork. Wheel the radiator through with you, bedroom's freezing. By the time that space starts to warm up, you're then going back through to your lounge, which is now getting cold cause it's had no heat for 15 mins.

And what if the bedroom's upstairs? Ah right, you have 2 x radiators, 1 downstairs 1 upstairs. But obviously you don't leave the upstairs one on 24/7. So in my scenario, you pop upstairs to your bedroom, putting that radiator on. By the time it's warming the space, you're putting it off to go back downstairs.

Now back in your lounge, you then need to pop through to your kitchen to prepare a meal. Wheel the radiator through with you, kitchen starts to heat up, lounge starts to cool down. A friend pops by for a chat, you invite them in ... to your now freezing lounge.

And let's not talk about the safety issues of moving a hot radiator around, especially for elderly people.

If you're living in a 1 room bedsit type place, maybe go with the 1 radiator approach.

I caught part of the All In a Box roast dinner in the post presentation the other day - Not the gristly part, I hope..

From what I did see, you could choose a roast beef dinner with all the trimmings, or a roast chicken one with similar, delivered to you in a chilled box, with some kind of musical playlist included - which didn’t seem the most easy fit in the world. Now, I may be slightly out on the cost - but I seem to recall it being around £55.

The idea appeared to be that everything had already been cooked, and your role was to reheat it when ready. Now, I don’t know about you, but roast dinners already cooked then reheated are not the most appetising proposition in general. And for £55, I would want something sublimely enticing to eat.

Break it down.. Even a corn fed chicken from a supermarket can be picked up for about £8? Pigs in blankets I’m guessing.. but, maybe £3 for a pack? And the various veg/herbs/gravy that goes with the product - in a supermarket (let’s be generous) maybe £10 for everything? That gets me to about £21 so far. Even if I did want a selection of paid for digital tracks to go with my roast dinner, which is highly unlikely - I’m not sure I could come anywhere close to £55 in total.

I wonder how many of these they actually sold? I had a quick look at the website and I can’t even see the product on there any longer, Which suggests to me either it sold out completely or didn’t sell at all.

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