Random musings and general banter.


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Wonderful news. It's the man who can ice skate but can't present, combined with the monotonous shammy man who tells extremely unfunny excessively repetitive stories that put the U in unfunny. B Team flatters them.
In fairness, I think Matt has improved greatly since I last saw him. A lot more assured and conversational, without those embarrassing silences that littered his previous appearances. Nice one.
The fact she thinks the third line is a 'fast lane', I think tells you all you need to know about how fast she was going. In those reported conditions, she should have been in the first lane, doing 50.
Simon Peters telling us to stop tossing during his che.. inexpensive mattress extravaganza. Always put into bat during his cricket team captaincy days, you can understand why a hopeless tosser would be advising us such.
a story that could only be improved if she had had Pedro Simone in the front passenger seat, screaming his little head off, or perhaps even better a full fun bus compliment with upside down head and rubber neck/head in the back, the latter like a little nodding dog all the way up the M6!!:LOL:
Is it possible to take a dislike to a presenter within seventeen seconds. Some woman who clearly thinks she’s 23 not 43, who apparently was or is some sort of celebrity, joins the ice skater flogging xxxxxl tops on a repeat session, grabs a tacky hat that looks like it was last worn in Scooby Doo and parades about the floor space in a walk with a two crusty rolls stylee. Micbelle Heaton he said her name was. Checking - it turned out she was in that seminal rock band Liberty X, and her last chart hit was in the later 2000s. Definite change of direction towards ‘youth’ on the channel. ‘Youth‘ meaning somewhere between 40 and 50 but presenting 20 years younger.
Why would Jacks and so many other ‘celebrities’ want to share this stuff? Ad revenue through more clicks, is it? Ego-driven? Or a combination of the two. Or is this the new normality they see life should be and think it’s perfectly normal therefore to plaster their lives online? From people in ED and on the wards taking selfies of themselves for publication on social media and beyond, to being filmed in their dying moments and then shown online in major news titles’ websites.. What has happened with our society in the last 20 years or so, and are we living happier more satisfying lives because all this stuff is being shoved our way?

If I was driving a car with dodgy windscreen wipers (was it a Nissan Bluebird she was in?) in very poor sounding road conditions, bombing along in the ‘fast’ third lane, and I subsequently got into self-created difficulties, driving like a tit, the last thing I would want to do would be plaster it all over the NET. But privacy and dignity seem to have long gone now and literally everything from birth to death to everything in between is up to be shared.

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