Why would Jacks and so many other ‘celebrities’ want to share this stuff? Ad revenue through more clicks, is it? Ego-driven? Or a combination of the two. Or is this the new normality they see life should be and think it’s perfectly normal therefore to plaster their lives online? From people in ED and on the wards taking selfies of themselves for publication on social media and beyond, to being filmed in their dying moments and then shown online in major news titles’ websites.. What has happened with our society in the last 20 years or so, and are we living happier more satisfying lives because all this stuff is being shoved our way?
If I was driving a car with dodgy windscreen wipers (was it a Nissan Bluebird she was in?) in very poor sounding road conditions, bombing along in the ‘fast’ third lane, and I subsequently got into self-created difficulties, driving like a tit, the last thing I would want to do would be plaster it all over the NET. But privacy and dignity seem to have long gone now and literally everything from birth to death to everything in between is up to be shared.