Random musings and general banter.


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Hayley Sparkes who is on with Jack its a pan hour, but mentioned a air fryer, Says she lives with friends, and has to share pots and pans, bur then she says she lovee her air fryer, if you dont have space for pots and pans, how can you fit a air fryer
For the outrageous amount of money they charge for those pies, I'd want Seter Piemons on his knees, sent to my dining room, cutting and serving to me individual pieces of each one, while I threw custard pies at him, begging for forgiveness for all the shopping telly shy te he's spouted to us all over too many years..
Who is the ‘presenter’ on currently trying to flog cheap luggage? She must have fallen out of the annoying tree and hit every branch on the way down. Her or being stretched on the rack with no pain relief?? Now they’ve wheeled on the out of work actress who adds luggage consultant to her never beginning list of expertise.
Who is the ‘presenter’ on currently trying to flog cheap luggage? She must have fallen out of the annoying tree and hit every branch on the way down. Her or being stretched on the rack with no pain relief?? Now they’ve wheeled on the out of work actress who adds luggage consultant to her never beginning list of expertise.
her name is Hayley Sparkes, we will be in safe hands later as Sally is back on shift
Singing the praises of that fine old 19th century company Slazenger. Extolling the qualities of decade upon decade of experience. Didn’t the original company get taken over in the late ‘50s? Well probably, but that wouldn’t make good shopping television - mentioning facts of over fantasy. Shona off to ‘Corfew‘ says the air headed lady. Fascinating..Zzzz More simpering praise for the wonderful tradition and heritage of Slazenger, the great luggage manufacturer. Now we have Fizz and Fart the Lemonade Twins with fashion…Anybody got a tennis racket so I can finish off the television…
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Ideal has this great knack for putting presenters/experts together who seem to have zero/little chemistry or look like they can't stand each other.

It isn't rocket science maybe try out a few different combos and you might stumble upon something, ask the presenters themselves the happier they are with the on-screen partner the more relaxed the show will be and more sales will follow.

TJC keeps playing the hits with certain combos that are working very well (Derek/Nitesh, Anshu/Chris, Andy/Caroline or Jenny or Carmel, Peter
and Natalia on beauty) Personally, Del and Nitesh are not for me but the other combos the shows fly by and the main feature of them is they don't actually appear to be "selling you" anything, or at least only for very small parts of the 4 hours not constantly forcing repeating the tired old schtick.
Ideal has this great knack for putting presenters/experts together who seem to have zero/little chemistry or look like they can't stand each other.

It isn't rocket science maybe try out a few different combos and you might stumble upon something, ask the presenters themselves the happier they are with the on-screen partner the more relaxed the show will be and more sales will follow.

TJC keeps playing the hits with certain combos that are working very well (Derek/Nitesh, Anshu/Chris, Andy/Caroline or Jenny or Carmel, Peter
and Natalia on beauty) Personally, Del and Nitesh are not for me but the other combos the shows fly by and the main feature of them is they don't actually appear to be "selling you" anything, or at least only for very small parts of the 4 hours not constantly forcing repeating the tired old schtick.
I agree you cant see those 2 from the luggage hour being great friends
I agree you cant see those 2 from the luggage hour being great friends
It shows the power of finding the right duos Carmel for instance on her own I can't watch can be quite pushy in a smiley way and often makes silly statements about "sell your gold" usually when nothing is selling (I think this is a nervous thing as it does seem out of character) However put her with Andy and she is perfectly calm and has good knowledge.

Think the impact of the behind-the-scenes teams and management is probably understated a bit some of these presenters on Ideal would look a lot better in a better environment some wouldn't. Like any sales job really
I was going to ask the same thing. All I saw was a flustered Simon saying some sort of massive catastrophe of horrendous demonic proportions had just taken place. A raid by the ASA SPG? All the watches fell to bits with one shake? Simon’s Mane melted? His corset burst? A major fight at the adjacent fish and chip shop spilled into the studio with rocks being thrown and several cod and sausages battered? I suspect their links to sales (or lack of them) went down and Simon and Reynolds threw a collective hissy fit?
Probably because his beloved Man u got tonked 7-0 by Liverpool 🤣
All four corners on now 😎
You won't find these designs on the high street or anywhere else the Ideal customer only likes the unique

Martin you are basically saying Ideal gets the designs the high street/other sellers don't want

"Last planned Swiss Military show" he is going through the full box of tricks tonight

"This watch the collectors love it is 5 star rated by everyone"

A lie check the website the overall rating is 4.1 with 2 1 star reviews.... Naughty martin
Ideal has this great knack for putting presenters/experts together who seem to have zero/little chemistry or look like they can't stand each other.

It isn't rocket science maybe try out a few different combos and you might stumble upon something, ask the presenters themselves the happier they are with the on-screen partner the more relaxed the show will be and more sales will follow.

TJC keeps playing the hits with certain combos that are working very well (Derek/Nitesh, Anshu/Chris, Andy/Caroline or Jenny or Carmel, Peter
and Natalia on beauty) Personally, Del and Nitesh are not for me but the other combos the shows fly by and the main feature of them is they don't actually appear to be "selling you" anything, or at least only for very small parts of the 4 hours not constantly forcing repeating the tired old schtick.
Del and Nitesh I can live without but the others are quite entertaining and enjoyable can't watch Chole anymore I have to switch off she is so full of her own importance.

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