Random musings and general banter.


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Now those wretched cooking leaflets er..books yet AGAIN…. They must still have a warehouse full of them. Mrs Beeton’s first edition has been hanging around for less. I could do a new recipe for them for a £20 appearance fee…Deep Air Fried Mars Bar Calzone Breast Side Up…Oh…Jilted Joe is doing that now.

Yet another new presenter on work experience today. Drones on worse than a stuck Lada alarm at three in the morning. Still, she seems to be entertaining herself with her mindless patter.
Now those wretched cooking leaflets er..books yet AGAIN…. They must still have a warehouse full of them. Mrs Beeton’s first edition has been hanging around for less. I could do a new recipe for them for a £20 appearance fee…Deep Air Fried Mars Bar Calzone Breast Side Up…Oh…Jilted Joe is doing that now.

Yet another new presenter on work experience today. Drones on worse than a stuck Lada alarm at three in the morning. Still, she seems to be entertaining herself with her mindless patter.
They dont seem to grasp the concept of something at around a fiver and then with the same amount for postage is not a great deal, at face value youre paying a tenner for something worth a fiver….or it could just be they look like they were printed on Paul Brodels home printer!
Do you think that IW have finally sold an air fryer to everyone that wants one and that they still have a warehouse stacked with them?
I am sure that the 'standard' was that air fryer shows always sold out, and to be fair it often appeared that they did. However isn't there currently at least one show a day majoring on an air fryer and often the same model on successive days!
Simon Peters in a rare Monday morning appearance today, dressed in kit similar to his Drag or Double or and Drop days with somebody who purports to be an expert on dirt. He is producing his I have a Labrador story in the context of don’t put bleach in cheap plastic pedal bins or your bottom will crack. Apparently he has to regularly clean his pedal bin because his Labrador poos into bags he places in there? You assume therefore his Labrador either regularly craps in his kitchen or alternatively in his garden, where he keeps his pedal bin?? I usually take my dogs for a walk outside of the kitchen and the house to evacuate their bowels.
Come on now. Just WHO puts bags of dog poo in their kitchen pedal bin?? Who???? No one in their right mind. It's a shopping telly lie or someone who is devoid of the concept of hygiene.

Interesting to know the IW production people’s perception of their audience? You would suspect they would be aware of a very small minority who are cynical, can’t take the whole thing seriously, and basically watch the channel to have a good laugh. But again, I suspect that they generally think the majority take it very seriously, are committed to IW brand, to their perceived quality and value of what IW shows on air, and have very little criticisms worth noting of how the channel is run and how items are presented to them. When they have their programme planning meetings do you think it is even discussed the fact that they are showing air fryers and many other products virtually every day and sometimes a number of times each day. Do you think they also realise (or care) that their selling line that air fryers are as rare Simon Peters‘s factual statements is somewhat watered down by the amount of different air fryers that they show most days and that these never appear to sell out? All I can think is they feel most of their viewers (unlike ourselves) tune in infrequently and have no idea in the main of what their programme schedules are, or how often they show certain items. Either that, or they couldn’t care less what people think. A bit of both I imagine.

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