Shaun - "When he does a pick of the day, kev always saves something special for Monday, cause that's when
all the regulars are here. i was delighted when Kevin told me, that for your show Shaun, the
viewer's show, you got some very, very" <paused here as his brain went blank, just the usual> "well some great gifts, but also the most amazing price on the big Z".
When Shaun speaks, it raises a lot of questions.
Is it only the Monday watch shows that "all the regulars" are able to watch en masse?
Are "all the regulars" not able to watch en masse, the many, many, many IW watch shows on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday?
And if not who the hell is buying all the watches on those days then?
Are "the regulars" different from the "top collectors" cause were told on virtually all non Mondays watch shows that "all the top collectors" are here?
The "viewers show", is that a special show where viewers decide/get a say what on it etc?
I'm a viewer, why wasn't consulted, did i miss the survey, questionnaire or what?
You know I was having a fine day until those Peter Simon videos were posted, but since it's been a whole different story, had flash backs to the 70s and sneaking in to the cinema to see The Exorcist when we were still at school, Simon with that cross just brought back so many scary memories, stuff of nightmares i tell you.