Random musings and general banter.


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Moira C! I haven't caught sight of her on there for ages...she used to wear me out just watching her. She's not on there anywhere near as often as she was years ago, if she's still making the occasional appearance that is. At one time, it seemed every time you turned over - there she was, flying about the studio, the female version of Usain Bolt. And what happened to the Its-a-wrap trousers she used to sell? It looked like you had to be a contortionist to get them on (ooh, missus!), but they were probably comfortable once you did. Never will I forget turning the channel over and, for the first time, seeing her standing there with this piece of material round her, and suddenly her top half fell to the floor, she scooped up a loose piece of fabric and pulled it between her legs to create the trousers.....oh, how I laughed, nearly had to rush to the bathroom, it was hysterical....

His Mum, bless er, buys everything too, elizabeth grant stuff, woodland leather coat, bless er, goes on cruises with him, used eyesential, now tried fabulift, has some exercise stuff, even though she's in her seventies now, bless er, nutribullet, pans, comfort shoes, bless er, jerome alexander, linda lusardi, she loves that bless er, hair shampoo that IW sell at times, cos her hair's going a bit thin now she's in her seventies, bless er, MoiraC, his Mum's her No.1 fan.............and on it goes

I wonder if Shaun pays for it, or is his Mum minted?

Or is it all absolute bs? :mysmilie_59:
Moira C! I haven't caught sight of her on there for ages...she used to wear me out just watching her. She's not on there anywhere near as often as she was years ago, if she's still making the occasional appearance that is. At one time, it seemed every time you turned over - there she was, flying about the studio, the female version of Usain Bolt. And what happened to the Its-a-wrap trousers she used to sell? It looked like you had to be a contortionist to get them on (ooh, missus!), but they were probably comfortable once you did. Never will I forget turning the channel over and, for the first time, seeing her standing there with this piece of material round her, and suddenly her top half fell to the floor, she scooped up a loose piece of fabric and pulled it between her legs to create the trousers.....oh, how I laughed, nearly had to rush to the bathroom, it was hysterical....

I saw her last week on there, selling one bit of material and 'gifting' two more. She doesn't like the expression BOGOF :mysmilie_17:
But all please spare a thought for Shaun "absolutely" Ryan the man must never have any savings or makes a large absolute fortune working at IW, as he buys absolutely (he has me at this "absolutely" thing now also) all that IW flog, like today he is now having a Sanderson blind salesperson round as he needs new blinds, then he has just purchased not 1 but 2 Lumia lights..........

Shame though as he may never be able to see how good his new blinds look or how nice the lumia lights are as he is forever floating about on the seven seas on a cruise that funnily enough IW also flog.

In some ways he was the biggest beneficiary of the hiring of pervy pete and mike 'money man' mason as he is able to go under the radar so to speak.
How much longer do we all think Ideal are going to keep trying these pony 'deals' events? Surely it even has to be wearing thin with managment/the team who organise it?
"Join us for our festive flexi event......get exactly the same 12 products we always sell, but with us wearing a christmas hat"
"Join us for our Bank Holiday cowboy bonanza event.......get exactly the same 12 products we always sell, but with us wearing cowboy hats"
"Join us for spooktacular deals event........get exactly the same 12 products we ALWAYS sell, but with us wearing halloween masks and there is an odd spider or two dotted around set"
"Join us for fireworks boomtastic event......get EXACTLY the same 12 products we always sell, but we will make a completely lame-ass firework advert"
"Join us for get gifting event.......get exactly the same 12 products we always sell, but we'll decorate each set with a bow on the product and try and convince you the drill-all bits are great for your Nan"

I hear this next one is going to be called "Just buy it, have a buy" :p

Respect their viewers? I think not sir :(
Smelly is the word too if his opinions on Sexxxxxxxxxxxy shoo are anything to go by!! Having listened to him flog it many times on Bid, I saw it with an open tester in Sooperdrug and was really expecting it to be fantastic...... in all honestly, it smelled so bad it made me grimmace and suck air through my teeth, smelled a bit worse than the average fly killer :(

However, she adds, once thinking..... at least with Ideal Turd you can try it!! With Bid you couldn't take the shrink wrap off and test. Not that I will of course.
I'd love to know how Peter Sherlock made this one happen.

On my freeview program guide, it actually names him in the show title, like it is some kind of special event.

though to be fair... it is a special event, as I'm sure it will be chat fodder for a while.
Well the opening two minutes was vintage peter simon.

The words leaving his tongue, not only in the style of a Kincaid sale, not only in the style of a worry angel marathon.

Buy it, just buy it. These two together could build and run a bullshit factory and it would be glorious.
Smelly is the word too if his opinions on Sexxxxxxxxxxxy shoo are anything to go by!! Having listened to him flog it many times on Bid, I saw it with an open tester in Sooperdrug and was really expecting it to be fantastic...... in all honestly, it smelled so bad it made me grimmace and suck air through my teeth, smelled a bit worse than the average fly killer :(

However, she adds, once thinking..... at least with Ideal Turd you can try it!! With Bid you couldn't take the shrink wrap off and test. Not that I will of course.

The Sexy Shoo stuff was vile. They used to big it up as classy but it was cheap and nasty.
Well having just watched the Peter and Peter show (impressed that IW have a catch up service on their website), this was classic bid, let's have the clock back and the selling music (not to mention the attractive ladies)!

Will we see these two again? Well if they were telling the truth and 30% had gone within the first 12 minutes (and that's allowing for the 'intro') then that's £7,500 in turnover (not accounting for the phone call and assuming the initial stock was the 1000 they said). That's some good monies!
Anyone watch the 9pm launch of the new pick of the day? Joe (who must count as PP's dearest fan - NOT) and Peter getting overexcited about the rotisserie item guaranteed to gather dust on everyone's kitchen counter. PP ended the show (and maybe began it) dressed as a christmas cracker. Joe told him he looked like a cheap cracker missing its joke :mysmilie_11: Then he made him turn side-on and manipulated his cracker end to pull the sides back and said he looked like a cut-price Statue of Liberty :mysmilie_15:

I am always full of admiration of how adeptly Joe manages to get the upper hand with Peter, and is actually rather good at being rude to him and smiling at the same time. :mysmilie_59: PP should generally be glad that the products he is presenting with Joe do not include heavy cast-iron skillets and the like.... I bet he's tempted to really show PP what the product can do.
Yes you can tell Joe has no respect for PS (join the club Joe) and he obviously feels as we all do, that PP turns any hour he does into a campfest and laughing stock, so who can blame Joe for getting peed off, I remember PP stuck his finger in some ice cream (that's not a euphemism) that Joe just made and licked his fingers, Joe slammed a spoon in the table and spat out "Pete! Use this! while shaking his head............Joe is my hero.
Joe is a pro :mysmilie_12: He battles against all odds to try and keep on course and show the item to its full advantage, whilst being pelted with inuendo from Perv. (Why does he sing and twist and turn at every opportunity?).

I'd love one of these but I bet it's a biatch to clean.
Joe is a pro :mysmilie_12: He battles against all odds to try and keep on course and show the item to its full advantage, whilst being pelted with inuendo from Perv. (Why does he sing and twist and turn at every opportunity?).

I'd love one of these but I bet it's a biatch to clean.

PP makes Liberace look like Sylvester Stallone, with his sucking in of the cheeks (on his face, but who knows) and rolling of the eyes with that smirk that should put him on some sort of list, yes Joe certainly does well by not knocking the Perv flat on his arse.
I too must add to the joe lovefest.

He seems like a nice fella, genuinely nice as opposed to 'tv nice'

Personally not too keen on the other chef Paul.
I too must add to the joe lovefest.

He seems like a nice fella, genuinely nice as opposed to 'tv nice'

Personally not too keen on the other chef Paul.

Of the three "chefs" they use - Joe, William and Paul, I don't mind any of them... Joe is my favourite as I love his sense of humour...but Paul is seriously Mr Grumpy, isn't he?

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