Random musings and general banter.


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This forum needs a health warning! Nurse, triple my medication again today. I'm on that sick forum again!!
It could of course be a lot worse if he were to wear a pair of budgie smugglers :mysmilie_466:

that has just reminded me of Steve Whattley demonstrating his Zhuzh pick of the day, many moons ago, sat on the stairs ( on the set ), with his budgie smugglers on, but positioned to look as if he was naked! Not a pretty picture, as hubby put it, looking like an overcooked sausage!!
Saint Peter punting the Stuhrling Monaco gents watch with the guest presenter who worked in that huge famous London store.................Anyway Saint Peter giving the watch all the superlatives and buzz words about this amazing hand made watch just a snip at £130...........but hold up I swiftly checked online at comparisons and yip you've guessed it £95 within 15 seconds you could save £35!!

Also the guest watch expert Caroline seems to have went off last weeks watches very quick as apparetly now the Stuhrling watches are the best thing since sliced bread, oh ok I will take that advice on board thanks!:sleepy:

Ironically Saint Peter has just done the best cowboy impression while showing off his pocket watch!!! :movie:
that has just reminded me of Steve Whattley demonstrating his Zhuzh pick of the day, many moons ago, sat on the stairs ( on the set ), with his budgie smugglers on, but positioned to look as if he was naked! Not a pretty picture, as hubby put it, looking like an overcooked sausage!!

I am so glad I never saw that!!!!!
Adam, how can you say such things, when you can have the great pleasure of seeing Pope Pete wearing his lycra shorts and telling us all about the roll of fat around his stomach? Honestly, some people are never satisfied..

Idealworld obsessed with health and fitness the t.v version of the daily express. This channel has become very boring.
We all know Christmas is looming, in fact, 76 days away. Is it really necessary for Michael Mason to wear a bliddy santa hat in front of a sodding Christmas tree for the next 70 odd days??
We all know Christmas is looming, in fact, 76 days away. Is it really necessary for Michael Mason to wear a bliddy santa hat in front of a sodding Christmas tree for the next 70 odd days??

One with "D" on it is more fitting, and believable too.
But all please spare a thought for Shaun "absolutely" Ryan the man must never have any savings or makes a large absolute fortune working at IW, as he buys absolutely (he has me at this "absolutely" thing now also) all that IW flog, like today he is now having a Sanderson blind salesperson round as he needs new blinds, then he has just purchased not 1 but 2 Lumia lights..........

Shame though as he may never be able to see how good his new blinds look or how nice the lumia lights are as he is forever floating about on the seven seas on a cruise that funnily enough IW also flog.
But all please spare a thought for Shaun "absolutely" Ryan the man must never have any savings or makes a large absolute fortune working at IW, as he buys absolutely (he has me at this "absolutely" thing now also) all that IW flog, like today he is now having a Sanderson blind salesperson round as he needs new blinds, then he has just purchased not 1 but 2 Lumia lights..........

Shame though as he may never be able to see how good his new blinds look or how nice the lumia lights are as he is forever floating about on the seven seas on a cruise that funnily enough IW also flog.

His Mum, bless er, buys everything too, elizabeth grant stuff, woodland leather coat, bless er, goes on cruises with him, used eyesential, now tried fabulift, has some exercise stuff, even though she's in her seventies now, bless er, nutribullet, pans, comfort shoes, bless er, jerome alexander, linda lusardi, she loves that bless er, hair shampoo that IW sell at times, cos her hair's going a bit thin now she's in her seventies, bless er, MoiraC, his Mum's her No.1 fan.............and on it goes

I wonder if Shaun pays for it, or is his Mum minted?

Or is it all absolute bs? :mysmilie_59:

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