Random musings and general banter.


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Oh no they are selling the awful vibrapower, time to switch iw off for a few months. IW are predictable now. Between now and march it will be endless fitness and cleaning products. Becque is not fat u need to go bald paul becque your hair is appalling.
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Sally Jacks/Jax/Jaxxx is on now with some ''fabulous fashion'' as the epg calls it.

I assume that £13 for a 'Reflections 3/4 sleeve, printed dip hem top' is not bad, all things considered.... until you consider £4.99 will be added on to get it to your door.

I am sure that p&p is a money spinner for someone there.
Nanty is reminiscing of times gone by when his Dad used to take him cycling (of course he's shilling a no name Leccy Bike). But sadly the story took a predictable, in fact inevitable, turn for the worse.

Then he looked sad as he remembered his Dad's illness and the breathing problems he suffered from.

So 2017 starts just as 2016 ended, in the gutter. He has to be the most shameless stooge of all :mysmilie_59:
I think 2017 will remain down there with the fallen leaves,fag ends and dog s***.

Yip, there's no suggestion that things are going to improve is there?

In fact there's none because now we have 'Collectible Timepieces' with Tom from Scotland (his credentials are at best vague but he does says he loves watches) and SHREQUE.

It's just interminable isn't it? :mysmilie_59:
Another year of unidentifiable watches,fought over by the same old 'collectors'(who by now must almost be deafened by the combined ticking of the watches they have amassed) Radiators-now they'll tell us to buy all though Spring/Summer or else the stock will have gone by winter.Fitness equipment and the unpleasant wobbling flesh ,sweat patches and laboured breathing that accompanies the pressure on us to 'get fit' . Don't forget holiday season and the invitation to join Sean and mam on a luxury cruise . It's a fun packed year ahead alright but I don't reckon we'll see anything new.
Something I forgot to mention earlier, when Sally Jacks/Jax/Jaxxx was presenting the clothes, she told a tale about how she never got to go bargain hunting on boxing day... then immediately said that she did have a quick look in the shops and noticed that the products were at least four years old.

an IW presenter...saying someone elses merchandise was years old. My jaw dropped at the hypocrisy.
Thought it quite funny when shaun was on with the strange williams car guy who i think should be on the stage when shaun said his mam cleaned his car for him at xmas but it was ok because him and his other half bought her a meal hope he does not have a big 4x4 or his poor mam would be knackered
Thought it quite funny when shaun was on with the strange williams car guy who i think should be on the stage when shaun said his mam cleaned his car for him at xmas but it was ok because him and his other half bought her a meal hope he does not have a big 4x4 or his poor mam would be knackered

The poor old mare only seems good to clean his 'effin car and get given his hand me down Actifry.

I wonder if SIR DODDY FLUMP gets SHEILA FLUMP to clean his luxury, world renowned nutrionalsuperfoodist, celebrity apartment? :mysmilie_59:

Another year of unidentifiable watches,fought over by the same old 'collectors'(who by now must almost be deafened by the combined ticking of the watches they have amassed) Radiators-now they'll tell us to buy all though Spring/Summer or else the stock will have gone by winter.Fitness equipment and the unpleasant wobbling flesh ,sweat patches and laboured breathing that accompanies the pressure on us to 'get fit' . Don't forget holiday season and the invitation to join Sean and mam on a luxury cruise . It's a fun packed year ahead alright but I don't reckon we'll see anything new.

Don't forget the endless hoovers/cleaners to scoop up all the mess Pete, that's about your lot right there!
Thought it quite funny when shaun was on with the strange williams car guy who i think should be on the stage when shaun said his mam cleaned his car for him at xmas but it was ok because him and his other half bought her a meal hope he does not have a big 4x4 or his poor mam would be knackered

I can remember when he was doing a hedge cutter programme and he said he was buying the hedge cutter for his mam.Her old one was heavy to use.Implied she was doing all the work . Him and his other half are either lazy b*******or he's an absolute liar.
I was going to suggest a drinking game based around the most common phrase used this year so far during any keep fit shows. But realised we would all be alcoholics by the end of the day if we all took a sip every time "I truly believe...." was uttered :)
I actually enjoy their weekly designated 'craft' day as it means I get some selly telly time that isn't vibrapower or hoovers.
Whilst selling the Back Rola massage device, De Knees had the strangest concept of time EVER conceived by mankind; the mid point of an hour-long show is apparently "hardly any time at all" in terms of the show's overall duration when referring to stock level updates :mysmilie_59:
The poison penguin (Sally Jacks...she reminds me of the poison dwarf, but her nose profile reminds me of Danny Devitos penguin in Batman) is intolerable doing her shows, but much more so doing the keep fit stuff.

As is awful bald shouty Mike. Keeps barking at the screen that the only person who can decide to exercise is "you" then does everything he can to try and force you into deciding :mysmilie_51:
Hello. I'm happy to say that at 10:00 pm tonight we have 'The Thomas Kinkade Collection'.

Apparently SHREQUE will be presenting but the 'expert' will be Poo Poo lookalike, Pee Pee Gary Schaffer, who we've seen previously shilling (plastic) Rattan Garden Furniture.

Last time he was on we were told he was a 'Garden Architect', I wonder what he is now?

Anyway, we don't want Pee Pee. We want LISA BRASH :mysmilie_59:

So apparently Pee Pee is now an 'Artist'.

Does that mean he takes Artistic Licence?

What a schlock :mysmilie_15:

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