Random musings and general banter.


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I think he has Muriel Tourette’s Syndrome, Muttley. It is so ingrained in him, he has to keep on repeating his…er…her name more or less constantly when reading out the made up nam…er customer buyer lists each show. You can see him sitting alone in a dusty, darkened room, rocking slowly in a dog-bitten old wooden chair, in a Tamsy tent, and a long grey wig…Checking one dirty old wall against the other. Although he’s not comparing them.
I'm never going to get that image out of my brain. For some reason I'm thinking of the movie Psycho...
He’s “Just Sayin’.” He’s “Not Comparin’.” Interpreted into English, I assume he means he is just sayin’ the £49.99 Deadbody Bag he is hawking is similar to a very expensive ‘fashionista’ bag costing hundreds more, but he isn’t just sayin’ that to compare.. He is actually just sayin’ by not comparing to then compare? Is that clear?
Are people really any more fulfilled in life because they display a designer label on an item of clothing? Superficially maybe, but deep inside, emotionally? We all still face illness, bereavement and ultimately our own deaths despite what it says on our feet.
Geez, keep it light, Duke! 😲

If watching shopping TV didn't make it bad enough to make me want to top myself, those comments reminding me of my visibly impending ageing and mortality don't help! 😳

Ha, "their judgement cometh and that right soon".
In jest... 📺😜
On Talksport yesterday, they were discussing, if the kids of Today, Would rather play for a Middle of Road Premier League Side bar the Top 6, or being a YouTuber/Social Media Star.

They got mainly Teens to call in, Most perfered to become a Social Media Star
Hello fellow TalkSport listener. @Jazzydrury

When the grinding depressing news, or talk channels get too downbeat and I'm not in the mood for music, I listen to TalkSport to hear about the manager merry go-round and rumours of transfers news. While I'm not a massive footie fan, but keep tabs on it and enjoy MotD or highlights and follow a team or two.

The funny bits on Hawksby & Jacobs, clips of the week, are amusing.
Now listening to Alan Brazil and Mike Parry on Talk Sport was one way of finding illness, bereavement and death a lot less depressing. Agreed…Hawksbee and Jacobs are a good listen. Not that I’ve heard them since the early 2000s..
Aw Gawd he's on about the streaming damp and condensation running down his windows. He puts tea towels down to soak up the damp. I can remember my mother having the same problems when I was a child, mostly in the bedrooms in the winter. Once we had double glazing installed, the problem disappeared. He really does paint a picture of domestic bliss.
Now listening to Alan Brazil and Mike Parry on Talk Sport was one way of finding illness, bereavement and death a lot less depressing. Agreed…Hawksbee and Jacobs are a good listen. Not that I’ve heard them since the early 2000s..
Paul Hawksbee Is still on Monday to Friday, Andy Jacobs, Does a 3 day week now.

Even though they still have Jeff Stelling, Alan Brazil. Jim White, Simon Jordan and Andy Goldstein and Jason Cundy and Max Rushden working for them, Some of there presenters are now influencers.

Also like to watch SSN. but even a lot of there presenters, seem to come from the local work experience office these days
Because I don't watch enough Shopping TV to comment, I haven't posted much on here. As someone who lives with a treatment resistant mental illness, working part time and caring for my dad. I either get bored of watching after 10 minutes maximum, or it stresses me listening to all the BS and I have to turn off for my own wellbeing. It's not necessary for me to watch, all I have to do is read the forum to ensure that nothing has changed. I was compelled to respond to something I had read.

You may not be a right winger, but you are repeating many of the things you can read in the comment sections of the Daily Mail, Talk TV and GB News. It's common for Tories and right-wingers to portray an 'enemy'. Wether it's socialism, the sick, the unemployed, disabled, vulnerable, immigrants, protesters, etc., they need to have an enemy to focus on. Yes, some people on benefits make poor choices on how they spend their money, you might not like it, but they are allowed to spend their benefit money how they choose. The majority of their luxury purchases will be made through credit, meaning they can buy now and pay later, which is a common practice in all countries. The problem is not with the people, it's with the capalist materialistic world we live in. When Ideal World went bankrupt, there was a debt of nearly £2.9 million in unpaid flexi payments, along with all the supplier debts they owed. The daily pressure to buy now and pay later is demonstrated by this. If that is the only way to keep up with the Jones's, the vast majority of people are going to do it, this also applies to working people with 2 cars on HP, a morgage on a house they can't really afford, credit cards maxed out.

I am from a single parent family. I went to school in the 1980s. My mum couldn't really afford to buy designer clothing for me, but she did because I already got bulied for been the only kid from a single parent family in my class, and 1 of just 3 in my whole year. She didn't want me to get bullied even more for not having designer trainers or anything like that. She would get my stuff from her catalouges. Lots of people in this country, and probably most of the western world has become obsessed with designer clothing and footwear due to daily pressures from social media, influencers, celebrities' fashion choices, even our friends, our peers, and mass-consumption. It is a wider reflection of society's obsession with branded goods and consumer culture of buy now pay later.
I’m sorry, but I disagree, and there’s lots of good psychological work showing that what you say in your second paragraph is the opposite of the case. Left wingers, because they self-define as ‘good’ often regard people from the right of centre as ‘other’ and hence bad. Additionally they are far more likely to refuse to listen to the views of the centre right, to treat those views thoughtfully, or to consider or even change their views in the light of evidence (The social psychologist Haight discusses this in ‘The righteous mind’, for just one example). Note that he was, himself, a socialist when he wrote and researched the book.
People on the centre-right (I’d like to exclude extremists on both sides, because extremism of any kind should be anathema to any civil society) were found to be more likely to listen, to evaluate, to discuss- and to change their view if persuaded.

Sorry to contradict you, but having, as a young man, studied psychology to doctorate level (I don’t practice now because I can’t get about - I opened a small shop repairing watches in my town’s high street, above a Greggs!), I couldn’t just let such a misunderstanding be perpetuated. For reference, I come from a dirt poor council estate family. My father was born in a ‘common lodging house’ next to a barracks- so essentially a brothel, and my mum lost an eye in a cotton mill.
I would see myself as firmly in the centre, but tending slightly to the left. What I don’t do, though, is to use tropes about ‘daily mail readers’ (it has the most page views of any news site, worldwide, I believe). Nor would i entertain comments about the other side, the ‘socialist worker’ readers.
We are all individuals, we all have our hopes, dreams and challenges, and deserve to be treated with kindness and understanding, where possible.
And no, I don’t have two cars, I have one, and I find IW3s sales techniques deplorable. I don’t regard it as capitalism - I regard it as criminal.

And that’s my own Ted Talk done!
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Do you reckon that PS uses that pet grooming brush on his hair?
In a way, I think he cajoles Volauvant into a bit of play acting, brushes Vols hair, then removes it and sticks it on his own head when he goes the lavvy.

I noticed he makes a big thing of how it collects the hair in a neat circle as if he's had much practice. I wouldn't be surprised if he wears 'our Josh' up there some days.

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