Random musings and general banter.


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There was more structure growing up in the 1970s and the 1980s as I did. Things were generally simpler then. There was none of this relentless social media type pressure that young people often face today, which also can extend the unpleasantness and the fear of bullying from beyond the school playground to the tablet or phone screen in the bedroom at home.

Back then, boundaries were clearer, you knew where you stood more clearly in terms of how you were expected to live your life. You weren’t being bombarded with aspirations of what you should be doing, how you should look and behave from a phone screen. The shops shut at a certain time, as did the pubs. You couldn’t buy booze easily or at all 24/7 like today. There wasn’t a 24 hour relentless society like there is now. If you wanted to see or talk to a friend you saw them in person, or you rang them. Then, if a friend was in emotional difficulty, for example, you went to see them to give them some support. Nowadays, you send them an emoticon.
In the 1960s we children were happy to believe that all problems would be solved by hi tec in the space age. Major diseases would be wiped out. Mass communication would blow away ignorance and misunderstanding. Mankind would get together and save the planet. And when the cold war ended this seemed to be coming true. There was a peace dividend.

The icing on this cake was the Internet. If we had been told way back that one day there would exist a giant brain which could answer any question instantly and be available to virtually everyone everywhere we'd have thought wow what a boon to human kind. Free unlimited education and knowledge.

I don't know about you but I see more ignorance around today than ever before. People believe all sorts of whacky theories and conspiracies. Instead of opening minds it has filled them with junk which gets repeated back to them constantly after they get stuck in a bubble. There is often a mob mentality and lack of tolerance on social media.

The pressure to maintain a presence online and to present a perfect life is overwhelming. Look at me I'm wearing designer clothes, I'm travelling the world, I'm eating the best food, my kids are wonderful, don't you wish you were me?
To quote Rigsby, "stop the world I want to get off."
He is a truly awful presenter. This is excruciating. Check out Chloe’s presentation on TJC, a world of difference. If he says Chanel-ez one more time I’ll scream. And he’s been selling these for 20 years, lying toad.
Haven't watched it but I imagine the spiel was the same as he had for the plazzy bags last week. He's a sh1t presenter and has been for the last 40 years!
Mike M was selling a leather bag the other night and of course he brought up Italian versions that cost thousands. He then said this of the bag they were selling for £60 ...

Put one of their labels on this and it would sell for thousands

Eh? What?!? The inference being the IW product was on a par quality wise with much more expensive branded products. Surely the only way to make such a claim (with foundation) would be to see the IW bag beside a branded expensive one and to compare. The leather, the stitching, zip quality, the attention to detail.

I'm not defending brands btw, no doubt some of them aren't great quality wise and yes, they rely on the badge. However I'd hazard a guess many (most?) Italian designer bags selling for thousands will be better quality wise than the £60 IW offering ;)
On balance, I'm SOooo pleased I grew up in an era without social media. Actually, it didn't really start to become a thing until I was in my 30s, which I'm equally pleased about. It might have been nice to have the ability to take pics and videos back then as easy as it is now, however even that could have brought its own challenges I suppose.
I was in my 60s when social media became a thing. I remember one of my younger colleagues coming into work one morning in tears because one of her friends had defriended her on Facebook. The silliest thing was her friend actually lived three doors up the street from her. So I suggested that perhaps she should just knock on the door on the way home to see what had happened. She looked at me aghast as if I was mad. mind you she did come in the next morning and say she had visited her friend who hit the button by mistake and defriended her. She seemed to live her life on social media.
In the 1960s we children were happy to believe that all problems would be solved by hi tec in the space age. Major diseases would be wiped out. Mass communication would blow away ignorance and misunderstanding. Mankind would get together and save the planet. And when the cold war ended this seemed to be coming true. There was a peace dividend.

The icing on this cake was the Internet. If we had been told way back that one day there would exist a giant brain which could answer any question instantly and be available to virtually everyone everywhere we'd have thought wow what a boon to human kind. Free unlimited education and knowledge.

I don't know about you but I see more ignorance around today than ever before. People believe all sorts of whacky theories and conspiracies. Instead of opening minds it has filled them with junk which gets repeated back to them constantly after they get stuck in a bubble. There is often a mob mentality and lack of tolerance on social media.

The pressure to maintain a presence online and to present a perfect life is overwhelming. Look at me I'm wearing designer clothes, I'm travelling the world, I'm eating the best food, my kids are wonderful, don't you wish you were me?
To quote Rigsby, "stop the world I want to get off."
How true. I think my priorities differ so much from all the, ell basically the crap on SM. I’m just grateful when I get up in the morning that everything body wise seems to be working🤣.
On balance, I'm SOooo pleased I grew up in an era without social media. Actually, it didn't really start to become a thing until I was in my 30s, which I'm equally pleased about. It might have been nice to have the ability to take pics and videos back then as easy as it is now, however even that could have brought its own challenges I suppose.
Agree about social media. I'm a fan of technology when it makes my life easier. I can book theatre tickets, check trains are on time, check whether shopping telly presenters are telling the truth on prices (usually not) just with a few clicks. Don't even have to get off the sofa.

But social media is different. It was bad enough in my day if you didn't conform to what was expected by other teenagers. But to have this pressure around you 24/7 must affect their mental health, photos of what you are expected to look like and things like cyber bullying.

Sites like Facebook are good to keep in touch and to find old friends but I never post on it and rarely look at it. I use WhatsApp to communicate individually or in a select group of people.

Finally, to make you smile, here's a quote from Thomas Watson of IBM from 1943 "I think there's a world market for maybe 5 computers"...
She must have heard you. He can’t stop mentioning him..er..her now.
Duke, are you suggesting that Muriel doesn't exist? Disgraceful cynicism. She must exist because 'she' created 'her' own thread which proves she exists. Obviously that wasn't Peter himself (or Our Bet/Bert) creating the account themselves🤔 (that's assuming they exist as well, this is getting confusing...)
I was in my 60s when social media became a thing. I remember one of my younger colleagues coming into work one morning in tears because one of her friends had defriended her on Facebook. The silliest thing was her friend actually lived three doors up the street from her. So I suggested that perhaps she should just knock on the door on the way home to see what had happened. She looked at me aghast as if I was mad. mind you she did come in the next morning and say she had visited her friend who hit the button by mistake and defriended her. She seemed to live her life on social media.
I have witnessed perfectly sensible people become depressed because a FB post didn't get the number of expected likes. Am I not as popular as I was? Strikes me as a sad way to measure success.

Presumably the likes of Mason and Jacks get a fair amount of feedback via email or text which boosts their considerable egos. Show offs do need an audience however limited.
Do you reckon that PS uses that pet grooming brush on his hair?
Don't know but there's a hair, possibly one of his, on that £100 bottle of ARMAF!

He is in poetic mode and talking utter tosh "this bottle contains your own essence as well as your destiny."

Tracy's in. Sharon won't be far behind. Jennifer, Joan and a whole host of obsolete names which nobody calls their children any more.
Duke, are you suggesting that Muriel doesn't exist? Disgraceful cynicism. She must exist because 'she' created 'her' own thread which proves she exists. Obviously that wasn't Peter himself (or Our Bet/Bert) creating the account themselves🤔 (that's assuming they exist as well, this is getting confusing...)
I think he has Muriel Tourette’s Syndrome, Muttley. It is so ingrained in him, he has to keep on repeating his…er…her name more or less constantly when reading out the made up nam…er customer buyer lists each show. You can see him sitting alone in a dusty, darkened room, rocking slowly in a dog-bitten old wooden chair, in a Tamsy tent, a long grey wig and elasticated stockings (him, not the chair). Checking one dirty old wall against the other. Although he’s not comparing them.

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