You will notice when they put it on full power that the battery charge on the digital screen starts to decrease and the camera quickly pans away. The other night, while Mark was selling it at 10pm, I caught sight of it.
Couldn’t she just suck it up through her mouth rather than waste vacuum power? How much longer to endure of her? An hour and thirty? Your toenails pulled out without an anaesthetic is preferable. REDDIE???
I‘m watching with no sound. I could do with a nice bit of cold weather scaremongering now. I’m sure she won’t let me down. Freezing to death in our bedsits is probably quite a nice theme to progress on. Where do we get that awning she is wearing. It will come in handy for the camper van.
Nice to see Bet Lynch as the guest. Selling Via…Filogra? Jacks: “I‘d like to ask you a question, Bet..But I’ll provide the question and the answer…you, shut up…”
Foghorn says not checking out your baskets on Ideal World is like being in M&S and not paying for your goods immediately- somebody could take the goods out of your basket and you could lose them… Really? Just really??
Here comes Walter…Spare us your ghastly bladder problems and get on with hawking tat. Oh no…its the £10 vacuum again…Just going to aim my hoop…OKAY….RIGHT…OKAY…RIGHT…OKAY…OKAY…OKAY…Ali is going to buy these…She stands between my house and next door, OKAY?