Random musings and general banter.


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Has the lead singer from The Stone Roses started a nursery?
I think he said that the guy called Martin is the gardening expert in the mail on Sunday.

The other day, I watched Andy's gardening show on TJC. He had some black lily lania on sale. If I had a nice garden, I would have bought some directly from your garden for £9.99, rather than the £19.99 TJC was charging.
:)Just to clarify my original comment for anyone reading: I did mean glucosamine supplementation. I’m aware the body makes it and needs the stuff. The odd trial here and there shows small benefits, and plenty of people swear by it, but when test in controlled situations where other factors are ruled out and accounted for, and in specific situations with certain claimed conditions, it’s often shown to do less than placebo or on par with it.

av a buy.
Totally agree - to clarify, I was agreeing with what you were saying originally
I think there is quite a lot of venom at work. Clearly the forum is read by many linked to the channel, and if you assume Paz is at times Mason (or some IW ID for several people) it’s caused an undercurrent of bad feeling at the channel. Those bitter exchanges involving that ID yesterday were compulsive reading, but at the same time, not what most of us (I suspect) come here for, which I think is to have a laugh about the genre in general, and also to call out the many bad selling techniques on this doppelgänger version of what used to be a decent enough channel for quite a number of years. Most of us, I feel, are just sad to see what the name has gone from in the mid-2000s to the early 2010s to the circus it is now. The use of Hammy’s name (and others‘) as has been said before, has an unpleasant edge to it behind the ‘avin’ a laugh with us, front it purports to portray.
Spot on. I always considered this thread a mine of quality taking-the-piss, with just cause. And IW is a disgrace: there's no getting away from it. They both deserve to have it ripped, and have their sharp practice pointed out whenever it happens. They clearly don't like that.
That 2.5 hours was a pleasant change, I guess. Now returning to selling the plethora of cheaply made, but overpriced garbage they have in stock, which you can almost always find cheaper elsewhere after a quick search on the internet.
He is using all his years of acting experience to teach drama to kids now, and must do this to keep some money flowing in, as I imagine the demand isn't always there for the classes because of parents fi
I really don’t know enough about electricity costs in relation to individual items. They are espousing regularly when they sell these portable heaters - don’t heat your house, heat yourself. Nice slogan, but do you really save money using one of these things over using your radiators? I wonder how many of these shopping television presenters sit in one room in an centrally unheated house, by using a fan heater to save money? And do you…save money? Whereas, if you had a smaller property and had the central heating on in your living room, and also in your bedroom, that’s two rooms kept consistently warm – rather than taking the fan heater to an already cold room, and then having to use that to warm it up. They also fail to mention that most people who have radiators in a property have the facility to turn radiators down, or completely off in the rooms they are not using at the time.
Those women’s sunglasses are comically appalling on a man. Are they seriously implying a man would want to wear those? Again, why don’t they tell you where the direct comparison or the indirect comparison comes from in terms of the rival retailer? Constant smoke and mirrors.
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Using a fan heater is a viable option for heating a room for an hour or two. However, if you're working all day in the room and running it all day, it will not be as cost-effective.
This is probably suitable for a quick burst of heat, because fan heaters give off short-term heat so you feel the benefit almost immediately, but once you switch it off the heat will disappear.

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