Random musings and general banter.


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I used to rate Peter Simon and Mike Mason the same, but since the channel relaunched, Peter Simon is in a league of his own, and not a good one
You know I was watching Peter Simon in a YouTube window and in another I had 'the lonely man' by Joe Harnell - the sad piano theme for the 70s and 80s Incredible Hulk TV series. And you know what, it fits so well. I have the volume low as if it is underscore music. Yes I am easily amused.
The sodding bikes again, you know the ones that were in single figures last week.

They must've had e-mails and begged and borrowed to get their hands on a bit more stock but that's it, once its gone its gone…

…until they get another imaginary e-mail and magically get some more stock, rinse and repeat.
Sneezy Panda will live in infamy.

Related to Sneezy Panda — I really should go back and record the incident while it's on the replay as 'twas amusing — Mike said (as he often does) something like "I've been getting so many emails about Sneezy Panda asking 'oh mike when you getting that back, I miss out and I want one?'"…

Where do people get Mike's personal email from? Cos the IW doesn't list one. And what sort of viewer e-mails the presenter to ask about stock rather than the company folks, given the presenters aren't in control of the what and when's?

It's almost like it's all made up.

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