Random musings and general banter.


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They are going to lose some of their C&C customers if they carry on with this load of tosh being shown on the Craft Channel as I am not interested in their ‘Healthier Choices’ or in Dean Wilson talking himself up instead of allowing the guests to talk through their demos instead of having to shut up while he waffles on about his doings. Bet there are others switching off too.
Heard Adam and Yannis say many times it wouldn’t interrupt the craft hours and it is
Heard Adam and Yannis say many times it wouldn’t interrupt the craft hours and it is

I wonder if they meant to say the live craft hours won't be affected, but any repeats on the main channel and of course the repeats on craft extra will be. ;)

They are out to make money, suddenly an opportunity in the marketplace has opened up, and way more money to be made in non craft stuff, if successful with shop extra could see the channels swapping epg positions in the future.
It's the same folks that make the Blue Magic, they also make cleaning stuff for Beldray, Kleeneze etc.

Oh thanks. Thought it was an airfryer maker, but no, the genie is a cleaning product for airfryers, I think.

Must have been thinking of Instant Brands, airfryers and other kit, also in financial trouble.
Well, i’m doing this from memory, but I seem to recall there was some issue with the Royal Mint in that year and only a few of the 1933 pennies were ever made. As kids back in the late ‘60s, we always used to look through our pennies to see whether a 1933 one was amongst them. Genuine articles are worth a fortune.
I wonder if Hochanda were ever interested in buying both in 2022

I doubt it, they would only have inherited a load of debt. If IW had any physical assets like owned their warehouse, studios, land etc, then they might have been worth trying to save, but as they had no real assets then all you are buying is a failing brand name with big debts and no assets.
By the looks of their accounts Hochanda aren't making money at the moment, they are paying off loans (loans were maybe to purchase create and craft) so doubt they would have had the enough financial clout to try and mount a rescue mission of the main IW business. Makes more sense, letting IW die off and starting your own channel, although i question their wisdom in choosing former IW presenters and products to be on the channel, might find themselves being in contact with ASA a lot more. ;)
I doubt it, they would only have inherited a load of debt. If IW had any physical assets like owned their warehouse, studios, land etc, then they might have been worth trying to save, but as they had no real assets then all you are buying is a failing brand name with big debts and no assets.
By the looks of their accounts Hochanda aren't making money at the moment, they are paying off loans (loans were maybe to purchase create and craft) so doubt they would have had the enough financial clout to try and mount a rescue mission of the main IW business. Makes more sense, letting IW die off and starting your own channel, although i question their wisdom in choosing former IW presenters and products to be on the channel, might find themselves being in contact with ASA a lot more. ;)
I think it’s more to do with Paul Wright and Val Kaye setting up Ideal World in the first place, They would have given Sean Ryan and Dennice Robinson there chance
Well, i’m doing this from memory, but I seem to recall there was some issue with the Royal Mint in that year and only a few of the 1933 pennies were ever made. As kids back in the late ‘60s, we always used to look through our pennies to see whether a 1933 one was amongst them. Genuine articles are worth a fortune.
Ahhh, they didn't make any that year due to a surplus, except official master copies and for 3 new buildings as a tradition:
Didn’t Create & Craft run as a separate channel alongside Ideal World when both were joint owned. Can’t they just acquire either a second channel number, or run access to the new shopping channel via a red button system a la QVC? Surely that way the crafters are kept happy with the same level of crafting shows, along with the more general goods viewers?
Create and Craft should be careful they will destroy their loyal following,by allowing non crafting items to start appearing,they obviously don’t want it.
Shop extra with dirty den should be kept separate,otherwise gradually create and craft will disappear.
They really think they can swan back in with cheesy grins on their smug faces,your former customers are still fighting to get their money back.
Do you feel concerned for them?
Any apology?
No I thought not!
Absolutely a waste of space.
Didn’t Create & Craft run as a separate channel alongside Ideal World when both were joint owned. Can’t they just acquire either a second channel number, or run access to the new shopping channel via a red button system a la QVC? Surely that way the crafters are kept happy with the same level of crafting shows, along with the more general goods viewers?

Space on freeview is a premium, so even if they wanted to it may not be an option.

While it's easier on other platforms to get channel space, cost is also a factor, it may be too high especially if the new shop extra ends up being a disaster from the get go.
I think it’s more to do with Paul Wright and Val Kaye setting up Ideal World in the first place, They would have given Sean Ryan and Dennice Robinson there chance

Just been doing a cursory look at these two, and while they've made money by the looks of it, they have there mits into other revenue streams, they ain't exactly been successful in running TV shopping channels. Maybe i'm reading things wrong, but seems they've start stuff, make a quick buck then **** hits the fan.

The Original Ideal shopping Direct, seems to have had money problems (even back in the early days) on numerous occassions before it's ultimate demise.

Hochanda TV went into liquidation, before a reinvented Hochanda Global was born.

V.Kaye been involve in 33 businesses - 23 either liquidated or dissolved, another 7 still active but resigned from. (Getting an Antoni Fields vibe here ;))
P.Wright been involved in just 15 - 10 Liquidated or dissolved.

Strangely both are listed twice on companies house, her second listing has her as involved with 5 businesses, his second listing only has him involved in one company Honchanda Global, maybe that's a Companies house glitch.
I think whatever way you look at it, the shopping television industry is not a long-term business model. At present there are still a lot of people to fit in the target market. People probably aged from their mid-50s, not very tech-savvie and not very brand or price aware. You only have to look at the reviews on a channel like QVC and the contributors age range is usually always 65 and beyond. In 20 years time, facing the hard facts of live, the majority of that customer profile and us observers will be gone.

Young people, just don’t shop that way anymore. They don’t want to have to wait for their goods to be delivered when the shopping channel chooses to deliver them. They want access to what they want to buy instantly, and not have to wait for a half anhour of other items being shown before they see them. They want to be actively involved in the ordering process and to manage their order effectively after they made it. Ideal World thought that they could appeal to a younger audience with some of the more recent fashion shows and other ‘yoof’ related products. We all know what happened to them. I would strongly suspect that shopping television as we know it within the next couple of decades or so will be something looked back on with nostalgia. Similar to Prestel and Oracle, and playing our music on cassette.
On Sky Create and Craft do have 2 channels one being Create and Craft, and then Craft Extra, which will be the home to Shop Extra between 6pm and 10pm, and then on Create and Craft from 10pm, when Crafting ends for the day

Think the issues with some people, it doesn’t bother me, but it’s been the odd trial hour, which I think in total has been 3, To Piranha hours, and a Cooking one yesterday
It's no surprise these channels go heavy on the use of certain selling techniques. Things like driving home the message of family, friendship and fun. Putting up the names of people who have bought on screen or giving verbal name checks, saying 'congratulations' etc. And if you were paid to defend selly telly, they're by no means the only selling medium to employ whatever techniques they can to create an illusion of family.

You then get into the psychology of it from the viewer perspective. If you're wired a certain way you a) buy into the guff and b) have a desire to please the salesperson and the company they represent. All jokes aside and as we touch on in this forum, some viewers will genuinely believe they are part of a family of sorts so to them, buying buying and buying again is the right thing to do. The salesperson / company has achieved its objective, it 'has them.' Some of these viewers will genuinely believe it's their duty to start buying again from IW mkII as part of the 'family.'

Just one example. I recorded the Simon Iles demo show on C&C a couple of weeks back. I think he demo'd 3 different products. At one point the presenter on with Simon read out a text/email that had come in. It was along the lines of 'Julie is really pleased to see you back Simon and has bought all 3 products!' Followed by the obligatory 'well done Julie!!' comments.

Now it's possible maybe even probable that the viewer didn't need all 3 products, if indeed any of them. However they bought all 3. They've played their part in this dubious friendship and in return they get a pat on the head and a faux smile.

It's the psychology of sales and indeed other interactions between humans. And one thing selly telly can't be accused of is not knowing how to exploit these techniques to the max. I've always been thankful that I'm not wired that way. If I like something I'll buy it. If I don't (or of I don't really need it) no amount of faux friendship will make me part with my cash. It's the people who are wired differently that I have some sympathy with.

I remember on tv a year or so back watching one of these progs about compulsive buyers and hoarders. One story was an older woman who had passed away. In her home they found piles upon piles of unopened stuff bought from a crafting channel. No doubt to the channel she was a great customer ...

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