Random musings and banter on TV


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I cannot stand Pointless, bores the hell out of me.

I have tried a few times to get into it, but I just find myself changes channels.

A Place In The Sun, now I know someone who sold her apartment in Spain on it. She then bought a new build and got it done to her specs.
But the endless Spanish shows, it is just like the same damn apartment or house each show. They look all the ****** same. They film in the winter so it is quiet, and the pool is empty, but it is shared by say only 20 other apartments does not mean only 20 people no could be 3 or 4 people in each not just 1 or 2!

The French or Italian are so much better.

There's a half decent 25-30 minute game show in Pointless IMO but they spoil it by unnecessarily dragging it out to 45 minutes so I hardly ever watch it. The waffle between the rounds (and sometimes even in the middle of a round) drives me round the bend. It's ridiculous.
Bargain hunt is another great favourite of mine as I am a bit of a moaner there are bits that irriate/annoy me. Firstly it's the formulaic ***** they go through at the start of each show. "What do you need?" - Money "What else do you need"? - An expert! And what do our teams want in their expert? the answers are always the same, some one who'll give us good advice (No $hit Sherlock!) someone who's a good laugh, then the expert leaps out from behind a rack of clothes or something and the contestants whoop with delight. What annoys me most is the way they show clips of the auction so we know whether whether or not the contestant wins a golden gavel or not before the show's even started. The educational bit in the middle can be a bit dull at times but I generally enjoy the show! I would love to have a go on that show it looks so much fun and I would make sure whatever I bought was beautiful, useable or wearable - Some of the stuff the contestants buy is no use to man nor beast!
It's not for the contestants, it's for the banter between the celebs ;) Haven't seen it since Lilly Savage was on: if it's still on. And if not, who would really want, as a prize, a blankety blank cheque book and pen :p I expect I've just shown my age: Terry Wogan and Les Dawson.
I was in the audience for 2 of the Lily Savage ones, someone from work got a load of free tickets, it was filmed around White City so not far for me getting home.

It was good fun but I can't remember who any of the celebs were! It was a very long time ago but I think they were all very minor celebs. I think someone from the TV show Gladiators was on it.

Didn't know it was still on. I think the presenters treated the prizes as quite naff, Terry Wogan had a great demeanor for it and didn't take it seriously. Les Dawson was brilliant with his deadpan demeanour. Lily had a similar style but was more sarcastic.

I've seen the occasional clip when I've been channel hopping but it's not one I watch today. But I really liked it at the time.

Regarding your comment about thick contestants, my slight defence of them is that I would say the stupidest thing if I was on a TV quiz show😂😂😂. Things I totally wouldn't say while watching at home!
We always thought Larry Grayson was the best host on the Generation Game.
Couldn't agree more, he was brilliant! I liked it when he had to join in some marching with a military band, or dance a Scottish reel and he would get it wrong🤣.

I remember at the time he was considered a poor replacement after Bruce Forsythe but they just had a totally different presenting style.

And Larry's looks to camera, "seems like a nice boy"🤣
I know a lot of people sneer at channel 5 but it's one of my go to channels as they do some good documentaries and I love those programmes about the scandals of the 1970's, they do a lot that looks back at the not so distant past. I know all the taking heads are annoying but I realise they have to do that as they wouldn't be able to use the footage otherwise, I know there's some legal reason. The only soap I watch is corrie but that's gotten too dark and depressing, too many baddies and illnesses I preferred it when the biggest hoo har was Deirdre/Mike/Ken's love triangle. Literally every character on the street has spent time in prison for one reason or another it's ridiculous!
I like Channel 5 mainly for the travelogue programmes, Michael Palin in Korea, Susan Calman's days out and cruise programmes.

Gives me ideas for days out or weekend breaks (not North Korea!). I did my first cruise last year so those programmes really helped me.

Documentaries are good, and I like the look back on popular TV series of the 70s, they're usually 90 mins. I can always find things to watch on the catch up channel (or the C5 i-player as I call it!)
I've been watching reruns of Little Britain and I've literally been splitting my sides laughing and tbh I don't remember laughing so much when it came out originally, of course it now comes with a warning that it contains offensive material. It's so out of line with today's wokery literally nothing is off limits - It's so bliddy wrong it's right!
I've been watching reruns of Little Britain and I've literally been splitting my sides laughing and tbh I don't remember laughing so much when it came out originally, of course it now comes with a warning that it contains offensive material. It's so out of line with today's wokery literally nothing is off limits - It's so bliddy wrong it's right!
I used to like the regular sketches of the politician (David Walliams) giving an innocent explanation for something dodgy he's been caught doing, always a sex act with another man. His head was innocently near the man's groin etc😂.

The funniest bit was the character would have his respectable family around him, so Matt Lucas was there in a blonde wig in a bob and wearing a slightly frumpy floral dress! So realistic.

And don't get me started on Lou and Andy, Matt Lucas' character pretending to be disabled and when his kind friend went off to get him an ice cream he would run off and do a dangerous stunt😂😂😂.
I couldn't be further from a millionaire if I tried, but seriously, 'today' a million goes nowhere. 'Maybe' a house and a car, if you're lucky, but probably just a house (obviously dependent on location). So, how on earth does anyone expect to make £1000 go anywhere. Holiday with some decent souvenirs, and that's being generous. Granted, you'd have to be a fool to turn down any amount of money, but still.
I haven't watched it for ages, but Alexander Armstrong used to make such a big deal of telling the contestant they'd won £1,000! OK, it's still money, but hardly going to change your life.
FGS! Watching Tenable right now and they've got a full team at the end and they chose board games as the final subject, all they had to do is list 10 properties on the Monopoly board that end in either E, N or D (stations excluded) Wow how easy is that? BUT the majority of the team had never played it before so had no idea and the two people who had only managed to scrape 3 answers between them! I mean it's not 'cause they're thick or anything like that but I was just surprised that 5 people hadn't got a clue on such an iconic game. Yes ok there were a few that I had to give a little thought to but I could've sailed through that board on my own and the last time I played that game I was in my early teens! I know it's not their fault but I'm still shocked - Love it or hate it, it's in our psyche! Back to Pointless, by Jeez aren't the subjects to choose from at the end, obscure and then some, Belgian Jazz for example. Though I loved it when finally somebody picked off the "rare breeds of poultry" as they knew it came up regularly so they boned up on the subject and won the jackpot! I know that the final isn't supposed to be easy but at times you look at the categories and think nobody stands an effing chance!
Couldn't agree more, he was brilliant! I liked it when he had to join in some marching with a military band, or dance a Scottish reel and he would get it wrong🤣.

I remember at the time he was considered a poor replacement after Bruce Forsythe but they just had a totally different presenting style.

And Larry's looks to camera, "seems like a nice boy"🤣
He was wonderful I always liked him imo he was much better than Brucie.
I wasn't a fan of Brucie he would say things that could be taken as being a bit mean.
I think after a couple of shows people changed their opinion.
I'm going to have to see if I can find any shows.
I used to like the regular sketches of the politician (David Walliams) giving an innocent explanation for something dodgy he's been caught doing, always a sex act with another man. His head was innocently near the man's groin etc😂.

The funniest bit was the character would have his respectable family around him, so Matt Lucas was there in a blonde wig in a bob and wearing a slightly frumpy floral dress! So realistic.

And don't get me started on Lou and Andy, Matt Lucas' character pretending to be disabled and when his kind friend went off to get him an ice cream he would run off and do a dangerous stunt😂😂😂.
I liked Matt Lucas,really enjoyed him on the Anniversary production of Les Mis as M Thenardier. I'm singing Master of the House now.🤣
I like Channel 5 mainly for the travelogue programmes, Michael Palin in Korea, Susan Calman's days out and cruise programmes.

Gives me ideas for days out or weekend breaks (not North Korea!). I did my first cruise last year so those programmes really helped me.

Documentaries are good, and I like the look back on popular TV series of the 70s, they're usually 90 mins. I can always find things to watch on the catch up channel (or the C5 i-player as I call it!)
I have given up with BBC and ITV,dire shows. Some of the ones on Virgin are even worse but I do like the real life CSI programmes and the History channels. Our TV only goes at about 7 for 3 or 4 hours and even then I'm probably reading for half that time. We do watch some BBC Scotland,some of the travel shows are great and Beech grove is 100% more watchable than the dreary Monty Don on Gardeners World.
Bargain hunt is another great favourite of mine as I am a bit of a moaner there are bits that irriate/annoy me. Firstly it's the formulaic ***** they go through at the start of each show. "What do you need?" - Money "What else do you need"? - An expert! And what do our teams want in their expert? the answers are always the same, some one who'll give us good advice (No $hit Sherlock!) someone who's a good laugh, then the expert leaps out from behind a rack of clothes or something and the contestants whoop with delight. What annoys me most is the way they show clips of the auction so we know whether whether or not the contestant wins a golden gavel or not before the show's even started. The educational bit in the middle can be a bit dull at times but I generally enjoy the show! I would love to have a go on that show it looks so much fun and I would make sure whatever I bought was beautiful, useable or wearable - Some of the stuff the contestants buy is no use to man nor beast!
My sister and niece took part in BH last year.
The shopping bit took place in about early May and the auction was filmed in August. Episode was shown at end of October. I think, I may be remembering wrongly.
Charlie Ross was the host that day and was absolutely lovely apparently, and the whole crew and production team friendly and fun to be with.
They told me what they bought, but I didn’t want to know whether they made a profit or loss. I waited for the episode to be broadcast.
I can confirm that the contestants keep the fleeces.
He was wonderful I always liked him imo he was much better than Brucie.
I wasn't a fan of Brucie he would say things that could be taken as being a bit mean.
I think after a couple of shows people changed their opinion.
I'm going to have to see if I can find any shows.
I've seen clips from The Generation Game on YouTube, and I saw a documentary on Larry on C5 a while back. Have a look at C5 catch up channel.

There's also clips on YouTube from his appearances on The Good Old Days, the music hall programme where the audience dressed up In Edwardian clothes. I remember one of them, he said something slightly rude, when the audience laughed he said "have you noticed they always put the common ones on this side on the theatre"🤣.

I love that camp style of humour.
I've seen clips from The Generation Game on YouTube, and I saw a documentary on Larry on C5 a while back. Have a look at C5 catch up channel.

There's also clips on YouTube from his appearances on The Good Old Days, the music hall programme where the audience dressed up In Edwardian clothes. I remember one of them, he said something slightly rude, when the audience laughed he said "have you noticed they always put the common ones on this side on the theatre"🤣.

I love that camp style of humour.
He was a lovely man I don't think he said a bad word about anyone.
I've seen clips from The Generation Game on YouTube, and I saw a documentary on Larry on C5 a while back. Have a look at C5 catch up channel.

There's also clips on YouTube from his appearances on The Good Old Days, the music hall programme where the audience dressed up In Edwardian clothes. I remember one of them, he said something slightly rude, when the audience laughed he said "have you noticed they always put the common ones on this side on the theatre"🤣.

I love that camp style of humour.
The French or Italian are so much better.
I haven't seen those ones. Only the English and Spanish versions. BUT, when in France, there was a show on M6 called, and this spelling is from memory. Chasseur d'appart. That's good. I remember them going to a 'shell': basically a building site and proposed that as an apartment. Can't remember if that was chosen though.
I was in the audience for 2 of the Lily Savage ones, someone from work got a load of free tickets, it was filmed around White City so not far for me getting home.
Here's a hotch potch for ya.

Were they two separate visits? Coz my mother in the way back whens, had someone who worked for, or knew someone in, the BBC who got a couple of tickets for Juke Box Jury, or one of those type shows. She was shown chewing gum in the audience. Then she said they moved the audience around and taped another episode, or whatever they did in those days :p

And talking celebs. I saw on TV some time back a show where celebs were driving cars. Buggered if I knew any of them. Although I did find out later that one was Joe Pasquale: unrecognisable from when I remembered him.
I used to like the regular sketches of the politician (David Walliams) giving an innocent explanation for something dodgy he's been caught doing, always a sex act with another man. His head was innocently near the man's groin etc😂.

The funniest bit was the character would have his respectable family around him, so Matt Lucas was there in a blonde wig in a bob and wearing a slightly frumpy floral dress! So realistic.

And don't get me started on Lou and Andy, Matt Lucas' character pretending to be disabled and when his kind friend went off to get him an ice cream he would run off and do a dangerous stunt😂😂😂.
Certainly not a show they'd do now, no doubt. Thinking of the rather large ladies in the health spa. And did you ever see the airport show the pair made?

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