Raise money for charity by shopping with QVC: easyfundraising.org.uk


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Registered Shopper
Feb 27, 2012
As discussed on another thread on this forum about charity giving this season of goodwill, I'd like to tell everyone how you can raise money for UK schools, charities, sports clubs, community groups and other good causes just by shopping online, including with QVC.

It doesn't cost you anything - just shop online using partner retailers such as QVC, Amazon, John Lewis, Argos, M&S and over 2000 others. When you make purchases, they will donate money to your chosen cause - typically 2.5% of the sale price.

Start by visiting: http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk

Create an account (very simple!)

Pick a charity or good cause - tell your preferred charity/cause to sign up with easyfundraising if they haven't done so already

Then next time you want to buy anything online, login to your easyfundraising account (or just stay logged in all the time), select the retailer (you can create your own Favourites list - I put QVC in there, naturally!) and click on the link which takes you to the retailer's site. You will get an onscreen message to say they have registered your visit so when the sale is confirmed, the donation is made and you get an email to let you know. On your easyfundraising account page, you can see the donations generated by you.

It's a no-brainer really. It's simple, costs you nothing and makes you feel a bit better about all the money you spend online!
That's a really good idea AndiK. Will do this instead of using TopCashBack.
Thanks Tangerine, have just signed up for this. I didnt know about it.
Is this a private, profit-making company which gives to the charities or an actual registered charity?
Is this a private, profit-making company which gives to the charities or an actual registered charity?

It is not a registered charity itself - the donations go to the charities you choose from the companies you shop with. They describe their role below:

... once you've registered with us, when you shop with one of our retailers, our system makes a note of your purchase, collects the donation from the retailer and passes it to your chosen good cause. That's it! No hassle for you, we do all the hard work while you shop as your normally would.

I imagine they make money from the on-site advertising but they are open about being 'profitable' - below from their FAQs:

We receive a bonus payment from our retailers when we send traffic to them. We use this to invest in new technologies to help you raise more, plus of course we have to pay for other important elements of the business such as our wonderful customer support team. We don't hide the fact that as well as doing great good, we are also a profitable organisation.

Let's not forget that CAF and other such organisations, as well as JustGiving, Virgin Money Giving, BMyCharity etc, all take a percentage of what people donate through them, or charge a fee for processing donations.
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That's a really good idea AndiK. Will do this instead of using TopCashBack.

Brilliant, Tangerine! I too used to shop a lot through iPoints which became Maximiles, where you get points you can convert into shopping vouchers - I imagine TopCashBack is something similar? I won't deny I earned quite a bit through that scheme but more and more I noticed that transactions were not being registered and I was always chasing them up. I still do use them if the retailer I am shopping with is not on easyfundraising so you should keep your TopCashBack account open as well. Once or twice I have not had notification of a donation going through on an easyfundraising transaction but their customer service people are excellent and always reply very quickly to put it right.
As discussed on another thread on this forum about charity giving this season of goodwill, I'd like to tell everyone how you can raise money for UK schools, charities, sports clubs, community groups and other good causes just by shopping online, including with QVC.

It doesn't cost you anything - just shop online using partner retailers such as QVC, Amazon, John Lewis, Argos, M&S and over 2000 others. When you make purchases, they will donate money to your chosen cause - typically 2.5% of the sale price.

Start by visiting: http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk

Create an account (very simple!)

Pick a charity or good cause - tell your preferred charity/cause to sign up with easyfundraising if they haven't done so already

Then next time you want to buy anything online, login to your easyfundraising account (or just stay logged in all the time), select the retailer (you can create your own Favourites list - I put QVC in there, naturally!) and click on the link which takes you to the retailer's site. You will get an onscreen message to say they have registered your visit so when the sale is confirmed, the donation is made and you get an email to let you know. On your easyfundraising account page, you can see the donations generated by you.

It's a no-brainer really. It's simple, costs you nothing and makes you feel a bit better about all the money you spend online!

Thanks for this Andi, a really great ide, and i'll lodge it with the money i spend with on QVC and support salvation army or shelter, will
do it tonight. Every little helps
Thanks for this Andi, a really great ide, and i'll lodge it with the money i spend with on QVC and support salvation army or shelter, will
do it tonight. Every little helps

Couldn't agree more. It really does add up quite quickly. I hope you find it as satisfying as I do.

I'm a bit annoyed with myself as at the weekend, I bought car insurance through the AA Insurance website and didn't think to check easyfundraising first but just noticed the AA are on there - I could have raised quite a few quid! I just wasn't thinking the way I do when I buy goods, but I won't forget in future, just as I never do when I am going to buy from QVC, M&S, etc!
As discussed on another thread on this forum about charity giving this season of goodwill, I'd like to tell everyone how you can raise money for UK schools, charities, sports clubs, community groups and other good causes just by shopping online, including with QVC.

It doesn't cost you anything - just shop online using partner retailers such as QVC, Amazon, John Lewis, Argos, M&S and over 2000 others. When you make purchases, they will donate money to your chosen cause - typically 2.5% of the sale price.

Start by visiting: http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk

Create an account (very simple!)

Pick a charity or good cause - tell your preferred charity/cause to sign up with easyfundraising if they haven't done so already

Then next time you want to buy anything online, login to your easyfundraising account (or just stay logged in all the time), select the retailer (you can create your own Favourites list - I put QVC in there, naturally!) and click on the link which takes you to the retailer's site. You will get an onscreen message to say they have registered your visit so when the sale is confirmed, the donation is made and you get an email to let you know. On your easyfundraising account page, you can see the donations generated by you.

It's a no-brainer really. It's simple, costs you nothing and makes you feel a bit better about all the money you spend online!


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