Wow! That's a lot and yes it is nice. Whilst I like to have a leather handbag, I've never been too fussed about the purse I have. I always think, Crikey, having lost my purse on a couple of occasions which is bad enough, how I'd feel to lose £80's worth of purse - So I always go for a cheapie. Mine was £15 from Accessorize, it looks and feels like leather and just the right size. My handbag friend, is equally as passionate about purses and has loads of them, yes she's got a couple of cheapies but will happily spend £80 or £90 on one. Her latest is a massive Ted Baker job with a really garish pattern all over it and a huge metal fastening, if you didn't see it was Ted Baker you'd think she'd picked it up from a market stall 'cause it looks like it's made out of plastic!£79 full price! Gosh that’s a lot no matter how nice.