QVC's model "Joy" on "Hotter Than My Daughter"


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Aug 18, 2009
North Cornwall.
Did anybody watch "Hotter Than My Daughter" on BBC3 at 8:30pm yesterday?? QVC's "plus size" model Joy was on there (with her daughter) - it was quite the eye opener!! I will never think of puppies in the same way again :doh:

All power to her though, she is beautiful and looks incredible for her age.
What actually is a plus size these days? No offense intended I really just want to know as my DD (sz 12) was in a shop whilst in London and was told that the store did not cater for plus sizes, so she obviously is a plus size (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I think Joy looks great
What actually is a plus size these days? No offense intended I really just want to know as my DD (sz 12) was in a shop whilst in London and was told that the store did not cater for plus sizes, so she obviously is a plus size (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I think Joy looks great

That's not for me to say, and it wasn't the issue I was raising with the OP, I was simply highlighting the fact that she had been on another programme and it was a change to see her as "herself".

However, "plus size" is simply how Joy is often referred to on here, and on QVC itself, so I only chose that phrase in order that people knew instantly to whom I was referring, as she's not as "in your face" and identifiable as some of the other models on QVC.
What actually is a plus size these days? No offense intended I really just want to know as my DD (sz 12) was in a shop whilst in London and was told that the store did not cater for plus sizes, so she obviously is a plus size (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I think Joy looks great

A size 12 is a plus size!!! OMG!! I must be flipping huge at an 18! I bet they wouldn't let me in the shop door at that shop! Jeez, I probably couldn't get in the door! lol
i think it is prolly considered plus size (unless you are a model) at over 16. most shops/ranges seem to go to a 16/18 min. before kicking peeps over to the other side of the shop or out lol
i think the shop/boutique your DD went to was obviously more 'fashion forward' and only stocked up to a 10 for the plus size models lol
i have recently moved from the 'plus size' side of the shop to the 'you are obviously not the one who ate all of the pies' side and i have to say i didnt realise how prejudiced or even down right rude people were to me while i was overweight.
but the most annoying is i now know how much i have been ripped off over the years! there is little choice in plus size clothing (tending towards either just bigger copies of everyday fashion which often times isnt suitable for anyone over a 12 or tents) and we have to pay a premium for it! admittedly it has gotten better but it is still shocking
That's not for me to say, and it wasn't the issue I was raising with the OP, I was simply highlighting the fact that she had been on another programme and it was a change to see her as "herself".

However, "plus size" is simply how Joy is often referred to on here, and on QVC itself, so I only chose that phrase in order that people knew instantly to whom I was referring, as she's not as "in your face" and identifiable as some of the other models on QVC.

I consider myself told off. I was just reminded of that as I read your thread, a sort of though connection. I am very sorry to have highjacked your thread. I shall stick to the topic of the thread in furture and not make any presonal remarks at all to deviate from the thread

Read loads about people being entitled to their opinions on here lately, and I really just wanted to know what size Joy was as I was wondering what a plus size actually is. However I apologize from the bottom of my heart again and go back to my playpen
I just watched it while I munched my lunchtime sarnie. I thought both Joy and her daughter looked better before the makeover!
I was watching very closely and I never saw a single QVC product in her house! :happy:I too thought they did her no favours. The dress she was given to wear was awful. Did she say that she had been a body double for Grace Jones!! Would like to know more about her life. This girl has history.
I consider myself told off. I was just reminded of that as I read your thread, a sort of though connection. I am very sorry to have highjacked your thread. I shall stick to the topic of the thread in furture and not make any presonal remarks at all to deviate from the thread

Read loads about people being entitled to their opinions on here lately, and I really just wanted to know what size Joy was as I was wondering what a plus size actually is. However I apologize from the bottom of my heart again and go back to my playpen

Dont worry about it WildRose, you did absolutely nothing wrong - it was a completely genuine question on your part... sometimes you just cant win - I think its a symptom of the rife policitcal-correctness squad that runs this effing country!

What actually is a plus size these days? No offense intended I really just want to know as my DD (sz 12) was in a shop whilst in London and was told that the store did not cater for plus sizes, so she obviously is a plus size (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I think Joy looks great

Probably anything over a size 16/18 although actual measurements of sizes varies from shop to shop these days. No way is your daughter a plus size at size 12, I'd complain to their head office.
What actually is a plus size these days? No offense intended I really just want to know as my DD (sz 12) was in a shop whilst in London and was told that the store did not cater for plus sizes, so she obviously is a plus size (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I think Joy looks great

The subject of sizing came up on another thread when I told the story of how my friend, a petite 10/12, tried on a size 16 jumper in Jane Norman and it fitted perfectly.

I commented no wonder young girls (mainly) have eating disorders.
The subject of sizing came up on another thread when I told the story of how my friend, a petite 10/12, tried on a size 16 jumper in Jane Norman and it fitted perfectly.
I commented no wonder young girls (mainly) have eating disorders.

Something like this worries me. I'm a bigger girl and have learned my lesson with shops like Jane Norman, ie don't even think about it! But to hear that someone of 10/12 having to go to a size 16, (which obviously isn't a 16 in the real world) makes me depressed, never mind your friend!

On the main topic of the thread, wished I'd saw the show with Joy! However sometimes I think they look pretty crap after the makeover too! I'll try catching it on the iplayer thingy!
Jane Norman shops, I hate them with a passion, I've been in them several times with my size 10 friend as she was browsing and I am large (very plus sized) and was looked at like a pile of filth by the staff, not my paranoia but honest perseption. Terrible attitude.

Joy must have a tough skin to do the job she does IMO, so many women with weight problems nowdays its silly, all women are beautiful, no matter how big they are.
I just watched it while I munched my lunchtime sarnie. I thought both Joy and her daughter looked better before the makeover!

She is really attractive and always looks fab. When she mentioned the "puppies" she was hilarious and she didn't care which I liked about her:flower:
whoever did the makeovers should be shot, joy and her daughter looked better before.:down:
I just watched it while I munched my lunchtime sarnie. I thought both Joy and her daughter looked better before the makeover!

Thought she looked familiar. I agree she looked better before, nice to see how down to earth and "human" she seems and nice to know her personality is not too OTT whilst being open. Also what a pretty daughter

My point is that this is the second time I've seen this show and everyone looks better before, the stylists would put me off to start they don't look that good and the end results do not inspire confidence, don't know why people would put themselves through such torture. :wonder:

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