QVC Room 101


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1) Catherine H Fakeness.:10:
2) Julia’s delusional ego.:36:
3) Julia and Daniels hair.:eek:
1. All the clothes - it's criminal to tell people they'll look stylish dressed like a 1970's colour blind librarian hippy with water retention.
2. Julia Roberts for loving herself even more than I actually loathe her.
3. All T Callers who can't keep to the point and tell us their life stories including that ultimately they're going to marry Dale and have his babies.
1. That Suzy Northern Nights woman with the wacky skunk stripe hair who says lugggggggggggggggsury at every given opportunity.

2. Charlie Brook using the phrase "so, so" every five minutes....."this look works so, so well" Aaarrrgh

3. Julia Roberts stuck-upness (is that a word?) She comes across as so superior!
Tired old anecdotes and statements like:

1) I wore the Rose fragrance on my wedding day (L'Occitane Alexis)
2) Laura Geller did the make-up on black and white movies (AY every time she introduces LG.....still can't work that one out)
3) I am lucky enough to have a mountain of REAL poor sods can make do with this diamonique stuff (A. Keenan)
how about T-callers that tell you they're going into hospital next week to have their legs amputated but it's okay because hubby's bought them a Frank Usher bracelet (thankfully not an anklet) :(

I saw this Mrs James...... and poor Simon reponded "I do hope it goes well for you" followed by "You must ring in again to let us know how you are" (She had mentioned that she had spent £12,000 in the last three years so obviously a highly valued customer.......)

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Julia Roberts

1. Her Flip Flops
2. Her Ego
3. Her Cleavage

Great thread Fairynuff X
OK kitten she doesn't say the "you poor sods" bit but she sure likes to tell us about her REAL diamonds x

Hee hee, I realised the 'poor sods' bit was a witty artistic license on your part but very rude of her to go on about her REAL diamonds I would've thought! I don't listen to her much tbh as her voice grates on me like nails on a blackboard & I only put up with it from AY as I enjoy watching the beauty hours!

How frightfully common & nouveau riche of her! Nice people with money/things rarely mention it/them & never rub it in other peoples' faces! lol :rolleyes:
Which one is Beth babytoes? I don't like the black model at all, she really pouts for the camera and wiggles around far too much. (And is it just me who thinks she's not attractive at all?)

I agree Sharon the black model is full of attitude, a few years back there was another model called Jo and she also had attitude, last I heard of her she was doing an advert for Hemmoroids, maybe they are both suffering from some affliction. :54:
The above replies are all priceless !!!! I think I might print them all off and send them to the CEO at Marco Polo House. Its better than any professional survey and all soooo true !
1) Jill Frankenstein (who else)
2) Paul McKenna who I wish would put to sleep Ann stroky stroky Northern Nights
3) GOODY - who is Jane Goody the model, so up herself she goes by her surname
how about T-callers that tell you they're going into hospital next week to have their legs amputated but it's okay because hubby's bought them a Frank Usher bracelet (thankfully not an anklet) :(

Very good mrsjames, and from my recollection there are at least three of them per hour! :lol:
Beth is the youngish blonde one who moves like a Thunderbirds puppet & keeps 'gurning' (as another poster once put it....a perfect description actually!) at the camera! She is seriously odd & quite hopeless as a model!

And she's married to Nick Heyward of that 1980's pop sensation Haircut 100! Underwhelming, isn't it? ;)
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So hard to narrow it down to 3 but here goes.....

1. Alison Young because I really cannot stand her voice or arrogance.

2. Dennis Basso (hideous man)

3. Charlie smarmy Brook.....his top lip is like that of the Beast in Beauty and the beast and his voice is like drowning in molasses.....blurgh!!
1. Jenniefer Kirk and her flickin' fairy dust. Go. Away. Now. (I had a Kirks Folly ring a few years back, after two wears it turned my skin green and all the plating came off it. Horrid)

2. Celebrity endorsed ranges or products - patronising carp for the most part

3. Overuse of stock phrases, literally, actually, for you...prestigious, make a grest present for someone, buy one for you, one for a friend - perfect for a student going to uni, dress up, down - wear with birkis...etc etc etc GAH!
Which one is Beth babytoes? I don't like the black model at all, she really pouts for the camera and wiggles around far too much. (And is it just me who thinks she's not attractive at all?)

Hi backstreet girl Beth is the one who models Kirks Folly and carol hochman sleepwear. She has blondish hair and always laughs as if someone is talking to her when they clearly aren't. When she models Dreamkeeper she does aeroplane arms even when sitting down and she has this supercilious smile that makes you want to scream. She also bats her eyelids very slowly which I think she imagines looks sexy, it doesn't, it makes her look like a lizard.
Can you tell why she was top of my list, I know what you mean about Sharon but I like her she is a very experienced modeland the clothes look good on her.
I've had a good laugh catching up with this thread - some great comments (esp. Mrs James and the anklet, and the 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing' re. Richard Jackson! Classic.)

I would like to add:

1. Jill Franks. Scary, huge hands.

2. DIY and Technology. Boring, boring, boring.

3. Diamonique. Pointless.
1) Dennis Basso - creep
2) Dawn Bibby - she is so po-faced, I feel sorry for her poor hubbie.
3a) Jennifer Kirk - I cannot believe folk are daft enough to fall for the tat she sells.
3b) Simon Butler - so camp, he makes Larry Grayson sound normal.

ok just a bit of fun for a cold, wet Bank Holiday Monday evening! :1:

If you could choose 3 guests/presenters/items/ranges from QVC to banish from our screens for ever to Room 101 what would they be?

Hard to restrict myself to only 3 but mine would be
1.Richard Jackson....there's just something about his false enthusiasm that annoys the hell out of me.
2. Uri Geller ....another fake and so up himself it's embarrassing.
3.Michele Hope...if this is the best of British fashion Heaven help us!


Shame this didn't mean 3 guests, 3 presenters and 3 items/ranges!!

1. Guest - Susan Graver, who interrupts the presenters as much as AY interrupts the guests.

2. Presenter - Jill Franks and her constant prattling about her husband, her holidays and being a T-Total fitness freak.

3. Ranges - Anything remotely related to fitness/housework/DIY/Gardening
1. Renee the model because she's always pouting at the camera like a page 3 model. I keep expecting her to lick her finger as well
2. Richard Jackson who's given fewer garden tips than my garden Gnome
3. Jill Franks and anyone else saying that "I'm/you are loving this", "It is really on mode" or "It is very unique".

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