QVC overselling - has anyone else experienced this recently?


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Registered Shopper
Mar 22, 2018
I managed get a pair of the black sketches boots last week that must have popped out of someone’s basket as the black had been showing as sold out for an hour or so. Paid on my credit card. A few days later I hadn’t received a despatch email so logged into my account and the status read “awaiting stock”. Odd as they hadn’t been advanced order or anything and TSVs are usual despatched within 24 hours. That evening I thought I would cancel them, logged onto my account and when I clicked ‘cancel’ a banner popped up stating there had been an error and I needed to ring customer services, which I did. Told them I wanted to cancel the order but it was coming up with this error message and Customer Service said it had been cancelled successfully. Great, didn’t think anything more of it.

Yesterday, I purchased the Doll 10 TSV and then one item that must have dropped out of someone’s basket after the show had finished as it was showing as sold out during the live show. Paid on my debit card, money has been taken. This morning all other items are showing as being despatched apart from the item that dropped out of someone’s basket and must have been the last unsold one of its kind because it’s showing as ‘awaiting stock‘.

So I rang customer services to ask what’s happening about the Doll 10 item that I’ve been charged for yet says awaiting stock as it usually say processing. Was told “there wasn’t enough stock when my order was being picked so I’ll be notified if it becomes available in the next 90 days, the money is only pending and hasn’t been taken” (but it is has been taken from my bank as it’s a debit transaction the money is taken as soon as the order is placed)

As for the Sketchers boots which are still showing as a pending transaction on my credit card and showing still as awaiting stock on my account (even though they were not out of stock when I ordered) she had to cancel them (again) manually. Not sure why this wasn’t done 4 days ago after my first call to QVC.

So moral of the story is don’t pay with your debit card (I get cash back which is why I tried it, but will not use this method again in the future) otherwise you could be out of pocket for a week until they refund you for an order they can’t honour. And be wary about being the last person to snag an item…the shelves may already be empty!

I’ve never experienced this before so for it to essentially happen twice within a week makes me wonder how many other people this has happened to and is it a common occurrence of selling stock they don’t have?Is it just my bad luck or are their practices changing?
How very annoying. I have experienced wildly fluctuating stock levels but the worst that has happened in my case is spotting something is suddenly apparently available again after they have said it’s sold out on air, adding it to my basket, going through checkout and then getting a message it’s Waitlist again but fortunately before I’ve actually paid. Just another example of QVC’s systems not keeping up. I can see why you’re more peed off.

I always pay using my debit card and my bank shows that the money is a pending transaction, not taken out. Only when I’ve received the goods does it leave my bank account.

I recently ordered something and decided I didn’t want it. I logged into my QVC account the following day and was still able to cancel my order which was surprising. A week later the pending payment to QVC disappeared so I didn’t pay them for the order.

If the amount has actually left your account, then maybe ring your bank and explain what’s happened? If QVC are awaiting stock then it becomes a pending transaction, but doesn’t leave your bank account, and it will usually disappear and reappear when stock has been received. This happened to me recently. The goods arrived today and the money left my bank account today.
I am having problems getting into ‘My account’ there used to be a link to click on the top bar but that seems to have gone so I went into search. My details came up but I changed my email a few months ago and all was updated, now it has gone back to the previous one & wouldn’t accept my password.
I’m not sure about QVC overselling or whether they’re just not on the ball. I ordered something on advanced order and it was due to be delivered w/c 20th November.

This morning I got an email apologising for the fact that the stock for my order hadn’t arrived and so delivery would be delayed until early December.

It’s good of them to keep customers informed BUT I received my order on Monday so I hope I don’t get another one in early December. 😳
I’m not sure about QVC overselling or whether they’re just not on the ball. I ordered something on advanced order and it was due to be delivered w/c 20th November.

This morning I got an email apologising for the fact that the stock for my order hadn’t arrived and so delivery would be delayed until early December.

It’s good of them to keep customers informed BUT I received my order on Monday so I hope I don’t get another one in early December. 😳
I have had the opposite with an advanced order. I couldn't decide whether to order the October Gatineau TSV but late in the day I went for the 2nd advanced order with the intention of cancelling, if I bought the still to come Elemis or Liz Earle TSVs.

First advance order was 20th November and second was 6th December. In the past I can remember presenters trying to sell advance orders by saying it will be after your next payday. Fortunately that isn't an issue for me as I have just received an email from QVC saying that my order has been dispatched. I assume that other customers have cancelled their November advanced orders so there are spare ones to early fulfill the December orders, but that might not suit everyone's bank balance!
I have had the opposite with an advanced order. I couldn't decide whether to order the October Gatineau TSV but late in the day I went for the 2nd advanced order with the intention of cancelling, if I bought the still to come Elemis or Liz Earle TSVs.

First advance order was 20th November and second was 6th December. In the past I can remember presenters trying to sell advance orders by saying it will be after your next payday. Fortunately that isn't an issue for me as I have just received an email from QVC saying that my order has been dispatched. I assume that other customers have cancelled their November advanced orders so there are spare ones to early fulfill the December orders, but that might not suit everyone's bank balance!
I've said this before about advanced order dates. I think if they give a date it should be as if the goods are sold on that date. Many may budget for payment at that time, and like you say, if may be because it's after the next payday and accounts maybe taken into overdrafts and charges incurred. I think it is fraudulent behaviour on behalf of QVC if they take payment before the date they say the goods are going to be dispatched. I have nearly been caught out in the past when my finances weren't quite as stable as they thankfully are now.
I managed get a pair of the black sketches boots last week that must have popped out of someone’s basket as the black had been showing as sold out for an hour or so. Paid on my credit card. A few days later I hadn’t received a despatch email so logged into my account and the status read “awaiting stock”. Odd as they hadn’t been advanced order or anything and TSVs are usual despatched within 24 hours. That evening I thought I would cancel them, logged onto my account and when I clicked ‘cancel’ a banner popped up stating there had been an error and I needed to ring customer services, which I did. Told them I wanted to cancel the order but it was coming up with this error message and Customer Service said it had been cancelled successfully. Great, didn’t think anything more of it.

Yesterday, I purchased the Doll 10 TSV and then one item that must have dropped out of someone’s basket after the show had finished as it was showing as sold out during the live show. Paid on my debit card, money has been taken. This morning all other items are showing as being despatched apart from the item that dropped out of someone’s basket and must have been the last unsold one of its kind because it’s showing as ‘awaiting stock‘.

So I rang customer services to ask what’s happening about the Doll 10 item that I’ve been charged for yet says awaiting stock as it usually say processing. Was told “there wasn’t enough stock when my order was being picked so I’ll be notified if it becomes available in the next 90 days, the money is only pending and hasn’t been taken” (but it is has been taken from my bank as it’s a debit transaction the money is taken as soon as the order is placed)

As for the Sketchers boots which are still showing as a pending transaction on my credit card and showing still as awaiting stock on my account (even though they were not out of stock when I ordered) she had to cancel them (again) manually. Not sure why this wasn’t done 4 days ago after my first call to QVC.

So moral of the story is don’t pay with your debit card (I get cash back which is why I tried it, but will not use this method again in the future) otherwise you could be out of pocket for a week until they refund you for an order they can’t honour. And be wary about being the last person to snag an item…the shelves may already be empty!

I’ve never experienced this before so for it to essentially happen twice within a week makes me wonder how many other people this has happened to and is it a common occurrence of selling stock they don’t have?Is it just my bad luck or are their practices changing?
This has happened to me as well and I’m sure it’s happened to more than just two people. QVC used to be so good but in recent years it seems to be crumbling to bits. I have also received clothing which were obviously returned shoved in the bag without tags and tissue, not folded and the bag crumpled and not smelling fresh.

I always pay using my debit card and my bank shows that the money is a pending transaction, not taken out. Only when I’ve received the goods does it leave my bank account.

I recently ordered something and decided I didn’t want it. I logged into my QVC account the following day and was still able to cancel my order which was surprising. A week later the pending payment to QVC disappeared so I didn’t pay them for the order.

If the amount has actually left your account, then maybe ring your bank and explain what’s happened? If QVC are awaiting stock then it becomes a pending transaction, but doesn’t leave your bank account, and it will usually disappear and reappear when stock has been received. This happened to me recently. The goods arrived today and the money left my bank account today.
I never use my debit card on line. After having my card cloned and then having my identity stolen, I learned the hard way how much fuss to get reimbursed by my bank whereas it was straight forward with my credit card. Credit cards give “section 75” protection. I get rewards back on my credit card (I only have one) and I pay the balance every week or so.
I would never use my debit card unless it was a government department.
Yes, advanced orders. The well, nothing will be taken from your account until X date, which is the date it is due in. Then the mumbled, but it might come in earlier. The old days when I could read the official QVC Facebook page, there were numerous complaints from people saying it came in early and shipped before they were ready and left them short in their bank account. They knew nothing until they got the idea is shipped, so no chance of cancelling.

I only remember, and it was way back ordering something I know it was a ring and I missed the little stock they had in. It was like 9 months before I actually got it, I even got a letter about 4 months in asking if I still wanted the ring, or I could cancel? I chose to wait for the ring.
Yes, advanced orders. The well, nothing will be taken from your account until X date, which is the date it is due in. Then the mumbled, but it might come in earlier. The old days when I could read the official QVC Facebook page, there were numerous complaints from people saying it came in early and shipped before they were ready and left them short in their bank account. They knew nothing until they got the idea is shipped, so no chance of cancelling.

I only remember, and it was way back ordering something I know it was a ring and I missed the little stock they had in. It was like 9 months before I actually got it, I even got a letter about 4 months in asking if I still wanted the ring, or I could cancel? I chose to wait for the ring.
Well I've got notification that 2 advanced orders are arriving today. One I think was due around now which is fair enough, but one was jewellery that was definitely not. I thought it was due in July but it could have possible been June, but it definitely wasn't May. As the order doesn't give and advance date there is no way of checking now, but it really is irresponsible to give a date and then ship early. I know sometimes this is wonderful if you are kicking yourself for missing the initial sale, but in this case, I ordered them because they weren't coming until later. Thankfully I can afford to pay for them now, but for some again this may not be the case. I really wish they would stop doing this.
If I order something I like to get it quickly. However, advanced orders are acceptable because they can be cancelled if you change your mind. I’ve done this a few times because I’ve found the item more cheaply elsewhere and have received it well before the expected dispatch date from QVC.
I never use my debit card on line. After having my card cloned and then having my identity stolen, I learned the hard way how much fuss to get reimbursed by my bank whereas it was straight forward with my credit card. Credit cards give “section 75” protection. I get rewards back on my credit card (I only have one) and I pay the balance every week or so.
I would never use my debit card unless it was a government department.
You beat me to it, I’m exactly the same. I never use my debit card abroad either - I’d panic if my account were ‘cleaned out’ when I was half way round the world 😱🤬
How very annoying. I have experienced wildly fluctuating stock levels but the worst that has happened in my case is spotting something is suddenly apparently available again after they have said it’s sold out on air, adding it to my basket, going through checkout and then getting a message it’s Waitlist again but fortunately before I’ve actually paid. Just another example of QVC’s systems not keeping up. I can see why you’re more peed off.
Toril is correct, they don’t actually take your money until the goods are dispatched. The money is still in your bank account but ‘ring fenced’. This effectively stops you spending the money again. When the goods are dispatched QVC apply for the funds, and if you cancel, QVC confirm with your bank and the funds are released. Most retailers do this, it’s not unique to QVC.
I remember, I think it was 2022 I ordered something from a company online. So the money was ring-fenced hanging in my balance did not come out of the account and a week or so dropped back into my account. Now, I had what I ordered delivered, and it was about 2 weeks later got an email saying they hadn't taken the money and would in a few days, which they did. I knew something was wrong, so didn't spend the money that dropped back into my account.

On the money saving site, a few times in the consumer section, a thread by a newbie saying a company was requesting the money for something which was bought a year ago and hadn't been taken. The usual do I have to pay? Yes, English law has you must pay up to 6 years or 5 in Scotland if an error is found.

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