QVC - Easy Pays Not!


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Registered Shopper
Aug 13, 2014
QVC – easy payments – ha – don’t believe it! I had a Scottish Trust Deed years ago and was discharged years ago. Ordered something on 4 easy pays days ago and got a telephone call at work - at work mind you - to discuss this – oh but not a credit check but not sure if they want me to make the order etc etc. I did them to cancel it but oh no wanted to jump through a few more hoops. If they bothered to check their details properly they would know the true state of my financial status but to telephone me in work of all places…………………………………………………
So QVC phoned you to make sure that you wanted to buy something like this over a few payments as you have had financial difficulties in the past?
Yes - they weren't sure if they wanted to give me the option of easy payments because of a very very old discharged debt (which was then fully settled in the course of time) but to phone me at work to discuss it was so mortifying - thing is I could have just paid for the blasted thing in full - hope they are proud of themselves
I'm not sure why they had your work number or did they phone your mobile? If that was the case they wouldn't have known you were at work. Either way couldn't you have asked them to call back at a more suitable time to discuss the matter?
You gave them your work number?
Also, I'm really confused about this whole thing. QVC don't do credit checks on us when we order from them. They would need our date of birth, previous addresses for five years, and our permission to do the check. So how do they know about your past? Doesn't sound like QVC to me. You sure it wasn't a hoax call?
You gave them your work number?
Also, I'm really confused about this whole thing. QVC don't do credit checks on us when we order from them. They would need our date of birth, previous addresses for five years, and our permission to do the check. So how do they know about your past? Doesn't sound like QVC to me. You sure it wasn't a hoax call?

This is exactly what I was thinking. You have to give your consent for a credit provider to do a credit search on you at a CRA and as far as I am aware QVC absolutely don't do this. QVC, therefore, wouldn't have been able to find out about your Trust Deed, particularly given it was discharged 'years ago'. Something amiss here, I think.
This is exactly what I was thinking. You have to give your consent for a credit provider to do a credit search on you at a CRA and as far as I am aware QVC absolutely don't do this. QVC, therefore, wouldn't have been able to find out about your Trust Deed, particularly given it was discharged 'years ago'. Something amiss here, I think.

They telephoned my mobile - it was QVC and told me they don't do credit checks but still found out about the trust deed????????? - that folks is the WHOLE point of my post - they are blatantly dishonest about the whole thing about east pays.........................................................
As they phoned your mobile they phoned you and not your work place. You had the option of not answering your phone at work if you didn't recognise the number. I have no idea if they phone other people but they must have had their reasons. Try talking to thieir customer service department.
As they phoned your mobile they phoned you and not your work place. You had the option of not answering your phone at work if you didn't recognise the number. I have no idea if they phone other people but they must have had their reasons. Try talking to thieir customer service department.

Not really - I am receiving a lot of phone calls from the local hospital for a severe on going medical condition so couldn't ignore - the point of my post is that they say they do not do credit checks but they must do some credit check (remember not all credit checks are do through credit reporting agencies) otherwise they would not have found very out of date information and the fact it was so out of date shows they are not doing any of their checking properly..............
I'm not sticking up for Q but it is unfair to accuse them of ringing you at work (and your OP was insistant about this) when in fact this is the number you have given them for contact, how are they supposed to know if you can or cant take a call.

As for the credit check - the whole point of never going over 4 easy pays is to keep out of credit selling regulations/credit checks situtation so I am not really sure why they would have this information - as others have said this is something you should take up with customer services when you are able to speak to them in private.
I would ring customer service myself because this sounds wrong to me too. I've been through some rough times and my credit is really bad plus I'm not working because of illness and I shop with QVC ideal world/C&C because they offer me easy payments without a credit check otherwise I'd never afford big ticket items. I've never been turned down credit with them. Sounds real odd to me.
QVC DO Undertake Credit Checks

Just for information folks QVC Do undertake credit checks - I have an email from the CEO office stating as much: "we at QVC undertake searches in association with licensed credit agencies"
Years ago QVC used to run their own QVC store card so I imagine applicants for that would have been credit checked in the same way that Debenhams would for anyone applying for their store card. I suspect this card has been phased long ago but it was the only point I could add on the topic.

It's possible that there is a marginal difference in the risk to the card company and vendor (qvc) between a straightforward single payment and a purchase over easy payments. If I make a purchase on a credit card the vendor presents the charge and knows very quickly if the CC Company bounces the payment (e.g. if it pushes the amount owed over the current credit limit (trust me I've been there in a previous life)). I wonder whether there's a difference with a prepaid card in that whereas a single one off payment can or can't be paid at the time of ordering but there's no guarantee that the future easypays will be covered by the topped up balance in future months. Just out of interest, does anyone have experience of buying an item on easypays with a prepaid credit card? It's the same principle that explains why Ideal World can't offer flexi-basket payments if you pay via paypal.

Sorry I'm just asking more questions rather than offering answers but people on here aren't qualified to answer so just persevere with communicating with the QVC CEO's office. It is painful to be turned down for a purchase but I wonder whether this is upsetting you more than the apparent credit-checks. If you think it's worth pursuing try to contact them again but in my experience there's a point at which you're wasting emotional energy for little or no return. I has raised a few points that I hadn't considered before though.
Thank you Jude - it's the credit check that has upset me and the fact it wasn't accurate - I could have paid for the blasted thing in one payment and would have if I had known the hassle of the easy pays
I have never given any credit card company my works number. But I do recall, one colleague was constantly receiving calls from a credit card company. Even one of my supervisor was being contacted by her CC company, capital one, continually.
~I pay off my credit card balances in total every month and, consequently, they have no reason to call me. I suppose, in actual fact, I am not an ideal CC customer.
I wouldn't trust any of these companies, like Scottish trust. They don't lend you the money to pay off your debts, gratis. They want a slice of the interest and, consequently, their interest rates reflect this. I suppose the lesson to be learnt is, don't borrow what you can't afford to repay. But sometimes, bad luck comes calling, or we make wrong decisions and end up in a position we wouldn't have chosen. The positive is that, in future, perhaps we know the signs and steer clear.
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I suspect this may be your issue.

7.3 Credit card transactions are subject to routine searches from time to time. QVC undertakes these searches in association with licensed credit agencies to detect and prevent fraud. For more details on how we treat customer data please refer to our privacy policy at

And from the privacy statement

Credit card transactions are subject to routine searches from time to time. QVC undertakes these searches in association with licensed credit agencies to detect and prevent fraud.

The trouble is that its there in the small print and by signing up to an account we agree to that. Its not specific to easy pays, just using a credit card which a lot of us will do of course.
It is unfortunate that you proceeded with the call at work. Sometimes you don't think to say I'm sorry it is inconvenient for me to talk at the moment. It is embarrassing if you end up talking, and giving away more than you would have chosen too, to all those listening ears in the work place.
maybe its just credit cards NOT debit cards. they can take the money as they have your long card number
Let's just get to the facts:

Q called you on your mobile - you just happened to be at work. The number comes up clearly on the display so you could see who it was... Nothing sinister there.

Trust deeds are recorded on a publicly accessible Insolvency Register... so no credit check required. I can understand why Q checks a bankruptcy register before sending out goods - would you send goods to someone who has been made bankrupt or declared insolvent and may still have financial issues? They are a commercial organisation and are just minimising their risks.

So, in reality, they called you on a mobile number you voluntarily gave them to discuss your details being included on an insolvency register... not quite as bad as you made it sound in your posts, is it?
Let's just get to the facts:

Q called you on your mobile - you just happened to be at work. The number comes up clearly on the display so you could see who it was... Nothing sinister there.

Trust deeds are recorded on a publicly accessible Insolvency Register... so no credit check required. I can understand why Q checks a bankruptcy register before sending out goods - would you send goods to someone who has been made bankrupt or declared insolvent and may still have financial issues? They are a commercial organisation and are just minimising their risks.

So, in reality, they called you on a mobile number you voluntarily gave them to discuss your details being included on an insolvency register... not quite as bad as you made it sound in your posts, is it?

Okay lets get to the facts - I had sent them an email as to when and when they could not telephone me - I was really specific - no their number came up as unknown/private (so does the local hospital- no couldn't ignore) - they don't advertise that they do credit checks - was totally discharged form Deed YEARS ago (i.e. no longer relevant so you really have to look for it as it was discharged) - used a debit card - that keep you happy - miss snippty

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