QVC Easy Pay Beware charging twice


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Ah now this is where things differ from realtime. I'm not defending QVC here just speaking from experience from the back end .

Given that the problems lie in easypay not one-off's the chances are that the payments are processed in a batch. That may or may not be in QVC's control and depending on the time of the batch run, that may not show up for several hours. For example if the payment is done at 10pm then the problem will probably be noticed the next day when either the customer complains or when the staff get the reports the next morning. You know the ones where your card isn't valid etc.

Now, given that a fault has been recorded let's say a group of people are fixing the underlying issue and ready for the next batch run the following evening. The fix fails and another fix is attempted till, which it seems is 3 times before its called to a halt. Then because of SLA's the refund process isn't immediate and may be caused by the credit card company or other factors in returning what seems to them legitimate requests. I'll add at this point that because there is a working process in place to refund, someone may have made the decision to continue the run as the risk unfortunately isn't theirs at this point in time. Conversely, the problem may be with the processor and QVC is taking the flack.

As for stopping the system, I'd disagree. It may be the case that the actual fault is a dodgy character somewhere that the parsing system doesn't know how to cope with. And yes, I do fault finding with data issues like this and believe me, a space or a full stop can break the system because somewhere along the line it hasn't been dealt with properly and sometimes, its just a one-off. Not eliminating human, computer issues/IT infrastructure either. On occasion, it can take days to find the source which can be caused by a small change on the system. I digress slightly but we wouldn't make a UK wide announcement saying we've got a failure and stop everything till we fix it as the affected user base is known. If we did that we'd destroy our reputation let alone the client who has to deal with impact!

I understand what you're saying, but I really do think that QVC could have contacted the poor customers who have forcibly overpaid.

I understand what you're saying about QVC not wanting to scare people away, but regardless of whose the fault is for the "glitch" happening, it's QVC's responsibility to deal with the fallout and to minimise any problems for its customer base.

Yet it has failed to do just that. If anything, it has continued to push easy pays as a way of spreading cost as a "hassle free" alternative to purchasing a product in full.

How is taking payments multiple times "hassle free"? And how is not proactively contacting customers that have been affected good customer service?
I decided to ring CS again this evening to see if I got told the same story that I got told last night. Guess what ....... a different person at the other end of the phone and a different story.

Last night I was told it would be sorted in a matter of days. Tonight when I said "will it be sorted in days, weeks or months?" she said "I don't know how long it will take but we are working on it."

I did tell her that I knew of a lot of other customers who had also been affected and some had had a lot of money deducted twice so were they being contacted by the company. Apparently they are in the process of personally contacting all those who are in that position so, hopefully, Graham will have had 'that call.' I also said that I hoped they would all be compensated in some way (I don't include myself in this group because my amount is only £40) She told me that those who were affected would have their bank charges paid by QVC, but who knows if that will be the case ..... hopefully that IS what QVC will do.

Because I use a debit card from Nationwide I don't have an overdraft facility so if I hadn't had enough funds in my account they'd not have been able to take the money from it. Maybe I should just keep enough in it to pay for anything I do buy from them in the future so if it happens again they won't get any money, although, after this fiasco, I'm reluctant to even purchase any re-orders from them let alone anything new. There were a couple of Cook's Essentials items I'd normally have gone for today, but until everyone is reimbursed I'm buying nothing.

It could be a long wait.
Well, that's good if QVC are contacting people, especially if they don't know how long it will be until their systems are fixed.

Do they accept easy pay via cheque? :wonder:
Credit or - surprised me - debit card only for easy pay. I'm sure at one stage it was credit card only.

Looks like CS need to get their stories straight now. I would suggest that whatever you are told over the phone to ignore it and ask for official confirmation by letter. The answer of "I don't know..." Is ironically accurate given the non-involvement in the problem. Else its going to cause a lot of resentment because of an uninformed operator trying to appease a caller. Conversely, ranting at them isn't going to help one bit.

I'll bow out for now and watch the updates from forum members ;-)
I'm not on here very often now but am so glad I came on and saw Grahams post as I'm another one who has been charged twice. First time I've bought something from QVC in ages and the first time I've used my debit card in years. Just off the phone from CS and like they've said to others it's being worked on. Thing is only one payment was on hold on my account from the 12th January yet two have shown up on my bank statement as being taken out yesterday. Also, they weren't showing on my bank account around 10pm last night as I checked.
I hope they're confident it won't happen again since all the "love jewellery" items on air today are on easy-pay.

Jude xx
Given that the problems lie in easypay not one-off's the chances are that the payments are processed in a batch.

This has happened to me when it was a one-off payment, a few years back now.

I'd ordered an item on wait list, cost of around £33. When it came in to stock QVC tried to take the payment 10 times. This happened on a Friday, so over £300 was "locked" until they got around to sorting it. The bank couldn't do anything because they didn't know which of the payments had the authorisation code against it. QVC couldn't get me this information over the weekend!!

Once it was sorted I wrote to the Finance Department, naturally I never received a reply, no apology, no nothing!!

Never pay for anything from QVC on a debit card now.
I think everyone affected ought to be given a gift voucher by QVC for £10 as a goodwill gesture.

The money is still not back in my account and neither the finance or PR department have phoned.

I am very seriously thinking of taking out a claim for compensation as without the high interest provident loan I would have my sister visiting from the USA for the first time in 5 years without any money!

Don't think I wi be needing a QVC voucher as the way I feel at the moment it will be a very long time till I order again.
I have just telephoned 0800 514131 and got put through to Chief Executive"s office, they said that they are trying to sort things out ASAP but can take a few days to reach the account.

She then took my account details and said she would wire the finds into my account today, that's great but does make me wonder of the original refund had been done as not sure how they would stop it.

So if you have been affected please give them a call and make sure they wire it back however much they owe you.
QVC charging twice items bought 11/12 Jan!

Just seen a post on MSE (moneysaving where somebody had been charged twice for an item bought 11/12 Jan, the day of the Yankee candle TSV.

Apparently when they rang QVC this morning they were told that it was a billing fault that day and lots of people had been affected and that they would be refunded in a week or so (not much use if it was a big order that's going to send you into the red!)

Thought maybe people here might like to check to check their bank accounts as another MSE member did following that post and found that she'd been charged twice too.

Whoops, just seen the thread below where this is already being discussed sorry, tried to delete this post but can't find how to!
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Does the problem involve only duplicate easy pay payments being taken or is it payments being taken twice for purchases ?

QVC have thousands of customers a day. Let's say 100,000 customers have been over-charged by £200 each (conservative estimate I'd say), that's £20,000,000 (Twenty million) in the QVC coffers.

Let's also say it takes at least 2 weeks for that money to be paid back - that's interest in the QVC bank account for 20 million quid! I reckon that's at least £16,000 QVC will have made.
I'm a bit suspicious and as so many seem to be affected I'm wondering if they have done it on purpose, given sales are down and so many businesses have been affected due to the weather in addition to economic circumstances over the Christmas period. :thinking:

It can't also be a coincidence (can it?) that many Hermes couriers (the ones QVC use) have also been underpaid this month by Hermes, who also stand to make obscene amounts in interest as they have no intention of reimbursing couriers until their Feb pay packet. :angry:
Does the problem involve only duplicate easy pay payments being taken or is it payments being taken twice for purchases ?


I found the thread on MSE see copied below :

If you ordered anything from QVC on you card 11/12th Jan (When Yankee candle TSV was on) please check your statement.

I have been double charged, and when I reported it to them just now, they stated that it was a billing fault that day and that lots of people have been affected.

Refunds will be in a week or so!

So :thinking: it does not clearly state it was an easy payment taken twice.
QVC have thousands of customers a day. Let's say 100,000 customers have been over-charged by £200 each (conservative estimate I'd say), that's £20,000,000 (Twenty million) in the QVC coffers.

Let's also say it takes at least 2 weeks for that money to be paid back - that's interest in the QVC bank account for 20 million quid! I reckon that's at least £16,000 QVC will have made.
I'm a bit suspicious and as so many seem to be affected I'm wondering if they have done it on purpose, given sales are down and so many businesses have been affected due to the weather in addition to economic circumstances over the Christmas period. :thinking:

It can't also be a coincidence (can it?) that many Hermes couriers (the ones QVC use) have also been underpaid this month by Hermes, who also stand to make obscene amounts in interest as they have no intention of reimbursing couriers until their Feb pay packet. :angry:

Fleecing customers in the way you suggest is a) illegal b) pointless. Point b - they can sell their assets for far more than what the amount they're incorrectly taking. That database of customers is worth a lot of money to other agencies.

Even if they did have cash issues, there are far easier ways to get funds than through customers. I can't confirm but has the money gone direct to QVC or in a holding area as its a reported problem? The banks will recover any interest paid assuming that the account does bear interest and they'll profit from that too.

The Hermes contract is a different matter. Hermes will have agreed a fixed price and will have arranged with the banks for funds for situations caused by unforseen circumstances like the weather. It will be Hermes cashflow that is in question and how they've arranged funds with the bank in order to pay their couriers. Courier contracts are rather cut-throat and low paying so if the agreed contract says they don't get paid for not delivering by a certain time then either then either they take one of two routes: get an overdraft or don't pay the staff.
I have just telephoned 0800 514131 and got put through to Chief Executive"s office, they said that they are trying to sort things out ASAP but can take a few days to reach the account.

She then took my account details and said she would wire the finds into my account today, that's great but does make me wonder of the original refund had been done as not sure how they would stop it.

So if you have been affected please give them a call and make sure they wire it back however much they owe you.

To be quite honest that's a load of b*l*o*ks...... I got a call yesterday from the cheif exec's office at 2.30... your money will be in your account within the hour..... 24 hours later and still no refund!
Fleecing customers in the way you suggest is a) illegal b) pointless. Point b - they can sell their assets for far more than what the amount they're incorrectly taking. That database of customers is worth a lot of money to other agencies.

Hardly pointless if they are making money at it - I stress the IF. Illegal or not, an individual can hardly sue a large corporation.
As for selling assets, when they have no intention of closing a business, now that would be pointless wouldn't it?
To be quite honest that's a load of b*l*o*ks...... I got a call yesterday from the cheif exec's office at 2.30... your money will be in your account within the hour..... 24 hours later and still no refund!

I think your right, mine still has not appeared.

With no mention on telly of this huge error I worry for customers who maybe get to the supermarket checkout and because being unaware of this error will have their card rejected.
Just seen a post on MSE (moneysaving where somebody had been charged twice for an item bought 11/12 Jan, the day of the Yankee candle TSV.

Apparently when they rang QVC this morning they were told that it was a billing fault that day and lots of people had been affected and that they would be refunded in a week or so (not much use if it was a big order that's going to send you into the red!)

Thought maybe people here might like to check to check their bank accounts as another MSE member did following that post and found that she'd been charged twice too.

Whoops, just seen the thread below where this is already being discussed sorry, tried to delete this post but can't find how to!

Thank you Starlight for highlighting the above which prompted me to check my CC account and yes I have been charged twice for the full payment of an item order placed on the 11th but processed on the 12th. QVC are aware of all who were affected on that day and are currently re-imbursing customers "over the next couple of days" - according to my recent conversation with CS.
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