QVC changes


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Andrew Bagley from Gatineau (when prompted by DF) has released details of the up and coming TSV on BTY page........I kid you not......utter farce.....
dear QVC peeps
as you are properly reading this
let me say this :
you should be GRATEFUL that people are even interested in knowing some of the TSVs
and talking about them
any attempt to stop this
is not going to mean that you can be 'in control'
it will just mean that many of us won't care or even know
you seem to have this the wrong way round imho
DF's use (exploitation) of the Bodyblade is genius - she's promoting a QVC product so the bosses will be happy, she includes the brand ambassador by inviting him to her events so the seller is happy and she links it into her 'Fat Lady' books and her various lifestyle blogs too.

Plus, she gets viewers along to make them feel wanted and important to the cause and then talks about it on air - thus using QVC to sell herself.

What QVC should have managed was the 'permissions' for using the products and airtime to ensure that it was them (not the individual) that received the benefit of the activities etc.

They are now seemingly trying to slow the wheels of the DF machine but it'll be hard as they've allowed it for so long.

Even now they are allowing her to post messages of thanks etc on the official FB page - this still then supports the impression that she is the channels's spokesperson.

They need to simply tell her that she cannot use the QVC brand in her personal work, that there is no need for her to trouble herself with the Q FB page (as there are others paid to do that) and that airtime is to be used to promote QVC sales and not for self promotion.

I won't hold my breath.
Debbie Flint thinks the sun shines out of her own backside. She's like the Pied Piper of shopping telly with her silly groups and closed shops, collecting devoted followers as she goes. Who cares?

As for the TSV info, well I for one am so grateful to Ian because I only have a limited amount of cash to spend on QVC and if I know what's coming up I can decide where I want to spend my cash. I can also decide not to look if I think I might be tempted but can't really afford it. QVC shouldn't pee people off such as myself because I'm one of the customers they don't have to try too hard to keep. I shop there often, I watch the shows, I keep most things I buy. If they start dictating and spoiling folks fun then people like me will walk away. You can get most of those things elsewhere anyway.

I can't remember the last time I purchased a TSV or even watched a presentation of one but I do like to know what it might be, but I wouldn't be all that worried if they stopped advance notice but I know others like to plan for favourite brands.
DF's use (exploitation) of the Bodyblade is genius - she's promoting a QVC product so the bosses will be happy, she includes the brand ambassador by inviting him to her events so the seller is happy and she links it into her 'Fat Lady' books and her various lifestyle blogs too.

Plus, she gets viewers along to make them feel wanted and important to the cause and then talks about it on air - thus using QVC to sell herself.

What QVC should have managed was the 'permissions' for using the products and airtime to ensure that it was them (not the individual) that received the benefit of the activities etc.

They are now seemingly trying to slow the wheels of the DF machine but it'll be hard as they've allowed it for so long.

Even now they are allowing her to post messages of thanks etc on the official FB page - this still then supports the impression that she is the channels's spokesperson.

They need to simply tell her that she cannot use the QVC brand in her personal work, that there is no need for her to trouble herself with the Q FB page (as there are others paid to do that) and that airtime is to be used to promote QVC sales and not for self promotion.

I won't hold my breath.

What you said here, sounds very much like a cult.

I am surprised Tom Cruise hasn't rushed to join yet.:mysmilie_15:

Just had a read of the FB page, one woman is waving the flag and suggesting there could be legal implications it other sites post upcoming TSVs. She has basicly been told not to be stupid.
What you said here, sounds very much like a cult.

I am surprised Tom Cruise hasn't rushed to join yet.:mysmilie_15:

Just had a read of the FB page, one woman is waving the flag and suggesting there could be legal implications it other sites post upcoming TSVs. She has basicly been told not to be stupid.

Oh for goodness sake how ridiculous, what's next, it's illegal to say it's cheaper to buy something elsewhere??!
I think Debbie went to the short-lived UK Home Shopping Europe, though I'm not sure of the chronology of her jobs.

Sorry my earlier post should read "The QVC facebook team used to thank Ian" without the :mysmilie_10: ...maybe I added the emoji telepathically as it seems v apt!

She was on one of the auction channels (not sure if bid up or price drop) before she returned to Q
What hypocrites they are then!!!!! I am shocked that it is being posted on BTY and not on the Q FB page!!! What the hell is their point? Still if the only source of the info is a FB page which serves only to inflate the outsized ego of Del Boy Flint, I shall wait until it is available to all, thank you very much. Not that I am even on FB although Ican see (part of?) the Q page. Hopefully, people like SCW, Autumn and Sazza plus other sleuthing types will still find some info for us mortals. I am not on FB. My social media consists of this board and about two others, and they include the BBC POV and The Archers Mustardland boards...... I have neither the time nor the vanity to start on stuff like Twitter... Rant over!
What you said here, sounds very much like a cult.

I am surprised Tom Cruise hasn't rushed to join yet.:mysmilie_15:

Just had a read of the FB page, one woman is waving the flag and suggesting there could be legal implications it other sites post upcoming TSVs. She has basicly been told not to be stupid.

Waco springs to mind.
Q have now posted that any comments on their fb page containing mentions of other retailers will be removed. Its on a thread about the Frank Usher cape thingy.
They need to simply tell her that she cannot use the QVC brand in her personal work, that there is no need for her to trouble herself with the Q FB page (as there are others paid to do that) and that airtime is to be used to promote QVC sales and not for self promotion.
Which is exactly what some of us have been saying all along. Not just that, but the profits from money we pay for QVC goods (ie my money and yours) is being used, as I've said before, to promote DBF's books. The whole FB/BTY thing shows a company chasing its tail without a clue what's going on. It makes me wonder why DBF is allowed to have so much influence? Odd. Very odd.

Tears, mark my word. It's all going to end in tears.
Q have now posted that any comments on their fb page containing mentions of other retailers will be removed. Its on a thread about the Frank Usher cape thingy.

The thread makes no sense now. They have lost the plot.
they don't seem to manage the presenters/host
i.e. 'the talent'
and some of them have gotten away with outrageous behaviour
they just seem to let them loose
like Gobby bullying esp men
and giving out information on their private lives on air
and of course lots of being economical with la verite
so the presenters seem unmanaged

but they do like to boss the customers about,
don't they

completely the wrong way round
I posted on the Q FB page a couple of hours ago, and one of the replies has been removed because "it was against the house rules"

I saw that Strato. All because you`d been let down by Q and someone sign posted you to another store to buy what Q had failed to sell to you. Q are beginning to look totally psycho and paranoid on that page !
Hiya everyone. I'm a newbie for commenting, I've followed this forum for many a year, never joined but have done tonight as I feel the need to finally join in, especially with this topic. I'm off work for a while and have been a few weeks so boredom has had me noseying around quite a bit on FB, its either that or watch Loose Women and that Judge fellow who's on after that. Even though I have FB its only used to contact my two daughters as they are always losing their mobiles and work away from home, so I'm not an active social network user. I'm fully in agreement with you all on here regarding the dictatorship that the QVC FB page has become the last few months, and the shameless self-promotion of DF and her BFF Shazza... I liked having all the heads up from Ian as some of us cannot stay up past midnight and as I am normally up very early and have cat litter to empty with my two cats, a quick shower and attempting to put a smidgen of slap on before I'm out of the house after gulping a coffee down the last thing on my mind at six in the morning is putting QVC on, so the heads up were always good to have. Not that I buy a huge lot from QVC as my spending with them has decreased considerably as the tips from this forum have made me aware items are cheaper if you browse the tinternet a bit, and more often I don't need half of the stuff they are flogging, I've learnt self-control. What I'd like to say is that on FB there is a group called Join Clothes Ladies run by Evey Amery Kurlander who helps flog the clothing line Join Clothes, like Ingrid does with Yong Kim. Two days ago she posted several heads ups of new items that won't even be up to buy until the 22nd of November, these included pictures of her modelling them and the item numbers. If QVC are wanting to give everyone a fair chance at buying, and are removing Ian's posts then why are others on separate FB pages who are not affiliated with QVC allowed to give these heads up, yet Ian, on QVC's page is now banned from doing this? Anyway, I've rambled enough and The Apprentice is on soon. But Ian, if you're reading this, keep it up, don't let QVC, DF, and BFF Shazza and the cult that is BTY stop you.x
Hiya everyone. I'm a newbie for commenting, I've followed this forum for many a year, never joined but have done tonight as I feel the need to finally join in, especially with this topic. I'm off work for a while and have been a few weeks so boredom has had me noseying around quite a bit on FB, its either that or watch Loose Women and that Judge fellow who's on after that. Even though I have FB its only used to contact my two daughters as they are always losing their mobiles and work away from home, so I'm not an active social network user. I'm fully in agreement with you all on here regarding the dictatorship that the QVC FB page has become the last few months, and the shameless self-promotion of DF and her BFF Shazza... I liked having all the heads up from Ian as some of us cannot stay up past midnight and as I am normally up very early and have cat litter to empty with my two cats, a quick shower and attempting to put a smidgen of slap on before I'm out of the house after gulping a coffee down the last thing on my mind at six in the morning is putting QVC on, so the heads up were always good to have. Not that I buy a huge lot from QVC as my spending with them has decreased considerably as the tips from this forum have made me aware items are cheaper if you browse the tinternet a bit, and more often I don't need half of the stuff they are flogging, I've learnt self-control. What I'd like to say is that on FB there is a group called Join Clothes Ladies run by Evey Amery Kurlander who helps flog the clothing line Join Clothes, like Ingrid does with Yong Kim. Two days ago she posted several heads ups of new items that won't even be up to buy until the 22nd of November, these included pictures of her modelling them and the item numbers. If QVC are wanting to give everyone a fair chance at buying, and are removing Ian's posts then why are others on separate FB pages who are not affiliated with QVC allowed to give these heads up, yet Ian, on QVC's page is now banned from doing this? Anyway, I've rambled enough and The Apprentice is on soon. But Ian, if you're reading this, keep it up, don't let QVC, DF, and BFF Shazza and the cult that is BTY stop you.x

you can rest assured that I WILL NOT BE STOPPING thats for sure

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