QVC - Change of Format


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Dec 1, 2014
Would anyone agree that QVC is gradually transforming into a women's channel or is it just my imagination? It now appears to me that every time I tune in it's showing more and more beauty products, women's jewellery and every conceivable type women's fashion than ever before. Gone are the days it seems where variety ruled the day.
Yes I agree with your point but what I'm saying is that overall, they tend to spend more time selling items with a more traditional female appeal than anything else. One only has to look at the weekly program guides to see that.
I hanker after the good old days where they used to bring inventions and innovative products... at least there was some variety.

I'm getting really fed up with the constant stream of cosmetics, Nails, Richard Jackson with gardening and candles (real and flameless).

Same old, same old... bring back that pen that wrote upside down and could puncture a coke can... oh, and DiDi 7 - anyone remember that?
The thing we need to remember is QVC is there to sell us stuff we don't really need and make money from it.

Its been discovered the biggest seller(money maker) is beauty nearly 40%, next came fashion not far behind and then jewellery. Craft used to be big on QVC but with the other dedicated channel and Ideal World selling it by the shed load their sales went down, so it only has the odd token show now. Simple really not enough money made by whatever range or products then its bye bye.
I would think the majority of their audience is female so thats where they pitch their sales. I would like some innovation, we are not all obsessed with beauty products, and even if we were there's only so much you can buy and stockpile.
I must admit I don't tune in at all when its a DIY day or gardening.
I think the vast majority of viewers will be women and QVC will show whatever makes them most money. I agree it has become quite repetitive but QVC are in business to make a profit and they will do whatever is necessary to do that.
i remember qvc mainly selling craft new inventions and loads of jewellery, beauty sells at the moment so does the fashion i think
There are guy gadgets on QVC but I'd like to see more male clothing. After all, we need to buy them a little something now and again so they won't mind when we spend the family budget on beauty products. :mysmilie_50:
As a male there is no question QVC is female orientated constant womens products are boring but i guess thats where they make their sales goodness knows how many things you ladies put on your face and body but i guess you think its worth it.
I find an hour show of beauty excruciating and boring must be my mid life impatience ....I just watch v quickly at the presenters and think ...if I was presenting ....I'm sure I would fall asleep mid-Flow lol ....seriously so many tedious shows on air these days .....even kipling getting that way ......I'm just like Vivian on the young ones when he tells everybody ..."bored bored bored bored ....."
The thing we need to remember is QVC is there to sell us stuff we don't really need and make money from it.

Its been discovered the biggest seller(money maker) is beauty nearly 40%, next came fashion not far behind and then jewellery. Craft used to be big on QVC but with the other dedicated channel and Ideal World selling it by the shed load their sales went down, so it only has the odd token show now. Simple really not enough money made by whatever range or products then its bye bye.

that is excatly how i feel & say it all the time they will only sell what sells then if not its bye bye simple really
There are guy gadgets on QVC but I'd like to see more male clothing. After all, we need to buy them a little something now and again so they won't mind when we spend the family budget on beauty products. :mysmilie_50:

A lot of the women's clothing is made of stretchy fabrics so getting an exact fit isn't essential. Would people really want to risk losing out on postage charges to buy men's clothing where the fit needs to be correct therefore the risk of needing to return items is greater?
Quite often Q`s gadgets are older models and they can`t or won`t compete with specialist stores when it comes to the latest tablets, phones, computers etc.
As for their clothes, well most of them are dire and if they ever branched into mens clothing ( which I doubt they would this day and age ) I shudder to think what American offerings they bring to the table ?
It seems to be beauty which is their biggest seller and whilst people continue to look upon ageing as an illness and are searching for that magic cure in a jar, then beauty will continue to rule the roost. Sadly !
Q is like a first love ie. you discover it, fall right into it, all encompass it and then sooner or later you realise it isn`t the real thing and take off the rose tinted glasses. For some people the love affair lasts 5 minutes, for others it lasts years and when we all harp back to the beginning of the affair and talk about the good old days of Q shopping, we`re simply trying to relive that first heady feeling but it`s gone, none the less some people keep on trying to rediscover it.
I personally like the mix of shows on QVC Extra (albeit previously aired and chopped up).
When I look in the mirror, I sometimes wonder if it really is WORTH it !!!!!

I hang onto the thought: what might I look like if I hadn't used the creams... :mysmilie_17:

A lot of the women's clothing is made of stretchy fabrics so getting an exact fit isn't essential. ?

I wondered where you were going with this... thought you might be about to suggest Kim & Co for the menfolk. Maybe a cami for those open necked Fridays for just a hint of colour.... or her famous stretch trousers for lounging in the evenings... :mysmilie_8:
I have not noticed any difference in programming but seems much the same to me.They have tried selling men's clothing in the past but never seems to last more than a few airings.
Kim & Co did a limited range of men's tops a very long time ago, I actually bought a black T shirt shaped top from Last Clicks for a couple of quid (about the same as the £2.45 postage!) because it was a matte fabric whereas all Kim's tops for ladies were in the shin slinky viscose material. I suspect very few of the men's range was bought to be worn by men :mysmilie_19: I think the label was called Kim-Lauren.
I used to like Kim's KNC range (more matte fabrics) but they stopped selling it on Q about a decade ago.

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