Quite often Q`s gadgets are older models and they can`t or won`t compete with specialist stores when it comes to the latest tablets, phones, computers etc.
As for their clothes, well most of them are dire and if they ever branched into mens clothing ( which I doubt they would this day and age ) I shudder to think what American offerings they bring to the table ?
It seems to be beauty which is their biggest seller and whilst people continue to look upon ageing as an illness and are searching for that magic cure in a jar, then beauty will continue to rule the roost. Sadly !
Q is like a first love ie. you discover it, fall right into it, all encompass it and then sooner or later you realise it isn`t the real thing and take off the rose tinted glasses. For some people the love affair lasts 5 minutes, for others it lasts years and when we all harp back to the beginning of the affair and talk about the good old days of Q shopping, we`re simply trying to relive that first heady feeling but it`s gone, none the less some people keep on trying to rediscover it.