qvc and loneliness, depression anxiety?


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I watch so much qvc and I think its because somehow it helps with my anxiety and because its live, it actually feels comforting, somehow reassuring? I do order lots but the main reason I watch almost constatly is because I have become more reclusive, and I do suffer from depression and QVC seems to fit inot it all somehow, not just QVc but all the other shopping channels, you can turn on at 1am and someone is there, sad that I do know Im not alone, I guess others are watching for same reasons and therfore I get comfort from that, knowing someone is there at 1am talking to me!!??

anyhow, I am trying to cut down wiht watching. I know doing housework or even crafting, is more productive than endless viweing so now in day, I say no go do something, anything, sort out a drawer, iron, pull up weeds anything. I then allow myself to switch on and watch very late at night, so I usually watch TSVs launches.

Unlike any other tv, they are live and talking to me, convincing me.

anyway, I do thik qvc is helpful in some ways like late at night when I cant sleep, when Im feeling very alone, frightened, anxous.

It wasnt always like this, I used to have a life, a partner, job so back then qvc was for shopping, now its for companionship.

Sometimes, I dont take the tranqs, so qvc helps there, with the late night anxiousness.

any others out there wtach for these reasons?
Hi and welcome Tristar, I hope the forum will also help in a small way. There are often one or two late night posters and if I can't sleep I finally catch up on whole threads I'd otherwise miss.

I'd agree that QVC is a comforting background noise and if I'm stuck immobile on the sofa or in bed it's unchallenging viewing. Late at night I don't want to watch anything too thought-provoking or mentally stimulating. Also if my head's spinning with depressed thoughts it's good to replace them with light fluffy shopping nonsense. Mind you, I'm more susceptible to daft purchases in the wee small hours.

Jude xx
hello and a very warm welcome to the forum tristar :wave:

i do understand exactly how you feel because i have been there and i too used to watch a lot of qvc for all the reasons you mention. well done on doing some productive things but i would say be kind to yourself. if the shopping channels are a comfort, have it on in the background while you tidy up or whatever. it's not hurting anyone and provided you don't overspend, if it helps you through, then i'd say watch as much as you like for the moment. (((hugs)))
Hi Tristar and welcome

I don't watch for those reasons but I can understand that it can help with loneliness, anxiety and depression. And if helps you then keep watching. I just hope watching doesn't lead to over spending as that may make things worse.

Have you tried talk radio as an alternative? Or even Radio 4. Talk Radio has me arguing the spots off the presenters and callers so I prefer Radio 4. It's really informative and interesting and there's a real variety. If you want to cut down on QVC moving to radio might be a help.

Wishing you well.
that's a point tink, i find local radio is company but for some reason, in the house i need the telly on. radio just doesn't cut it somehow, although i enjoy listening in the car.
Welcome to the forum Tristar! I suffer from anxiety too and I find QVC relaxing and soothing especially late at night when I can't sleep. There's always a happy smiley friendly face on tap! It's cheer up tv for me. I'm sure you'll enjoy being a part of this forum too ~ we're a friendly bunch and there's lots of lovely people here xx
Hi there and welcome. I used to do exactly the same when my husband was terminally ill and he`d sleep a lot but I couldn`t leave him in case he needed anything so Q became my companion during the wee small hours. After he died I`d come home to an empty house and watching Q helped ease the loneliness until it became counter productive because I wasn`t just watching it, I was spending too. I never spent more than i could afford but even so, I was buying stuff just for the sake of it.
Have you thought of going to an adult class ? I joined a basic jewellery making class and loved it, I also made new friends. Also forums and chatgroups helped too but be careful which ones you join. If you like crafting then hire a pitch at a carboot sale to sell whatever you make even if its only a few bits because it`s amazing how many people natter to you and the more you sell, the busier it keeps you. Also i now have a dog which keeps me busy and the dog walking really relaxes me and her company is wonderful.
I still don`t sleep well because during my husband`s illness 8 years ago I learned to just catnap here and there because he needed nursing and it`s a habit I can`t seem to break so when I`m up and about during the night and my new husband is in the land of nod, I either log onto one of my forums or chat groups, snuggle up to the dog or read my Kindle. Nowadays I don`t think to watch Q. It finally dawned on me that much as Q seemed like company, it wasn`t and I had to find other means of being at peace with myself. I had also had a big wakeup call when i remarried and was sorting old bank statements and saw how much I`d spent with Q.
I`m still a restless, agitated type of soul, I guess I always will be but if I keep my mind and hands occupied it seems to help. I bought some watercolours and even though my painting and drawing skills are similar to my 6 year old grand daughter`s lol, in good weather I sit in the garden and dabble with the paints. Nobody sees my efforts and it sure does keep your mind and hands occupied.
For all Q is a help, it isn`t an answer and I wish you well in your quest for relaxation and peace.
Welcome from me too tristar. I'm sure you'll find this forum a great comfort when you need advice or just a friendly word. There are some lovely forumites on here and it's well worth becoming a VIP member which gives you access to the drop and lots of threads that I'm sure would interest you.

My very best wishes to you

Firstly a HUUUUUUGGGGGGE HUG for you.

This isn't any old hug.. its one of those hugs thats known as an anxiety/panic attack fighting hug, which when prescribed, removes all irrational anxiety and the depression associated with it!! Cool huh?

Whatever you do, that makes YOU feel better - resulting in a better day for you is fine!
On the prescription note, if you do have Diazepam administered well done on not relying on it as a first option - try to cycle it, so this will prevent your body getting used to it. If you have a few days off it, the new cycle will be more effective to your body and mind :muscle: 'valium power!'

What you are doing by watching QVC is giving self-therapy in the form of mind diversion. Anxiety is very much concerning internal irrational 'what if' thoughts, so thinking externally is a great solution!

you are amazing. :flower:
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Many thanks for the welcomes and kind words. Dot get me wrong, I love watching but I know I have to watch in moderation, late at night is best for me and the morning shows. I have a set amount I allow myself to spend to keep in control, its very nice having something to look forward to being delivered as well. i kind of twigged awhile ago that I was spending too much time watching, time to get off my backside and do something else, rather than sitting there like a sponge, its so lazy and so easy to get roped in to sitting hour upon hour but I do look forward to the evenings, I turn it up loud, so Im not twitching and tweaking at every little noise, in that way qvc is good, and a kind of medication.
The thing about, is no matter what time day or night there is always someone here.

We won't try to dazzle you into buying anything, just honest opinions about the products.

A thread will start about a QVC presenter/product and then wander off into personal stories sad or funny.

Welcome and do join in with the fun.
Welcome and Welsh cwtches from me too :D

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I had a mini breakdown a few years ago which resulted in feelings of terrible suffocation. I had to keep doors open in the day, curtains open and lights on and TV in the night which stayed on whilst I slept. Q was watched a lot, it helped too, and Law and Order 3 and 4 o'c in the morning. My DD helped me stay sane with gentle bullying and telling me I was a strong person and she said she wasn't allowing me to fold. I taught myself some new craft techniques, 3 in the morn usually, and gradually I came through it. Though not fully free, I am lucky to be able to shake those horrid days off by getting out of bed and keeping busy, with Q on in the background. Best wishes to tristar and fellow FM in distressing times, and yes, you are not alone. I remember spending £100 on Models Prefer. Q saturation viewing days certainly put spending sprees into perspective and are no more. Plus, don't believe a thing most of the presenters say :giggle: Always look on the bright side eh?!
I watch QVC when I'm ironing and last thing before I go to sleep but spend next to nothing these days. I find it relaxes me and I drop off. That says something about the presenters/shows? The word boring springs to mind.
Welcome tristar.

I too know a little of what you mean about the long nights, having the TV turned up loud.
I used to spend a lot of long, lonely, anxiety filled nights. My husband was overseas for much of his working life & we lived in an isolated spot. Used to get myself all worked up, alone in the dark, every little noise causing panic. At least I did have my dogs for company, don't know how I'd have coped without them to be honest. But I did used to spend most nights up & about with the TV on for the sound of a human voice, doubly welcome once I found QVC & it was live for part of the night, or on computer forums or reading. Anything to make the dark hours pass till I could fall asleep when dawn began to break & it felt safer.
Not logical I know, but you have to cope somehow.
Hello Tristar.

Welcome to the forum. Hope the forum provides some sort of comfort, sense of belonging and fun. I don't mean to be cliche but stay positive!!!

Love Sweep
A warm welcome from me too:bear:
I do not suffer from depression, but I had a very busy working and social life and I loved window shopping and these days, I am not allowed to work and my social life has swindled as I cannot go out on my own and I cannot go shopping on my own. Don't get me wrong, I am not wheelchair bound,or anything like that but I do get dizzy and get very tired easily, I hate to impose on others and only go out with trusted ones .
My other half is the most impatient person when it comes to fashion shopping:sad:
So I turned to QVC,... it is the next best to window shopping :happy:I can see different designs and products and it is like being with people. It also provides me with background noise .
I am also very happy with my computer, I learn so much from it.
I came across this forum a while ago, I followed this forum for a few weeks before registering. I find it helpful, knowledgeable and sometimes so very funny:happy:

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