Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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I threw up my hands in horror, figuratively, of course, when I saw a plastic Father Christmas flying in non stop circles around a plastic Christmas tree, This was followed by another plastic Santa with dangly legs. Marketed as 'fun' items, and perhaps they are for some people, I think they are kitsch at its worst and a bit of an insult to the dear old, traditional Father Christmas many of us remember.
When I was larger I did buy a lot of my clothing from QVC nightwear in particularly. But now I would not dream of buying because I had to dumb down a lot on quality. Being a regular size now means I can buy items on the high street a lot cheaper and much nicer.
Added to the fact that QVC are very very expensive for what they selling and the sizing is poor.
So, Qurio is really for QVC customers to model and show off what they have bought and looking for other QVC customers to tell them oh fabulous? Then get the odd thing not right and its boo woo, but I am buying this instead.

QVC getting their own low rate influencers encouraging others who perhaps have controlling their shopping habits to buy more.

You, too, can fill your home with overpriced ugly fashion and mounts of plastic tat.
Some people consider shopping to be a hobby. Not necessarily from the TV but traipsing around the department stores. I can't understand it myself since they will spend hours 'just looking'.
Me too, I shop when I am on a mission to get something, job done or given up then out.I know people who can wander and just browse for hours, I can scan a shop in minutes seen it done it!
Me too, I shop when I am on a mission to get something, job done or given up then out.I know people who can wander and just browse for hours, I can scan a shop in minutes seen it done it!

I’m the same. I know what I want and if I don’t see it I go home. I loathe browsing round shops, unless it’s a craft type shop.

We’ve got a fairly new, very large shopping centre near me which has a cinema, “high end” shops (eg: Pandora, Joules, L’occitan etc,) “normal” shops with “normal” prices (eg: Primark,) coffee shops, restaurants etc., etc. There’s also a large lake, walks around it, a gift shop ….. and so on.

I think I’ve been there five times since it opened in 2017 …. and all my visits have been quick ones. Some people flood into the area and stay in the centre all day. 😳
I'm not a great lover of browsing around shops either, especially clothes shops - tiring and tedious. If I'm looking for something specific, and i'm lucky enough to find it, then it's to the checkout and out the door. If I don't, then so be it - "Home James", and straight onto the internet! Of course I usually chide myself for not doing that in the first place! Equally as painful is a trip to a home furnishing store - Tbh, this isn't really a shop I'd choose to go in off my own bat, but when shopping with friends it's hellish...."Ooh I like that, ooh that would go nice with this, that or the other" and believe me, I've a couple of friends who can pour over net curtains, duvet covers and cushions for hours, and there's me hovering in the background stifling yawns whilst I caress a few towels and try and look interested!
The only shop I can bear to browse are shops like Lakeland, where you don't know what exciting kitchen or cleaning gadget you're gonna find.
I'm pretty happy to do all my shopping online (except food), but there are occasions when I'd like to buy something there and then, so will pop down town, but seriously nine times out of ten I won't find what I want and end up going online anyway. The good old high street is not what it used to be.
I tend to food shop quickly and get very annoyed with what I call amateur shoppers, the ones who examine every bliddy tin of beans. At the start when it was 2 meters apart and one way so there was no room for dithering, I was so fed up with a woman who read and examined every pot of yoghurt on the shelves whilst there was a queue backing up around the shop which she was totally oblivious to. I told her she was buying yoghurt not a bloody engagement ring!

Furnishings I only look if I’m buying, same with clothes.

However, jewellery and antique shops I’ll be all day although I can scan a shop like radar and know immediately if it worth going past the door.
I love markets and we regularly visit Bury market which is a corker. It`s a pic n mix of stalls and there`s an indoor market hall and a traditional outdoor market plus a separate meat and fish hall. I can spend all day looking around them all.
I can`t abide shopping malls such as the Trafford Centre in Manchester plus others besides. They all have the same shops, very few bargains, get overly busy especially at the weekend and never have anything to catch my eye.
I buy 99% of my clothing online because at least online I can see straight away if my size is in stock, no trawling through rails only to discover my size isn`t there or is there but in the wrong colour or leg length.
Plus I`m a lover of voucher codes and now know which websites regularly offer them or which new websites give a discount for signing up to their news letters or some such. Every penny helps.
I dislike crowded areas, queues at tills, idiot shoppers who block aisles or create problems, lack of facilities such as toilets and if you do find one its often dirty or out of order and trying to look through island displays where stacks of jumpers or whatever have been simply dumped by customers who`ve turned the whole thing upside down and it now resembles a jumble sale.
I`ve had my toes run over by people pulling their wheelie shopping trolley behind them, my ankles rapped by the same, and people on mobility scooters trying to get through narrow aisles and scattering people like billiard balls when they get near the till. I`ve had my ribs poked by metal basket corners which have been slung over someone`s arm and the basket sticks out at an angle ready to get you when you pass. One of my granddaughters when she was little was poked in the eye by someone carelessly handling a wire basket, they`re lethal !
Plus on a serious note, come this time of year especially, there are gangs out deliberately pick pocketing, bag dipping, distracting people at cash machines, following people and watching them. Mr V picked up a chap yesterday from a nearby retail park and he`d withdrawn £260 from a cash machine, put it into his wallet and somehow, and he didn`t have a clue how, the wallet and money was lifted from his person. Another elderly lady related to a friend of mine was in a charity shop of all places and had her bag dipped and her purse taken.
I`d rather stay at home cuddled up to the cat and the dog, with a nice cuppa tea and buy anything I need online.
I'm not a great lover of browsing around shops either, especially clothes shops - tiring and tedious. If I'm looking for something specific, and i'm lucky enough to find it, then it's to the checkout and out the door. If I don't, then so be it - "Home James", and straight onto the internet! Of course I usually chide myself for not doing that in the first place! Equally as painful is a trip to a home furnishing store - Tbh, this isn't really a shop I'd choose to go in off my own bat, but when shopping with friends it's hellish...."Ooh I like that, ooh that would go nice with this, that or the other" and believe me, I've a couple of friends who can pour over net curtains, duvet covers and cushions for hours, and there's me hovering in the background stifling yawns whilst I caress a few towels and try and look interested!
The only shop I can bear to browse are shops like Lakeland, where you don't know what exciting kitchen or cleaning gadget you're gonna find.
I'm pretty happy to do all my shopping online (except food), but there are occasions when I'd like to buy something there and then, so will pop down town, but seriously nine times out of ten I won't find what I want and end up going online anyway. The good old high street is not what it used to be.
Yes Merryone, aren’t we good and faithful friends?! I have stood there giving my honest opinions trying to be helpful but all the time just wanting to go.If the tables were reversed & I was the one deliberating I would be told to get on or leave it, time to go!That is why I generally shop alone.With Lakeland I go in itching to buy then think ‘will I use that’? No & No again, end up with nothing, except for the spray to deter spiders.
Just had another look at Qurio as I was a little bored and have been concentrating on the “Lola Rose” lady. She has spent thousands of pounds, not just on LR. I’m presuming she’s in a well paid job and only has herself to please, maybe not who knows. Like I said know wonder Q is thriving with customers like her on board. It doesn’t seem to phase her in the least that it’s probably cost her £20 to try a perfume she doesn’t like or the same to try on a pair of boots that don’t fit properly. I would love to see her “statement”! She’s probably spent about 7k in p&p. I mean good luck to her and all that- but Q aren’t gonna stop ripping people off any time soon that’s for sure!
Maybe I'll sign up. Hello lovely ladies, the shower gels and the lotions are phenomenal, no matter what brand. I buy ***** as a hobby, I have QVC unopened cardboard boxes stacked to the ceiling and absolutely no money in my bank account. I have a monthly easy pay of £20,000 and I still have room for more.

I should not jest as I know all this is true. It could actually have been me at one point, until I saw sense.


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