Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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Yes I can see this, there is a affiliation to QVC, if it from them it must be good and things from other sources which are the same/better/cheaper are dismissed. It is from Q so although it is poor quality I will not bother to return.Qurio just builds on this affinity, hence the posts from the same people.Would Hyacinth have bought these if they had been in a local novelty shop where she had seen the size &forked out £30 in notes?
Trouble is is when our Qurios are shopping with Q, they're not looking for anything specific, there's a lot of pure impulse buying by the look of it and they'll just snap it up in the heat of the moment, or they're literally trawling the website looking for reduced stuff and then nearly wet themselves with excitement when they find something with a few quid shaved off. Let's say you knew what you were looking for, let's say it's a new vaccuum cleaner, you'd look at all the online retailers and see who's offering the best deal, and I very much doubt whether QVC would appear in any search made. From the snapshot Qurio has given us, you've
got your skincare junkies, your make up junkies who are open to trying every single brand that's dangled in front of them, saves a whole lot of hassle, then you've got the rest of them who'll buy any old shite - Nobody buys anything of any substance - Mind you, do Q sell anything of any substance?
Ps the people who are telling Our lady Hy that that I’ll fitting “hungry bum” jumpsuit looks great need shooting!
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Oh dear Hyacinth - it really looks like you’re wearing a bin bag. It’s too big on top and goes right up your ar$e crack! I’m really not saying this to be nasty because that’s what it looks like. I’d hope I’d be able to steer a friend away from buying something like this if she tried it on and asked my opinion. The Qurios are gushing of course. She may just get away with it if the alterations she says she’s going to make to the top work out and she wears a long jacket, but again would she have taken a £72 garment to the checkout in M&S that didn’t fit properly- I doubt it very much!
Oh dear Hyacinth - it really looks like you’re wearing a bin bag. It’s too big on top and goes right up your ar$e crack! I’m really not saying this to be nasty because that’s what it looks like. I’d hope I’d be able to steer a friend away from buying something like this if she tried it on and asked my opinion. The Qurios are gushing of course. She may just get away with it if the alterations she says she’s going to make to the top work out and she wears a long jacket, but again would she have taken a £72 garment to the checkout in M&S that didn’t fit properly- I doubt it very much!
If she wore a better bra then the garment might not need the alteration. Her boobs are sitting just above her waist, but with a decent bra they would be higher up and the garment would fit better. I really don’t know how people post how great it looks. Of course you wouldn’t say it looks awful, but saying it looks good is just untrue.
It's ok M and BB, she has her Danni Minogue tuxedo jacket to wear over the top so you won't see her alterations, together with the full set of Michelle Mone bling so all good in her world. She's away for five months apparently, that's a long old time, something for her postman to look forward to!
It's ok M and BB, she has her Danni Minogue tuxedo jacket to wear over the top so you won't see her alterations, together with the full set of Michelle Mone bling so all good in her world. She's away for five months apparently, that's a long old time, something for her postman to look forward to!
Maybe not the name dropper's best friend at the moment lol!
Trouble is is when our Qurios are shopping with Q, they're not looking for anything specific, there's a lot of pure impulse buying by the look of it and they'll just snap it up in the heat of the moment, or they're literally trawling the website looking for reduced stuff and then nearly wet themselves with excitement when they find something with a few quid shaved off. Let's say you knew what you were looking for, let's say it's a new vaccuum cleaner, you'd look at all the online retailers and see who's offering the best deal, and I very much doubt whether QVC would appear in any search made. From the snapshot Qurio has given us, you've
got your skincare junkies, your make up junkies who are open to trying every single brand that's dangled in front of them, saves a whole lot of hassle, then you've got the rest of them who'll buy any old shite - Nobody buys anything of any substance - Mind you, do Q sell anything of any substance?
Ps the people who are telling Our lady Hy that that I’ll fitting “hungry bum” jumpsuit looks great need shooting!
I agree. I remember getting paid, leaping straight onto QVC looking for something to buy! Didn’t need or want anything but just wanted to buy. No point looking elsewhere because I wasn’t really looking for something. Odd thing, when I did need something - coat or vacuum, I did not look at qvc- bought elsewhere. Now, I always looking for alternatives: Superdrug cleanser instead of liz earl. Still love my cozee home bedding, though

Oh dear Hyacinth - it really looks like you’re wearing a bin bag. It’s too big on top and goes right up your ar$e crack! I’m really not saying this to be nasty because that’s what it looks like. I’d hope I’d be able to steer a friend away from buying something like this if she tried it on and asked my opinion. The Qurios are gushing of course. She may just get away with it if the alterations she says she’s going to make to the top work out and she wears a long jacket, but again would she have taken a £72 garment to the checkout in M&S that didn’t fit properly- I doubt it very much!
Yes. I thought it was a poor fit: too tight round hips, too large under arms. I agree that she probably would not have bought it in a shop after trying it on. However sending it back to qvc is hassle and time consuming. Returns to Amazon easy, print label, put in collection box, refund quickly. QVC hold on to your money so long. i refuse to buy anything from qvc until I have received the refund from a returned good; this makes me stop and think more about purchases. I think every buy should be “a considered purchase”.
ps I wanted to comment on the video and say it was a poor fit and to return it but not brave enough in the light of those gushing over it.

Yes. I thought it was a poor fit: too tight round hips, too large under arms. I agree that she probably would not have bought it in a shop after trying it on. However sending it back to qvc is hassle and time consuming. Returns to Amazon easy, print label, put in collection box, refund quickly. QVC hold on to your money so long. i refuse to buy anything from qvc until I have received the refund from a returned good; this makes me stop and think more about purchases. I think every buy should be “a considered purchase”.
ps I wanted to comment on the video and say it was a poor fit and to return it but not brave enough in the light of those gushing over it.
She is also showing off her Michele Mone jewellery which I thought was awkward.
You sparked my interest so had to go and have a look! Doesn’t she go on ? Again with all her posts I didn’t get to the end and there seems to be a mini series on this ****** jumpsuit. The last thing I want to see is a close up of her or anyones backside.All I can conclude is that thank heaven there is no way I will be bumping into this woman on a cruise ship.I only go on ferries otherwise I would be overboard.
With the blue star Monsoon sweater wonder if she would ever consider looking on the Monsoon website? She might have found it or had a much wider choice.They are super quick with delivery,see this is free even from Q, but returns & refunds are too.She really needs to get another life, what a bore, love me, look at me, the Q faithful sending loving messages.
With the blue star Monsoon sweater wonder if she would ever consider looking on the Monsoon website? She might have found it or had a much wider choice.They are super quick with delivery,see this is free even from Q, but returns & refunds are too.She really needs to get another life, what a bore, love me, look at me, the Q faithful sending loving messages.
I think she's bored tbh, and her spending and accumulating goods is her way of dealing with it. I don't get the impression that she loves particularly loves herself, I see someone who is unfulfilled, and apart from family doesn't have a huge amount of friends around her to share experiences with. Qurio is a dream to her, as she's able to communicate with people who aren't the least bit bored with her constant stream of videos showing of the things she bought. I can imagine her showing her purchases to her hubby who'll probably say "Yes, very nice dear" without even looking up from his newspaper, or if she is in town with a friend having coffee, showing off her latest QVC purchases to have them change the subject, or notice that they've glazed over, and spot a little eye roll here and there. There's none of that with the Qurio "community" - everybody wants to know and what's more they shower her with lovely compliments. In the long run, it's not really helping. I agree, she does need to find herself something a bit more fulfilling than spending money for the sake of it, and I think this cruise is possibly gonna be the kick up the backside that she needs. Her and hubby have got 5 whole months away from home where by default they'll have to engage with one another instead of simply doing their own thing. New sights, new tastes and a whole lot of fun. Perhaps when she comes home she'll have a damn good clearout (of her stuff I mean!) and donate it to charity and perhaps put in a few hours in the charity shop as a volunteer! Despite her being an endless source of entertainment, there is a bit of sadness about the whole thing!
Merryone you have hit the ‘nail on the head’.Perhaps she is someone who has worked night and day in a business with her Husband, so are comfortably off and this is how she spends the money? I would like to think too that ‘the cruise’ would open up new horizons but part of me thinks it will be about what is she wearing and which Michelle Mone piece she will be flashing.I heard someone going on a cruise and having the chance to visit one of the world’s most lovely cities say to my late partner, ‘oh no we've done’ x city’ he was speechless.Yes it is sad in many ways.
When I went on the cruise I was surprised how many people stayed on the ship when it docked in the various places. We visited everywhere. If this lady is going to some hot places I wouldn't be taking QVC clothes as all that polyester is a major no no. Sticks to you and makes you even more hot and sweaty. A five month holiday would be awesome, hope she has a good time.

Lets be honest the cruise 🚢 or no cruise still a shopaholic,it’s a pity all the other Qurio posters don’t tell the truth, the jumpsuit is awful send it back.
Also cardboard Richard with his relentless heads up,just sends out the wrong message,why encourage people to spend money they don’t have.Heads Up Miss Ladysmith first one to admit overspending 🤣
Lets be honest the cruise 🚢 or no cruise still a shopaholic,it’s a pity all the other Qurio posters don’t tell the truth, the jumpsuit is awful send it back.
Also cardboard Richard with his relentless heads up,just sends the out the wrong message,why encourage people to spend money they don’t have.Heads Up Miss Ladysmith first one to admit overspending 🤣
They won't 'cause the whole lot are in denial! When you're up to your neck in addiction,so much so that you can't even be truthful to yourself, then how on earth can they be expected to be truthful to others? With the jumpsuit, any fool can see that it's overpriced, doesn't fit right, but in a club for addicts, you're not going to say what you're really thinking! There is of course the option to say nothing, but that's not what Qurio's all about, so instead they'll keep encouraging them to carry on spending. Personally I'd could not go out of the front door in anything that got swallowed up by my bum cheeks, she must be able to see that, to me it was "the elephant in the room", but would anyone be brave enough to tell her. Hyancinth needs a good friend who actually gives a $hit to steer her in the right direction!
Sorry to keep going on about Hyacinth, but that woman really has got problems! Yes we kinda know that already, but her latest video of yet another Harry Slatkin Christmas tree candle because it’s been reduced to £25 and she paid £39 for hers, and showed it displayed on an extremely cluttered side table, then panned over a larger table that was literally covered with Q’s junk. The new candle is going to live on the floor next to the sofa for over a year so she can give it to someone next Christmas - she needs help clearly yet her spending buddies are just egging her on! I’m so tempted to suggest that she seeks professional help but I know it’ll be badly received . If I could private message her I think I would. How can anyone consider her shopping habits to be normal?
Sorry to keep going on about Hyacinth, but that woman really has got problems! Yes we kinda know that already, but her latest video of yet another Harry Slatkin Christmas tree candle because it’s been reduced to £25 and she paid £39 for hers, and showed it displayed on an extremely cluttered side table, then panned over a larger table that was literally covered with Q’s junk. The new candle is going to live on the floor next to the sofa for over a year so she can give it to someone next Christmas - she needs help clearly yet her spending buddies are just egging her on! I’m so tempted to suggest that she seeks professional help but I know it’ll be badly received . If I could private message her I think I would. How can anyone consider her shopping habits to be normal?
It probably wouldn't be well received by her. My brother is a hoarder, sorry "collector" as he says. He once said that he doesn't have too much stuff, he has too little space. He simply refuses to accept he has too much stuff, he's then online buying more stuff. He's been like it since he was a child, would never throw anything out even when he'd moved on to something else. If I suggested to my brother that he was a hoarder he would get very angry and aggressive to avoid the subject being raised again.
It probably wouldn't be well received by her. My brother is a hoarder, sorry "collector" as he says. He once said that he doesn't have too much stuff, he has too little space. He simply refuses to accept he has too much stuff, he's then online buying more stuff. He's been like it since he was a child, would never throw anything out even when he'd moved on to something else. If I suggested to my brother that he was a hoarder he would get very angry and aggressive to avoid the subject being raised again.
It's such a complex issue. When you see these programmes about hoarders, there's a lot of people who are obviously not well as they've got a house full of old broken toys, newspapers floor to ceiling and actual rubbish (as in stuff most normal people would throw in the bin/recycling), broken/outdated tech, (but not in a good retro way). Rooms they cannot even use because they're full to the brim and of course the inevitable filth and squalor. In the case of our Qurios (one in particular) I'd imagine it would be very difficult to point out that there's a problem going on. The place isn't squalid, but it's full of tat and trinkets and it looks ****** awful, and that's another problem, that's only my opinion - an opinion that's gonna be shot down in flames, especially on the tatty appy as we call it!
It's a damn shame that Qurio isn't a part of their more open social media platforms eg Facebook as she's bound to get a few honest opinions as well. There's obviously a danger of some cruel posts appearing which I don't condone, but in the long run it could prove helpful. As everybody knows a while back I contacted QVC about the dangers of this app, and how wrong it is of them to celebrate/encourage abnormal spending habits, but they were having none of it. When this sort of spending does come to light, it's usually concentrates upon the debt people are getting themselves into, but that's just a part of it, just because they can afford stuff doesn't mean there's not a problem worth addressing. Just because someone's home isn't knee deep in newspaper/dog excrement doesn't make it unworthy of concern. There's no solution to this, BUT apps like this, as we've said time and time again are irresponsible and really shouldn't be a thing!
I totally agree. My brother isn't one of the newspapers to the ceiling types but he has a problem, the same as some of the people on the app. He has no money because he wastes so much on records. He has to buy the cheapest, yellow stickered food because he had spent so much money on vinyl records (none of them valuable). He is 58 and I don't think he will change because he has been like this from a young child. I do like to wind him up - a couple of years ago I got Spotify for streaming music and I tell him it's the best thing I got as I can listen to music without cluttering up the flat with CDs!! He cringes at the thought of not having physical records🤣🤣🤣

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