Quote of the week?


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Registered Shopper
Feb 21, 2011
Plymouth, Devon
I just realised that the DIY show was on, a rare occurrence these days.

When I turned it on, the woman guest was holding a torch and pointing it at the camera, and the first thing I heard her say was "This would be very useful in the dark".
Wow, I must now bow down to the superior knowledge of QVC. I'd never have guessed!

Actually, it annoys me when they demo torches by shining them into the camera. If someone did that into my face I'd want to punch them! You can't demonstrate something when you're being blinded by it!
Well I'm go smacked at that revelation!!! Anyone remember Torchy?

Is that the nickname of a person, or did you mean DORCY, which were a make of torches QVC used to sell.

As I collect torches, naturally I bought some.

One of their gimmicks was that they had a continuously flashing red LED so if you had a power cut, you could find the torch in the dark!
Well I'm go smacked at that revelation!!! Anyone remember Torchy?

Just for you Bettyboo (Yorko and Diamond Diva) :happy:



I don't remember Torchy, my first memory of the great Gerry Anderson's work is Fireball XL5. My all time favourite though was, and still is, Thunderbirds: 5, 4, :movie:

Jeff Tracy *swoon* :blush:


Just for you Bettyboo (Yorko and Diamond Diva) :happy:



I don't remember Torchy, my first memory of the great Gerry Anderson's work is Fireball XL5. My all time favourite though was, and still is, Thunderbirds: 5, 4, :movie:

Jeff Tracy *swoon* :blush:



I don't recollect watching Torchy but loved the 2 videos you posted - they were 'splendiferous' :grin:

and wasn't Torchy posh?
Just for you Bettyboo (Yorko and Diamond Diva) :happy:



I don't remember Torchy, my first memory of the great Gerry Anderson's work is Fireball XL5. My all time favourite though was, and still is, Thunderbirds: 5, 4, :movie:

Jeff Tracy *swoon* :blush:



Now Ive checked that out I wasnt actually born then that was on telly (but sadly born quite soon after) so Ive no idea how I knew that! Do fondly remember Fireball and Thunderbirds though, ta for the clips, took me back a bit (OK then back more than a bit
Is that the nickname of a person, or did you mean DORCY, which were a make of torches QVC used to sell.

As I collect torches, naturally I bought some.

One of their gimmicks was that they had a continuously flashing red LED so if you had a power cut, you could find the torch in the dark!
Torchy was a kids puppet thing that used to be on tv years ago.
I remember Torchy, OMG, I'm old..!

♫ Torch-y- y! Torch-y- y!
Torchy, Torchy the little battery boy
I’m a clever walkie-talkie toy
With bright blue eyes and golden hair
I’ve a magic beam that can shine anywhere.

Torch-y-y, Torch-y- y!
The little battery boy.

Torchy, Torchy the battery boy,
I’m a walkie-talkie toy,
Press my switch, see my bulb start to gleam,
It’s the most magic light you-u-u ha-a-a-ve seen!

Then,there was .... Twizzle

♫ I’m a very special boy, Twizzle.
A very extra clever toy, Twizzle.
I’ve got a very special trick — just you wait and see.
When I start to go cri-crick, I’m taller than a tree!

I can make my arms long if I twizzle,
I can make my legs long if I twizzle,
When I walk along the road and see a wall,
O, I just start to crick myself,
I just start to crick myself until I’m tall.

I’m a very special toy, Twizzle,
An extra special twizzly toy, Twizzle,
Sometimes I can make myself so wee and small,
Sometimes I can twizzle till I’m very very tall.
I’m a very special toy, Twizzle,
Such a very clever toy, Twizzle,

My friends just watch me crick,
It’s such a lovely trick,
O, I love to grow just like a tree,
No other toy can crick like me,
I’m very special you can see,
’Cos I’m Twizzle.

Right, that's enough! Lol
Wow Minim I'm impressed, did you know the words from memory or did you Google them?

As a child I liked Twizzle I was fascinated by the way he could stretch his arms and legs, life was a lot more simple then no CGI etc, being a little on the short side myself I'd love to have his talent it'd come in handy to reach items on the top shelf when shopping !
So - - - does anyone remember - - -

Billy Bean
Built a machine
To see what it would do
He built it out of nuts and bolts
And lots and lots of glue

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