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Is anyone having problems with QVC / Quidco?

The last couple of orders haven't tracked at all - I use Firefox just for Quidco and orders with other companies have tracked okay.

Then this morning I noticed that 2 QVC transactions from September, that were showing as Pending with an amount next to them, have changed to Received and now show zero amount.

I've raised the necessary tickets but it seems odd it's just QVC that I'm having problems with.

Any clues please - is it "user error" :33:
You're not the only one. All my recent purchases have tracked OK, but an older one that had tracked correctly is now showing as "received 0.00", and a few others have posted on the Quidclans about similar things. I've put in an earnings enquiry and will wait to see what happens.
quite a few merchants are no longer available through quidco...wonder if qvc are going the same way? it was such a minimal value but for me it actually made me more likely to place orders so if qvc do pull out for me it will be a further reason to decrease spending with qvc...
I have never used Quidco with qvc, but I know they been on Ipoints for a couple of months - 5 points per £1 spent. I have had no problems with my purchases being tracked on there - just a thought if they aren't on quidco, at least we can get something for nothing!
At least it's not just me doing it wrong.

I've looked at the Quidclans, Craftbeauty, but there's nothing in alphabetical list under QVC and a search doesn't show anything.

As Minomac says, it's nice to get something for nothing, and I'm not going to get too upset if I don't get the cash back, but would Quidco know if QVC pulled out and should they have altered their website, or is QVC to blame? Someone is not being up front?

I always feel slightly less guilty about purchasing when I can justify it with an extra discount ... so I tell myself :21:

I'll have to use RPoints again (they were 1% less), but I reckon if QVC has pulled out of one, it'll pull out of all with the CC.:31:

I raised the same query a cuple of days a go as my QVC purchases are showing as received amount 0.00 earnings 0.00 I have also raised a query with Quidco but if anyone gets a reply please post and let the rest of us know whats happening
My QVC ones have never tracked. I've always had to do an enquiry on them.
Is there any chance that the orders that are now showing a zero are orders you may have cancelled or returned?

Just a thought it could be reason
My September orders are the only ones showing zero_Other months are showing amounts.
I hardly ever return anything.
Hi Witssend, good thought but nope, I've not returned either of 2 items that have changed to zero.
I hadn't noticed this but I'm the same - my August purchases were tracked and paid and my October show as tracked, but the 8 purchases made in September have zero in all the boxes.
The most recent purchases show as payable on 25 Jan as everything now has an extended MBG period.
I've never had to query tracking/earnings before with Quidco and hadn't kept an eye on things as everything had been running smoothly up to now. Thanks for raising the subject.
I've just checked my Quidco account and I have zero against 8 transactions in September. I started to submit queries but having done 3 of them am just wondering whether they were perhaps all on 3 x EP and therefore won't be paying out yet?
I have a zero against a September transaction too showing on my Quidco account, but the item I pruchased from QVC wasn't on easy pay.... :33:
I have two 0.00 amounts showing - one was an item I returned, so I was expecting that, but the other I definitely kept.

Centipede - I think it was a craft Quidclan that was talking about problems with QVC.
I got a payment through Quidco from QVC for something I sent back at the end of the 30 days. Just waiting for another one to go through. Will look at my account now you've raised this to check it out.
I have got payments made to Quidco for months prior to September but a couple of 0.00 amounts for me too...raised a few queries...wonder if it is a glitch in the system? I checked my QVC account and there is no possible reason why the amounts would be declined...
I have got payments made to Quidco for months prior to September but a couple of 0.00 amounts for me too...raised a few queries...wonder if it is a glitch in the system? I checked my QVC account and there is no possible reason why the amounts would be declined...

I think it must be a glitch, it's all too much of a coincidence...
maybe i am stupid, but what is quidco

it is a site where you register and if you go through their links, you get cashback for the transaction. not all merchants are part of it and there are a good few similar onew out there, but quidco is one of the largest and well established. worth a look if you do a fair bit of shopping online!

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