Quick reply from qvc u.s. !!!!! Wow !


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Apr 27, 2009
Received this reply from the CEO of QVC U.S. in response to the email I sent yesterday. At least writing to the top works !........

(Pssst he said I'm free to follow up his email - wonder what he looks like (!) :mysmilie_17:)

Dear Mrs .......,

I am Rob Muller, the CEO of the UK Market, and your email was passed on to me from Mike George.

First, I genuinely want to thank you for the time and business you have given to QVC over the years, and I also want you to know that I take your feedback very seriously.

The issues that you’ve pointed out continue to be top priorities for us, and we have made improvements (though admittedly all have not been dramatic) over the past two to three years. We have improved our delivery times from our Distribution Centre, and even with rising transportation costs, we have found ways to offer more reduced or free P&P to our customers where we see it is feasible (we have increased our reduced/ free P&P offerings quite considerably in recent months).

Relating to our on-air presenters- We aim to strike the right balance of creating a community environment that is genuine and conversational, while putting the greatest emphasis on educating our customer about the product in an entertaining way. We clearly don’t always get this balance right, as you’ve astutely pointed out. I have passed your feedback on to our head of Broadcasting and we will be reviewing the tapes and providing appropriate feedback to our presenters to make sure they aren’t losing sight of the true purpose of their product presentations.

Ms. ......., I want to reiterate how appreciate I am of your long-standing loyalty, and the fact that you cared enough to take the time to provide this feedback. I assure you that QVC is committed to building trust through providing a memorable shopping experiences for our customers. I’m disappointed that we have lost some of your trust, but I assure you that we will use this feedback to win it back.

Feel free to follow-up with me using this email address.


Blimey!! Well done and what a response! I can't believe he replied so swiftly. No wonder they are better in the US if a top banana gets an email actioned that quickly. I am really amazed. AND he calls you astute, yay!!!! Brilliant.
Mazza, if I get a call offering me a courtesy visit to QVC HQ in the States, or if a huuuuuge hamper of QVC goodies land on my doorstep, I'll let you know, :mysmilie_866: (oooh a pink pig just flew by the window )
Perhaps you should give him a link to our forum to show him what it is really like rather than sanitised reviews and Q Arsebook
Well done, Brissles! Maybe you could get Rob to stop that annoying "da, doo, dee, daaaaaaaaa!" 4-note jingle they seem to play whenever they cut to / from an ad break. It actually makes me want to put my foot through the screen. Maybe he could get rid of Gill Gauntlett and all the annoying people they have on there, stop selling vastly overpriced rubbish and denigrating the "high street," ban the use of the word "gifting" and lots of other things.
Good result Brissles!All that free/reduced P&P he mentions-- perhaps by not watching very much these days I've missed this.It just shows a well worded complaint brings results, good for you!
I am very surprised to hear someone pretty senior within the organisation even acknowledged that you had written. Maybe we should all just contact him in future and not waste our time with customer lack of service in Knowsley or the UK-based bosses. And certainly not the automatons on Facebook (I note the guy who wrote is not called Robx). When I wrote to the CEO of QVC UK, all I got was a call a few days later from a flunky (definitely not management and he inspired zero confidence) to see if he could help. I didn't even get a two-line reply from the CEO's PA or anyone working just below him to say, for example, thank you for your letter and we will be in touch. I was going to send another letter or an email to say I was astonished at their lack of interest and courtesy but thought (knew) it would be a complete waste of time so never bothered.

QVC UK is absolutely atrocious. To think I used to think they were great.
Good for you, Brissles and what a fair response from Rob!
Hope that puts the cat among the UK pigeons!!
Well done.
Hope it does get followed up & something does get done to improve things.
Haven't personally noticed the reduced/ free p&p much in evidence, has anyone?
Well done.
Hope it does get followed up & something does get done to improve things.
Haven't personally noticed the reduced/ free p&p much in evidence, has anyone?

yes a few but the presenters say its included. the postage costs is even more in america
I agree Andi, it might well be best to by-pass the UK and bombard this chap with all our gripes instead. Yes, they were a force to be reckoned with many years ago, and I have spent loads of dosh with this one company - far more than any other business in this country, as I suspect have many thousands of others. My spending is not even a fraction of what it was, which I'm pleased about, but where as once it was a fairly good 'department store' with excellent jewellery shows, crafting days and various Blue Moon one-off shows, now it resembles a very expensive Pound Shop.
Whilst all this is well and good, will it translate to the British QVC, he stated that he would review the tapes etc, but is that going to be the UK ones as well, the style of the US ones are what this forum has indicated it wants the UK QVC to emmulate towards, now if the US QVC is already how we state that we want QVC UK to be, is he therefore going to also study the UK tapes, I have a feeling not. Each of the QVC's will be given their own 'freedom' to sell how they want, you have to remember that the 'powers that be' will know their own territory and ways of 'pressure selling' (in a subtle way) and the 'powers that be at QVC UK' towers, feel that the way they are selling at QVC UK is the 'correct way', now whilst people on this forum don't think that, it doesn't mean that the wider Q audience doesn't. QVC UK has embraced Social Media a lot more than QVC US, there is no Presenter Blogs (there is a Social Forum (a bit like this but QVC'ified'), no twitter feeds etc, what this all boils down to is that the UK version of QVC has gone down the 'magazine selly telly' and I somehow think it is here to stay.

Oh yeah sorry to rain on your parade and all that and it was good that you got a response so quickly, I do however feel that it was probably fruitless!
I agree Andi, it might well be best to by-pass the UK and bombard this chap with all our gripes instead. Yes, they were a force to be reckoned with many years ago, and I have spent loads of dosh with this one company - far more than any other business in this country, as I suspect have many thousands of others. My spending is not even a fraction of what it was, which I'm pleased about, but where as once it was a fairly good 'department store' with excellent jewellery shows, crafting days and various Blue Moon one-off shows, now it resembles a very expensive Pound Shop.

Same here, brissles. Swayed by the free P&P, I bought the TSV yesterday. It was the first thing I've bought from them since June. I haven't been shopping with QVC for as long as you have but I worked out my spend over the previous 12 months to put in my letter to the CEO (I won't confess how much on here!!) and my spend is now about 10% what it was. All sorts of reasons in my case but the presenter behaviour you complained about is one of them.
If you read the reviews of employees on another thread they indicate that the US has a fair input into the UK operation so that doesn't inspire confidence in him.

However I feel that it's probably a case of UK having the worst of both sides of The Pond, US ideas implemented by UK managers who have previously worked in the local petrol station.
Whilst all this is well and good, will it translate to the British QVC, he stated that he would review the tapes etc, but is that going to be the UK ones as well, the style of the US ones are what this forum has indicated it wants the UK QVC to emmulate towards, now if the US QVC is already how we state that we want QVC UK to be, is he therefore going to also study the UK tapes, I have a feeling not. Each of the QVC's will be given their own 'freedom' to sell how they want, you have to remember that the 'powers that be' will know their own territory and ways of 'pressure selling' (in a subtle way) and the 'powers that be at QVC UK' towers, feel that the way they are selling at QVC UK is the 'correct way', now whilst people on this forum don't think that, it doesn't mean that the wider Q audience doesn't. QVC UK has embraced Social Media a lot more than QVC US, there is no Presenter Blogs (there is a Social Forum (a bit like this but QVC'ified'), no twitter feeds etc, what this all boils down to is that the UK version of QVC has gone down the 'magazine selly telly' and I somehow think it is here to stay.

Oh yeah sorry to rain on your parade and all that and it was good that you got a response so quickly, I do however feel that it was probably fruitless!

No, you haven't rained on my parade at all. To write to the U.S was an idea of one of our posters, so it was a chance worth taking to see if I got any response at all. I would say that the email fired off to QVC here, has yet to receive a reply ! so at least 10 out of 10 for him getting back to me from across the Pond as opposed to that lot a few miles down the road !

As for the tapes, I took it to mean he would look at the UK tapes to confirm what I had been saying. Judging from his title, he is the guy from HQ in overall charge of the UK operation, so despite what those at Chiswick want to do I expect the buck stops with him and he has the final say.

I agree that very little may happen, but at least I didn't get a 'computer' standard response, which indicates that few people bother to jump over heads to get to the top man. On the other hand, the very fact that I mentioned gripes on social media may well set a few alarm bells ringing. We'll see.

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