Jadeite is not rare. It never has been.
This applies to most gemstones, really. They've been around for thousands of years - and will continue to be around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years after we're long gone.
I've used this line many times on here, but I firmly believe it:
"If you've heard of it, chances are it's not rare."
People know the names Emerald, Sapphire, Aquamarine, Diamond, etc., because they’re so common - everyone has heard of them.
But if you mention something like Bixbite, Painite, or Pezzottaite to the average person, they'll probably look at you blankly because they've never heard of it. Why? Because retailers don’t stock it - there’s so little material available.
It took me ten years to find a good-quality Benitoite of a reasonable size and price. That’s how rare it is. If I’d wanted something similar in, say, Tanzanite, I could look online and find one within a couple of hours at most.
The words 'rare,' 'precious,' 'semi-precious,' and 'valuable' are thrown around far too often in the jewellery and gemstone industry. In reality, very few things in the market truly deserve these labels.
To put things into perspective for people that want a comparison as to what is rare and what is 'rare', here's some examples:
Benitoite - Approximately
300 carats are mined each year. Individual stones over 0.75 carats are incredible rare.
Painite - Only a few
kilograms are mined each year.
Bixbite - Only a few
tens of carats of gem-quality Bixbite are mined each year.
Compare those to:
Diamonds - Approximately
120 to 150 million carats (24 to 30 tonnes) of diamonds are mined globally each year.
Jadeite -
tens of thousands of tonnes are mined each year.
Tanzanite -
Around 1 to 2 million carats of Tanzanite are mined each year.
I always find it quite humorous when Troth and co. claim that a stone they've been selling almost daily for around four years is 'rare.'
We've been hearing that Tanzanite is 'rare' and 'almost depleted' for 15+ years - yet it still appears on screens almost every day. In the real world, 1 to 2 million carats are mined each year, and experts predict there is still enough material in the mines to last another 40 years. That doesn’t sound very rare or 'almost depleted' to me.
The whole industry is a shambles.