q or the general election?


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I'm going to stay up and watch the results through the night. I did that with the Scottish referendum as well - I love to see the picture unfold.
I see call me Dave Cameron is doing the rounds with his shirt sieeves up, you know like one of the lads and the lower class, then this man is going to cut DLA, JSA, Child Benefit making more people having to rely on food banks which in itself is disgusting in 2015 and they're also going to privatise the NHS..........so for me it'll be Labour as always.
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I'm going to stay up and watch the results through the night. I did that with the Scottish referendum as well - I love to see the picture unfold.

Oh gosh Tiddlywinks, life's too short for that! I always laugh at all the polls and "swingometers" and punditry and predictions. Why don't we just count the ****** ballots and then we'll all know, won't we?! It's great to wake up in the morning and just look at the papers! Yeeeeeeeeeeeee! It's going to be a UKIP / Conservative coalition! There! There' s my prediction! Now I've got involved! Did you like that 90-second vid of the back of my head? Lol!
It will be just another night for me. I`ll watch a film on TV, then off to bed at the usual time and I`ll avoid both Q and the election until I have to face the result in the morning. Whoever gets in will let us down, I have no faith in any of them and not one single politician inspires me or makes me think this Country will experience greatness once again. I fear for my grandchildrens future and my own future should I one day be senile, seriously ill or need care. Sorry if I sound such a prophet of doom but that`s honestly how I feel.
Oh gosh Tiddlywinks, life's too short for that! I always laugh at all the polls and "swingometers" and punditry and predictions. Why don't we just count the ****** ballots and then we'll all know, won't we?! It's great to wake up in the morning and just look at the papers! Yeeeeeeeeeeeee! It's going to be a UKIP / Conservative coalition! There! There' s my prediction! Now I've got involved! Did you like that 90-second vid of the back of my head? Lol!

Cameron has said he won't go with UKIP, but then again, he broke every single one of his 2010 election promises so who knows, the mans a proven liar so we'll have to see, UKIP are mostly Conservative anyway so it wouldn't surprise me but hey, what will be will be :cheeky:
Conservative - Were in for a long time and didn't do a great deal for the country. Sold off much of the council housing stock. Were ok at managing the economy to an extent. Then consider David Cameron's performance today right in front of my very eyes. No way will I vote for him.

Labour - Just plain awful. They RUINED this country with their dreadful policies and financial mismanagement. They shouldn't be allowed to get in ever again. I listend to Ed's keynotes speech and it rang shrill, hollow, tuneless and insincere. In my view Miliband is even worse than Cameron.

UKIP - I actually agree with many of their policies - apart from the main one. I don't think all of this country's woes result from the EU or even Europe. I distrust Farage intensely. He mixes with the like of Rolandas Paksas and claims a huge MEP salary yet is against the EU. That says it all for me. Awful man.

GREEN - I care a lot about environmental issues and would vote for them, except their leader, Natalie Bennett, is absolutely bonkers. She fared very badly indeed on the Nick Ferrari and Andrew Marr interviews. She is not possessed of sufficient intellectual capability to run a bathtub let alone this country. I actually find her logic disturbing, plus the Greens have made a mess of the administration in Brighton. So nope, can't vote for them.

LIBDEMS - Clegg is obviously intelligent, but I feel he's been Cameron's underdog. He's merely the tail of the underdog. But the tail can't wag the dog. Maybe he could do more if he got into power. Don't really trust him, though.

PLAID CYMRU - Sorry I don't care about Wales, and Leanne Wood's voice gets on my tits.

SNP - Nicola Sturgeon. Oh no! All she really wants is another Scottish independence referendum. Anything else is secondary.

BNP - Do they even still exist? They shouldn't. Stupid, hateful awful party. No way would I vote for them.

Don't know who else there is? But as they've not piqued my consciousness, I doubt I should be voting for them.
Conservative - Were in for a long time and didn't do a great deal for the country. Sold off much of the council housing stock. Were ok at managing the economy to an extent. Then consider David Cameron's performance today right in front of my very eyes. No way will I vote for him.

Labour - Just plain awful. They RUINED this country with their dreadful policies and financial mismanagement. They shouldn't be allowed to get in ever again. I listend to Ed's keynotes speech and it rang shrill, hollow, tuneless and insincere. In my view Miliband is even worse than Cameron.

UKIP - I actually agree with many of their policies - apart from the main one. I don't think all of this country's woes result from the EU or even Europe. I distrust Farage intensely. He mixes with the like of Rolandas Paksas and claims a huge MEP salary yet is against the EU. That says it all for me. Awful man.

GREEN - I care a lot about environmental issues and would vote for them, except their leader, Natalie Bennett, is absolutely bonkers. She fared very badly indeed on the Nick Ferrari and Andrew Marr interviews. She is not possessed of sufficient intellectual capability to run a bathtub let alone this country. I actually find her logic disturbing, plus the Greens have made a mess of the administration in Brighton. So nope, can't vote for them.

LIBDEMS - Clegg is obviously intelligent, but I feel he's been Cameron's underdog. He's merely the tail of the underdog. But the tail can't wag the dog. Maybe he could do more if he got into power. Don't really trust him, though.

PLAID CYMRU - Sorry I don't care about Wales, and Leanne Wood's voice gets on my tits.

SNP - Nicola Sturgeon. Oh no! All she really wants is another Scottish independence referendum. Anything else is secondary.

BNP - Do they even still exist? They shouldn't. Stupid, hateful awful party. No way would I vote for them.

Don't know who else there is? But as they've not piqued my consciousness, I doubt I should be voting for them.

From your eloquent (and dare I say accurate) analysis then vote lib dem. As a woman I will always use my vote. But in my constituency it's a lib dem safe seat, with the Tories as the only other rival. So I can vote according to my principles... even though I hate that they sold their soul to the devil and got into bed with the Tories.... a tactical vote in my constituency is a lib dem vote. A Labour vote is a wasted vote. A Tory vote.... would rather chew my arm off. Ukip.... a dangerous vote. Green... great ideology just unrealistic. SNP... I am English so not allowed to vote/no candidate. But along with many English people I wish I could!!
From your eloquent (and dare I say accurate) analysis then vote lib dem. As a woman I will always use my vote. But in my constituency it's a lib dem safe seat, with the Tories as the only other rival. So I can vote according to my principles... even though I hate that they sold their soul to the devil and got into bed with the Tories.... a tactical vote in my constituency is a lib dem vote. A Labour vote is a wasted vote. A Tory vote.... would rather chew my arm off. Ukip.... a dangerous vote. Green... great ideology just unrealistic. SNP... I am English so not allowed to vote/no candidate. But along with many English people I wish I could!!

You are more than welcome to Alex Salmond..................you won't get Nicola Sturgeon in Westminster, if anyone gets in it will be Salmond!
You are more than welcome to Alex Salmond..................you won't get Nicola Sturgeon in Westminster, if anyone gets in it will be Salmond!

There is the problem Sazza. I admire Nicola but Alex Salmond... no. It's hard to work it all out as I am a Scots-loving English person. I was so happy with the result of the Scottish Referendum. I want the UK to stay together. I just wish the English had someone like Nicola batting for them. I hate politics but I value my vote and care enough to use it. But apart from the Lib Dems I don't trust a single one of them x
From your eloquent (and dare I say accurate) analysis then vote lib dem. As a woman I will always use my vote. But in my constituency it's a lib dem safe seat, with the Tories as the only other rival. So I can vote according to my principles... even though I hate that they sold their soul to the devil and got into bed with the Tories.... a tactical vote in my constituency is a lib dem vote. A Labour vote is a wasted vote. A Tory vote.... would rather chew my arm off. Ukip.... a dangerous vote. Green... great ideology just unrealistic. SNP... I am English so not allowed to vote/no candidate. But along with many English people I wish I could!!

It's a shame people look at constituencies as "safe" instead of voting for who they really want, mightn't be so safe then.
From your eloquent (and dare I say accurate) analysis then vote lib dem. As a woman I will always use my vote. But in my constituency it's a lib dem safe seat, with the Tories as the only other rival. So I can vote according to my principles... even though I hate that they sold their soul to the devil and got into bed with the Tories.... a tactical vote in my constituency is a lib dem vote. A Labour vote is a wasted vote. A Tory vote.... would rather chew my arm off. Ukip.... a dangerous vote. Green... great ideology just unrealistic. SNP... I am English so not allowed to vote/no candidate. But along with many English people I wish I could!!

Yes, I suppose it has to be LibDem for me. I wish I could find a party that looks after then environment, deals with immigration and brings stricter enforcement of existing laws, does not promote fear and ignorance, improves the NHS, slashes tuition fees, makes people safe, rewards hard work, looks after the elderly and vulnerable but kicks the asses of the lazy and disrespectful, slashes foreign aid, sorts out our own back yard first before playing the Good Samaritan abroad, stops meddling in politics of faraway places pretending it's about humanity when it's about oil, that just speaks the truth - plain and simple, that fixes our woeful public transport system, that doesn't declare a state of emergency when a few snowflakes fall, that doesn't go meddling with the press and harrassing journalists like they are all criminals, that gets rid of bollocks apprenticeships that are nothing other than a byword for cheap labour, a modern version of workfare, that bans crap commercial daytime tv and only allows BBC1 and 2 to show education Open University programs and documentaries, that bans the stupid "fast talk" at the end of radio adverts: "Offer subject to status written quotations available terms and conditions apply we really don't want to say this, please drink responsibly always read the label bleh bleh bleh, of COURSE terms & conditions apply, they always fecking DO. I'd also like an end to political correctness. I want fat people to be called FAT and for CHRISTMAS TREES to be put up unshamedly without fear of offending Muslims who couldn't give a toss about Christmas trees anyway. I'd ideally like free newspapers for everyone, every day! I'd like people to be taught the difference between "every day" and "everyday," and to BAN female newsreaders with immature voices that sound as though they are reading the news while smiling and trying to sound sexy. News isn't sexy. News is news. Bring back gravitas.
There is the problem Sazza. I admire Nicola but Alex Salmond... no. It's hard to work it all out as I am a Scots-loving English person. I was so happy with the result of the Scottish Referendum. I want the UK to stay together. I just wish the English had someone like Nicola batting for them. I hate politics but I value my vote and care enough to use it. But apart from the Lib Dems I don't trust a single one of them x

This is problem many don't realise it is Salmond who will end up in Westminster yet it is Sturgeon being leader who has been in the debates etc....I dislike both of them for different reasons, but Sturgeon comes across well so I understand that a lot of people have taken to her. Voting SNP is going to get us a Tory Government, so I certainly won't be voting for them, never have and don't intend to start now!
This is problem many don't realise it is Salmond who will end up in Westminster yet it is Sturgeon being leader who has been in the debates etc....I dislike both of them for different reasons, but Sturgeon comes across well so I understand that a lot of people have taken to her. Voting SNP is going to get us a Tory Government, so I certainly won't be voting for them, never have and don't intend to start now!

Sturgeon is a ghastly old trout! I don't like her and I don't trust her.
12 billion the Tories want to cut welfare by, I'm not on benefits but I truly worry for the people who are and the families that rely on child benefit because that's getting cut too. People bang on about Labours past record but Labour never borrowed as much as the Conservatives have in their past five years, so for all the austerity, all the cuts, people's suffering this country is still no better off. Makes me laugh though when Cameron rants about working people paying for benefits, yes they do, but also there are at least one million people on benefits who work, the mans a joke. He's victimising the poor, says he'll end the something for nothing culture............says the man who inherited his dad's million plus fortune, as did his dad before him.
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It's a shame people look at constituencies as "safe" instead of voting for who they really want, mightn't be so safe then.

The problem is the First Past the Post system. Believe me if there was proportional representation I would not have said that. However I think many people will vote tactically to stop who they really don't want getting a majority. Many people would rather see a coalition than see a Tory majority, for example. But I am convinced that if we get a high turnout this time for the first time in donkeys years it is for one reason and one reason only. The people are unhappy with the way things are.
If "they" wanted more people to vote, they'd have e-voting like they've done in Estonia for the last 15 years or so. The antiquated old way we do things now is so risble! If we had e-voting it would engage a lot of younger people too. Problem is it might actually bring about change. All these parties around with different ideas and people keep voting for the same old shite! I really don't get it. Who on Earth would want LABOUR or CONSERVATIVE. They've had years in power and what have they actually done that's any good? Yet they are seen by many as the only viable contenders!
The problem is the First Past the Post system. Believe me if there was proportional representation I would not have said that. However I think many people will vote tactically to stop who they really don't want getting a majority. Many people would rather see a coalition than see a Tory majority, for example. But I am convinced that if we get a high turnout this time for the first time in donkeys years it is for one reason and one reason only. The people are unhappy with the way things are.

I agree, this voting system is ridiculous. The Conservatives have never won an election since 1992, only got in last time thanks to the Lib Dems............mind you, you can't spell Conservatives without spelling CON.
I'm truly glad I'm in the autumn of my years, because in 20 years or less, this country due to the demographics of recent years will have no resemblance at all of the Britain I grew up with, and thankfully I wont be around to see the change - although its already happening and not for the better.

Sorry Julius, but my vote goes to that "awful man" fighting for a seat in Kent, at least he is not afraid to tell it how it is, AND I felt his treatment by the BBC has been nothing less than shabby - and this is despite me being a Labour voter all my life. I cannot bring myself to vote for my "awful man" Ed Miliband - he did the dirty on his brother, the party had an open border policy under Blair, Gordon Brown dipped into the gold reserves which affected my pension, and the Labour council in Rotherham shut their eyes to the atrocities happening under their nose ! No, it would stick in my craw to put an X next to Labour.
Yes, I suppose it has to be LibDem for me. I wish I could find a party that looks after then environment, deals with immigration and brings stricter enforcement of existing laws, does not promote fear and ignorance, improves the NHS, slashes tuition fees, makes people safe, rewards hard work, looks after the elderly and vulnerable but kicks the asses of the lazy and disrespectful, slashes foreign aid, sorts out our own back yard first before playing the Good Samaritan abroad, stops meddling in politics of faraway places pretending it's about humanity when it's about oil, that just speaks the truth - plain and simple, that fixes our woeful public transport system, that doesn't declare a state of emergency when a few snowflakes fall, that doesn't go meddling with the press and harrassing journalists like they are all criminals, that gets rid of bollocks apprenticeships that are nothing other than a byword for cheap labour, a modern version of workfare, that bans crap commercial daytime tv and only allows BBC1 and 2 to show education Open University programs and documentaries, that bans the stupid "fast talk" at the end of radio adverts: "Offer subject to status written quotations available terms and conditions apply we really don't want to say this, please drink responsibly always read the label bleh bleh bleh, of COURSE terms & conditions apply, they always fecking DO. I'd also like an end to political correctness. I want fat people to be called FAT and for CHRISTMAS TREES to be put up unshamedly without fear of offending Muslims who couldn't give a toss about Christmas trees anyway. I'd ideally like free newspapers for everyone, every day! I'd like people to be taught the difference between "every day" and "everyday," and to BAN female newsreaders with immature voices that sound as though they are reading the news while smiling and trying to sound sexy. News isn't sexy. News is news. Bring back gravitas.

That's it; I'm voting for you!
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