Purple Tulips TSV


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Oct 23, 2008
I assume there are others out there who bought this TSV last autumn. Well mine started to flower yesterday and the first ones that came up are YELLOW!!!

Does anyone have a picture of what they were supposed to look like? Were they all purple or were some yellow with purple bits (perhaps mine will change colour as they open more).

I'm SOOO not impressed after waiting so long - QVC will be getting a phone call if they don't turn at least a little bit purple.
Sorry Blarf but I had a little chuckle when I read your post, reminded me of a plant we purchased in a pot with the details tag tied to it, was from a garden centre. Tag said white peony, it turned out to be a peony but it was cerise, LOL.
... & I'm now remembering the rose I bought once called "Shocking Blue". It was shocking: it was bright pink when it bloomed! Clearly it's not an unusual problem.

The only thing I know about breeding new colours of hybrid tulips comes from the Nintendo game Animal Crossing, but on there to breed a "black" tulip, which is a deep purple, you need two yellow tulips. Perhaps that's what happens in real life too? Sorry, I know that's not particularly helpful, but it might mean that you don't have the wrong bulbs just ones that have reverted to the colour they were bred from? (I'm going to shut up now before I embarass myself further with my limited plant knowledge!)
The only thing I know about breeding new colours of hybrid tulips comes from the Nintendo game Animal Crossing, but on there to breed a "black" tulip, which is a deep purple, you need two yellow tulips. Perhaps that's what happens in real life too? Sorry, I know that's not particularly helpful, but it might mean that you don't have the wrong bulbs just ones that have reverted to the colour they were bred from? (I'm going to shut up now before I embarass myself further with my limited plant knowledge!)

Cool thought CaramelBunny, you've put me in a happy mood for the rest of the morning though, best post I've read in ages! :)

Flowering bulbs can set seed but that takes years, these bulbs will have come from bulb fields of purple tulips & should therefore all be purple!
You're maybe thinking of something like aquilegias (tall plants with beautiful star shaped flowers) that come in all sorts of fancy colours & variations. Now if you leave those to their own devices, they will start to interbreed & eventually you will be left with an entire border of the rather dull purple that is their original, natural colour!

Bulb offshoots will be the same as the parent colour though & cannot change colour unless, as I said before, the flowers are allowed to set seed & cross-breed with neighbouring varieties but this doesn't happen often as they're not very good at it & many of the hybrid varieties aren't terribly fertile either!

So there you go! I prefer the Animal Crossing version myself, much more fun.....! :3:
Another person without green fingers here. I once tried to grow some delphiniums from seed, I planted them out, only one seemed to be doing ok so I watered it and fed it and eventually some flowers appeared and I realised it was a weed.
Ooops! Perhaps my first clue that Animal Crossing wasn't like real life should have been when all my neighbours had feathers or fur & the local shop was run by a racoon in an apron! It just seemed a bit of a coincidence that the tulips that should be purple were yellow... :eek:

Thanks for the patient real world hybrid lesson, Kitten.;)
I once bought some tulip bulbs at a flower market in Amsterdam, they were supposed to be black but came out bright red. If I had bought them from QVC I would have complained and would have expected a refund.
You should get a refund and be allowed to keep the flowers. QVC should get a refund from their suppliers - who should be left footing the bill.
I assume there are others out there who bought this TSV last autumn. Well mine started to flower yesterday and the first ones that came up are YELLOW!!!

Does anyone have a picture of what they were supposed to look like? Were they all purple or were some yellow with purple bits (perhaps mine will change colour as they open more).

I'm SOOO not impressed after waiting so long - QVC will be getting a phone call if they don't turn at least a little bit purple.

I remember them because I was annoyed afterwards for not buying them myself after much debating. I'm positive they were all purple and the only variation was a purple and white frilly type flower if you know what I mean. I don't remember there being any yellow on them.
Mine havent flowered yet so cant tell what colour they are but I did get a purple set of tulip bulbs from QVC a few years ago and a lot of them were pink not purple but they still looked nice so I didnt complain.

My "pink" daffodils from QVC were yellow :(
If the tulips aren't purple, they're not what was ordered & paid for, end of! If QVC won't make amends Trading Standards would be my next port of call!
I believe, within the bounds of the law, that it is the case that, despite the short window for return as covered by the Distance Selling Regulations (as well as QVC themselves), customers' statutory rights etc., not only must something be as advertised but in the case of items where the customer has had to take it on trust that they are in fact receiving what they have ordered, (such as flowers that wouldn't flower for several months etc.), it is the retailer's responsibility to put things right should this turn out not to be the case!
Why not ring the studio. It says on Sky tv guide that Richard Jackson is on tonight at 10pm, and let him explain why!!
LOL guys - you crack me up!

I found this picture eventually and thought perhaps my yellow ones are supposed to be cream, maybe they'll fade like tulips usually do. Waiting with bated breath for some more to flower now.
I bought some pink pansey's from Gardening Direct in the autumn and now they are flowering half of them are yellow!!!! I've a good mind to complain but they look nice anyway....
Even more of mine have now flowered and they are all yellow. Not creamy coloured but bright yellow - so disappointed I only bought them cos they were purple in the first place. They look a bit daft to me the bright yellow in the deep purple pots!!

Anyway I've rung QVC CS and someone from their product dept is meant to be phoning me back. I'll only be happy with my money back I'm afraid.

Has anyone actually got purple I wonder?

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