Priceless! JR just been asked why talking in child's voice.


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I can't watch Julia for any more than 5 minutes at a time. I saw her on the Kipling show and she made reference to being at the football match the day before and was too tired to cook when she got home so they decided on an Indian takeaway. To cut a long story short they couldn't have what they wanted so she had to nip to the supermarket, buy the ingredients and make it herself. Then she said the bag, which was being demonstrated, would have been ideal for carrying home the takeaway. Then with a lop sided smile she flicks her hair and flirts with the camera. At that point my blood pressure levels was starting to soar and I had to change channels. Planet Julia is a strange place.
I can't watch Julia for any more than 5 minutes at a time. I saw her on the Kipling show and she made reference to being at the football match the day before and was too tired to cook when she got home so they decided on an Indian takeaway. To cut a long story short they couldn't have what they wanted so she had to nip to the supermarket, buy the ingredients and make it herself. Then she said the bag, which was being demonstrated, would have been ideal for carrying home the takeaway. Then with a lop sided smile she flicks her hair and flirts with the camera. At that point my blood pressure levels was starting to soar and I had to change channels. Planet Julia is a strange place.

this post made me LOL:mysmilie_13:

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