This does not beat the story my ex told me. He told me that his he and his sister (aged 7 and 9) pooled their pocket money and went up to their local shops to buy her a birthday present. They chose a plastic laundry basket, it was big, so they thought they'd done really well for their money and that it would be useful and she'd love it. WRONG!!!! When they excitedly gave it to her, she told them in no uncertain terms that she didn't want it and made them take it back to the shop - how mean is that?!
My other memory is when my mum reminded me that it was my nan's birthday tomorrow and asked whether I'd bought her anything, being 22, totally wrapped up in myself and permanently skint of course I hadn't. My mum said she'd lend me some dosh, so I went to some nearby shops with literally no idea what to get her. I decided that a bunch of flowers would be a lovely idea, there was no florist in the parade but a greengrocer who sold flowers as well. They had a couple of very tired looking bunches left that didn't look like they'd last the night, then I spotted a display of dried flowers, I thought they were lovely so I bought a large bunch, they wrapped them and I took them home. I must admit a few heads fell off in transit but they still looked lovely imo. I showed them to my mum who said they were absolutely dreadful and that it would be a bloody insult to present her with those. She insisted that I took them back for a refund. I felt mortified, and started my trudge back to the shop wondering what I'd say and would I get my money back ok. Luckily for me the brisk walk caused quite a few more heads to fall off so by the time I got there I was able to say that they're knackered. I got the refund and bought her a box of chocolates! It turned out my mum was right, but to suggest I would be insulting nan really upset me!
My son bought me a hideous cat ornament when he was really young and I bloody treasure it, I'm not lying when I say I'm glad it's small and unobtrusive, but it's the thought that counts. That facebook meme is so right!
Any similar stories out there?