Presenters reacting to comments made on this forum


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I work in sales. The amount of targets we have to meet would astound those unaware of working in such an environment. The rewards are,however, immense. I actually sell; QVC presenters do exactly that : present. We are trained in the appliances/technology we sell. We don't have guests to provide the customer with necessary information; it is all down to us. I don't think they are on commission but will be, if they don't garner the sales, took to task. So why the hard sell, you may ask? Pride, satisfaction, a personal goal, comptitiveness, to do the best they possibly can. If it keeps the powers that be off their backs, life is good.

Very well put comments Louise. I assume you had to train on various courses to do the job you are doing. The 'presenters' are from a diverse range of backgrounds to 'present', from dental assistant, dancer x 3, quiz show totty, former tv presenter, athlete/travel show host, journalist x 2 , actress/voice over person. Maybe one or two of them have dabbled in sales, but l would hazard a guess its more about egos cos their on the tele.
being a sales assistant and working on qvc is a bit different though. firstly the huge wage they get. also they sell stuff but they are tv presenters with a huge airtime exposure
That's what gets me when people say about presenters "they're in sales!" They're not in sales that's the guests job, the presenters are there to do just that, present the item. Makes all this "get yours! get yours now!" and "please stay" "please don't go anywhere" all the more pitiful knowing it's all about the popularity.
There's still a lot of speculation, conjecture and fantasising going on with regard to the 'huge wages' presenters are assumed to receive. As far as I'm aware, their actual salaries have not been accurately established, and probably never will be.
And yes, they do get 'airtime exposure', but it's a shopping channel for heavens sake, they're not film stars!
I bet the average person in the street would not know who any of them are. Believe it or not, this forum is not representative of the population as a whole.
they must get huge salaries they dont seem to live a hard life. jill franks does not look like she works for minimum wage. none of them do. its a middlers job. presenters salaries and lots of freebies to boot. what a great job. i would love it!:mysmilie_8:
The title is in the name Presenter, I regard them like game show hosts or Ann Robinson on Watchdog. She fronts the show and the others do the stories and investigation. They are there as the face of QVC, giving the family friendly face laughing and joking with the audience. Some of them do struggle with the family friendly, yes Alison Young you for one. That is why so many of them started in the entertainment world.
they must get huge salaries they dont seem to live a hard life. jill franks does not look like she works for minimum wage. none of them do. its a middlers job. presenters salaries and lots of freebies to boot. what a great job. i would love it!:mysmilie_8:

It must pay fairly well, they only "work" roughly twelve hours a week...........don't want the job though, it's the freebies I'd be going after.
They didn't start out to be shopping telly presenters. For a lot of them it's a second choice career when their former glory days on screen or on stage or on the catwalk waned so now those presenters are doing what they've always done ie be in front of an audience and have themselves and their egos flaunted to the world. It just happens that this time they have to sell which is just another form of acting to them. But the job is to make money for QVC by presenting and thereby selling stock, end of.
it must be hard for those that struggle but enjoyable for those that can....df is more the hard chore seller, the other presenters are more that... presenters that sell
Well I can't believe the speculation that goes on about these people who are like the Merchandisers you see in supermarkets only on TV. Which of them have had former glory days in 'show business' as I'd never heard of any of them in fact I'd say they were less than Z listers as far as that goes. Obviously the pay isn't that fantastic or some of them wouldn't be writing and in some cases self publicising books. As for do they read the comments on this Forum well I very much doubt it. They are not the kind of people who want to hear negative remarks about themselves as they think they are wonderful, some more than others.
Well it is a shopping telly forum, all things shopping telly are open for discussion. When Morrisons, Aldis and other merchandisers have their own TV shopping channel, they'll be discussed too, but until then.............
but they do read the forum. i just think these days they dont post but they do browse. they earn presenters wages which must be around £200 an hour at the least. they write books because who has enough money. the more you get the more you want. having two homes, expensive holidays, school fees, three weddings, designer clothes/shoes, building your own home all comes at a big cost
Well I can't believe the speculation that goes on about these people who are like the Merchandisers you see in supermarkets only on TV. Which of them have had former glory days in 'show business' as I'd never heard of any of them in fact I'd say they were less than Z listers as far as that goes. Obviously the pay isn't that fantastic or some of them wouldn't be writing and in some cases self publicising books. As for do they read the comments on this Forum well I very much doubt it. They are not the kind of people who want to hear negative remarks about themselves as they think they are wonderful, some more than others.

What!!! You mean you missed Julia Roberts as a dolly dealer with Brucie on Play your cards right? Or her appearances in a few comdies in the 80s?
tvshopper, it makes no sense to me, either, although I know different people on here have different opinions as to whether the presenters should, or shouldn't, be classified as "salespersons". My view is that whatever you like to call the presenters - and I've called them a few things in my time! - if the product sales in their hours consistently fail to meet targets, they will be out of the door. I think it makes no difference who their guest presenter is - the onus still falls on the presenter to push the product sales up, and I believe they have targets they must meet, and not just to get bonuses/commission or what have you. Maybe Q have a somewhat loose definition of what constitutes "sales commission", hence the denial in the TV documentary, but presenters are still being judged on their sales -- and a rose by any other name!

Does anyone recall the documentary about Shopping Channels when Ideal World was fairly new and it featured QVC and (I think) Home Shopping as well. It said on that documentary that at QVC the Presenters weren't paid any commission on Sales, yet we saw Alison run through to the Studio after her show to check the Sales figures and she was all hyped up about how many Units she'd shifted in her hour. :wonder:

That never made sense to me; whilst i appreciate there may be an element of 'competition' between Presenters, there had to be more to it than that and I thought it was likely that whilst they may not be paid a percentage of their Sales, that there were other luxuries or bonuses paid.
I can't imagine Marv's sales will be very high, as soon as she comes on I switch over and I am sure lots of people do too. I wonder how long she will last?
I don't know if it is right Pick-a-lily, but as I said, there is no doubt that QVC presenters are on good money, certainly compared to the likes of lesser mortals like me. You can tell from their lifestyles with endless fab holidays that they have plenty of money.
Why the fixation on presenters' salaries and lifestyles? It shouldn't really matter to viewers when all they are doing is showing us around the products.

Q is not likely to be their only workstream either. There's voice-over, private / corporate presentation work, training videos, training others in presentation skills etc etc. Plus the blogging, writing etc.

So what if they earn enough to have a holiday home or jet off somewhere... good luck to them; they are enjoying the fruits of their endeavours.

I just don't get why some people are so scathing of the presenters on a personal level - Q really seems to bring out the worst in some viewers.... why watch if it gets your goat so much? Just shop on the website, avoid the videos or use alternative retailers.

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