Presenter leaving?


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Sales is a stressful world and not suited to everyone. I think Marv is a lovely, down to earth lady and I reckon she'd be great fun on a night out, her warm nature will see her do brilliantly in a different role.
I liked Marv and can only echo the good luck wishes for her in the future. She was always trying so hard (perhaps too hard sometimes) to be enthusiastic about products. I definitely think she would be one of the nicest to socialise with in real life. In some ways perhaps her scrupulous highlighting of the P&P when she first started was a harbinger of doom? QVC like to gloss over the aspects of what they do that aren't selling points... or they dress it up ridiculously like Catherine Huntley.

Marv seems a very professional and capable person from what I've seen of her work outside of QVC, so I expect her to do very well.

On a personal note, I hope her mum recovers well, as it must be a worry for her.

Good luck Marv!
Good luck to Marv for the future and best wishes to her mum. Next to leave? Please make it Katy Pullinger or Chloe.

Marv was not my favourite presenter, but I do wish her good luck for the future, hope she move on to better things and more suitable employment.

Opinions were only regarding her on selly telly! Agree that she will move on to things more suited to her. Wish her all the best! :mysmilie_12:
They don`t exactly treat people well when they leave do they ? I wonder if everyone is treated the same say if Julia left? Its a poor show when they can`t give a few minutes on air to tell us about it and wish the person well whether they are present or not!!
I'm looking forward to the T callers and Facebook questions asking where Marv is...I reckon they'll crop up periodically for up to a year and the presenters (or facebook media person) will squirm to find the safest way to answer without giving away any info that deviates from the party line.
I remember a few got the cake and bubbly on their last day so I can only assume those who did not went under less favourable circumstances.
They don`t exactly treat people well when they leave do they ? I wonder if everyone is treated the same say if Julia left? Its a poor show when they can`t give a few minutes on air to tell us about it and wish the person well whether they are present or not!!

Queen Julia is already shown favouritism by QVC by giving her a "Julia's Pick" slot, so I should imagine that if the day Julia ever leaves QVC, it will become an annual event named "Julia's Day" to be celebrated for her tireless contribution to expensive, overpriced beauty products, fashion and general tat.
If I was to money on it, I'd say she's already left, Kathy Tayler perhaps? To be honest I don't think any of them really cut it anymore so they should all go. it's all changed dramatically since day one, presenter wise that is, nothing else though, it's still the same archaic structure as it was on day one.
Where is Kathy ? I have not seen her for a few days (mind you I have not watched QVC for few days too)
I thought Katy Taylor was off after having an operation? No doubt by the time she comes back(if indeed she does), she will have moved on from the endless my daughter's wedding.

She was back briefly after having her op, and she said she was having a bit of a break till I think August! Her husband has retired she also said on the show I saw her on.

What I meant was maybe she's liked being a lady of leisure and has decided not to return, technically meaning she's left, I'm probably wrong though. :mysmilie_17:

I have got the answer to my question:giggle: I should get into the habit of reading all the posts before writing a new one .
I have got the answer to my question:giggle: I should get into the habit of reading all the posts before writing a new one .

Kathy is another one who doesn't fit well with the hard sell.It must be exhausting keeping it up. Mind you I think she really does love most of the Q fashions she presents though many don't suit her.
Thank you maymorganlondon:mysmilie_508: She does need a break, I hope she comes back with less stammering .

I also hope she comes back with less rudeness. It's quite disappointing that Kathy, pre-sabbatical, had developed many of the nastier traits of other presenters... she was previously lovely and had a very pleasant manner (although, yes, irritating sometimes with the stammering).
Agree with others,not suited to selly telly. I didnt like or dislike her really ,but she was never nasty or bitchy.
I quite liked Marv, she wasn't a QVC clone and didn't follow the pack as such. Probably what she is no longer presenting. Another this about het is that she has had many other rolls in broadcasting including being a news reader on sky and local Tv and radio so has a great deal of experience. Very few of the other Q presenters can say that. Surely the next to go has to that arrogant, stuff the guest I know more than them SG.... Please let it be her...

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