poor excuse after poor excuse


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I've not watched nearly enough to make any comments about the presenting or the technical problems really, but I'm confused about the nails? I watched last night and they didn't strike me as bad, they were clean which is good enough for me, I don't like to see a mans hands to manicured, it's sort of girly. :mysmilie_82:

I agree reddwarf! lol

Steve has one really bashed nail, bruised & looks like remains of several blood blisters under it, which I think he said he shut in a door or something? Has trashed the nail quite badly but his hands & nails are still clean!
I will promise to get him a manicure as soon as he gets 5 minutes lol
I will promise to get him a manicure as soon as he gets 5 minutes lol

He won't like it Sarah, they never do - I'd have to knock mine unconscious & physically drag him to a salon as he'd never submit to a manicure voluntarily! lol

Get some Arnica in ready for the next time he bashes his fingers or shuts them in a door, supposed to help reduce bruising! lol
I would have thought it was a bonus for the presenters to produce as well. That's what I thought when Matt and Rod joined from Gems. Gives them another set of skills for the CV and be a bigger part to play in the company, rather than just the face on the TV.
I have to say I dont watch other jewellery channels only rocks tv but I do watch QVC sometimes and if you want to see an example of perfect nails and lovely hands you have to look no further than Charlie's hands.
hey everyone,

i know i might seem a bit down on this channel, but from what i have gathered the following is true

steve bennett was the man that sold jungle.com in the .com bubble, started gems tv however many years ago, has been on the internet with rocks.tv for 18 months before coming to sky (stop me if any of this is wrong)

so why

a) has the website changeover been so slow and chaotic
b) does his book need more reprints for major spelling mistakes
c) do his on screen graphics look very amateur
d) is his jewellery bits that only generate small margins as they would have on gems - there are no money pieces
e) can us web buyers not get involved when only one available - another 'web bug' supposedly
f) do steve's nails still look unpresentable
g) is steve undermining his presenters by never letting them present, but produce, sweep the floor, make the coffee and everything but present the programmes
h) has he no more than a small handful of promos made

I could go on, but do you see what I mean. It isn't like he didn't know he was going on TV - it must've been the plan for a long time and it was him that set Gems TV up in the first place.


Vegasplayer, if you have so many complaints about Steve Bennett and Rocks TV why do you bother watching just now and not just wait until the teething problems are resolved?

Steve is a very successful entreprenuer and together with his lovely wife Sarah and members of his family, he has brought genuine gemstone jewellery to a lot of people who perhaps otherwise couldn't afford to own it. There will always be some teething problems with a new venture and any normal, decent human being should be able to accept that.

Firstly you personally attack Meeshoo now you are attacking Steve Bennett! Who will be next I wonder? Oh I suppose that'll be me then :mysmilie_34:
Hi Vegasplayer

Sorry it has taken a while to respond, i was a little busy.

a) has the website changeover been so slow and chaotic
Slow definately not. This is a very complex website that can integrated web orders with phone orders, can integrate sales performance with jewellery production, can rate gemstone performance with rough gems waiting cutting. Yes the front end is not yet as pretty as it could be, but behind the scenes its an amazing site and our team have done a fantastic job. They deserve a lot of praise not critisim. Sorry it does not look as pretty yet, but it will soon.

b) does his book need more reprints for major spelling mistakes
It does have some errors and it was proof read by three different people. But when you start off with lots of mistakes, i guess it is an up hill battle to find them all in a short space of time. I think they did a good job of picking up as many as they did. I also told them not to change the gramma so that my mom would know i wrote it myself.

c) do his on screen graphics look very amateur
Its your opinion. But the machine and software cost less than £30k and the next option was very very expensive! again i think our graphics team have made it very ledgeable and all it needs now is the link to sizes of rings, lengths of necklaces etc.

d) is his jewellery bits that only generate small margins as they would have on gems - there are no money pieces
Wait and see what is coming, but you are of course always going to be welcome to your own opinion. i believe we will have the widest range of gemstones in the widest possible price points very soon.

e) can us web buyers not get involved when only one available - another 'web bug' supposedly
I have never said this was a web bug. See comments from other viewers. As soon as we can design an auto checkout facility for one of a kinds, then it will remain telephone bids only till then. Sorry

f) do steve's nails still look unpresentable
They are awful, i agree.

g) is steve undermining his presenters by never letting them present, but produce, sweep the floor, make the coffee and everything but present the programmes
I have just asked them what they think and they say they are enjoying a well earnt break and it is giving them plenty of time to learn the producing, which is something they all have to do everyday moving forward. they will all be presenting and producing as of the 1st of Feb. The producers will also be producing and doing other important tasks. But thats all i am prepared to say on this matter, without giving to much info to the competitors.

h) has he no more than a small handful of promos made
We have 97 promos already and have a team dedicated to bringing more.

Hope the info helps and feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any more ideas. I do welcome everyones feedback. Many thanks for taking the time to post and for watching.
Hi Vegasplayer

Sorry it has taken a while to respond, i was a little busy.

a) has the website changeover been so slow and chaotic
Slow definately not. This is a very complex website that can integrated web orders with phone orders, can integrate sales performance with jewellery production, can rate gemstone performance with rough gems waiting cutting. Yes the front end is not yet as pretty as it could be, but behind the scenes its an amazing site and our team have done a fantastic job. They deserve a lot of praise not critisim. Sorry it does not look as pretty yet, but it will soon.

b) does his book need more reprints for major spelling mistakes
It does have some errors and it was proof read by three different people. But when you start off with lots of mistakes, i guess it is an up hill battle to find them all in a short space of time. I think they did a good job of picking up as many as they did. I also told them not to change the gramma so that my mom would know i wrote it myself.

c) do his on screen graphics look very amateur
Its your opinion. But the machine and software cost less than £30k and the next option was very very expensive! again i think our graphics team have made it very ledgeable and all it needs now is the link to sizes of rings, lengths of necklaces etc.

d) is his jewellery bits that only generate small margins as they would have on gems - there are no money pieces
Wait and see what is coming, but you are of course always going to be welcome to your own opinion. i believe we will have the widest range of gemstones in the widest possible price points very soon.

e) can us web buyers not get involved when only one available - another 'web bug' supposedly
I have never said this was a web bug. See comments from other viewers. As soon as we can design an auto checkout facility for one of a kinds, then it will remain telephone bids only till then. Sorry

f) do steve's nails still look unpresentable
They are awful, i agree.

g) is steve undermining his presenters by never letting them present, but produce, sweep the floor, make the coffee and everything but present the programmes
I have just asked them what they think and they say they are enjoying a well earnt break and it is giving them plenty of time to learn the producing, which is something they all have to do everyday moving forward. they will all be presenting and producing as of the 1st of Feb. The producers will also be producing and doing other important tasks. But thats all i am prepared to say on this matter, without giving to much info to the competitors.

h) has he no more than a small handful of promos made
We have 97 promos already and have a team dedicated to bringing more.

Hope the info helps and feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any more ideas. I do welcome everyones feedback. Many thanks for taking the time to post and for watching.

Very well said Steve :mysmilie_82:
I think vegasplayer maybe sees life through a half empty glass.

Me ... I prefer the half full option. :mysmilie_61:
I think vegasplayer maybe sees life through a half empty glass.

Me ... I prefer the half full option. :mysmilie_61:

Agreed Fluff, me too. Hopefully Steve won't take VP's outlook personally as it will be a minority one, and unfortunately VP seems to think everyone's fair game including other forum members. xxxxx :mysmilie_11:
Agreed Fluff, me too. Hopefully Steve won't take VP's outlook personally as it will be a minority one, and unfortunately VP seems to think everyone's fair game including other forum members. xxxxx :mysmilie_11:

I agree, Vp's outlook is almost certainly the minority view! Sure there are a few niggles to be ironed out, but most of us can see the bigger picture, Great jewellery at great prices with good CS to boot!
Last edited:
Hi Vegasplayer

Sorry it has taken a while to respond, i was a little busy.

a) has the website changeover been so slow and chaotic
Slow definately not. This is a very complex website that can integrated web orders with phone orders, can integrate sales performance with jewellery production, can rate gemstone performance with rough gems waiting cutting. Yes the front end is not yet as pretty as it could be, but behind the scenes its an amazing site and our team have done a fantastic job. They deserve a lot of praise not critisim. Sorry it does not look as pretty yet, but it will soon.

b) does his book need more reprints for major spelling mistakes
It does have some errors and it was proof read by three different people. But when you start off with lots of mistakes, i guess it is an up hill battle to find them all in a short space of time. I think they did a good job of picking up as many as they did. I also told them not to change the gramma so that my mom would know i wrote it myself.

c) do his on screen graphics look very amateur
Its your opinion. But the machine and software cost less than £30k and the next option was very very expensive! again i think our graphics team have made it very ledgeable and all it needs now is the link to sizes of rings, lengths of necklaces etc.

d) is his jewellery bits that only generate small margins as they would have on gems - there are no money pieces
Wait and see what is coming, but you are of course always going to be welcome to your own opinion. i believe we will have the widest range of gemstones in the widest possible price points very soon.

e) can us web buyers not get involved when only one available - another 'web bug' supposedly
I have never said this was a web bug. See comments from other viewers. As soon as we can design an auto checkout facility for one of a kinds, then it will remain telephone bids only till then. Sorry

f) do steve's nails still look unpresentable
They are awful, i agree.

g) is steve undermining his presenters by never letting them present, but produce, sweep the floor, make the coffee and everything but present the programmes
I have just asked them what they think and they say they are enjoying a well earnt break and it is giving them plenty of time to learn the producing, which is something they all have to do everyday moving forward. they will all be presenting and producing as of the 1st of Feb. The producers will also be producing and doing other important tasks. But thats all i am prepared to say on this matter, without giving to much info to the competitors.

h) has he no more than a small handful of promos made
We have 97 promos already and have a team dedicated to bringing more.

Hope the info helps and feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you have any more ideas. I do welcome everyones feedback. Many thanks for taking the time to post and for watching.

Well said Steve
I agree, Vp's outlook is almost certainly the minority view! Sure there are a few niggles to be ironed out, but most of us can see the bigger picture, Great jewellery at great prices with good CS to boot!

Agreed Fluff, me too. Hopefully Steve won't take VP's outlook personally as it will be a minority one, and unfortunately VP seems to think everyone's fair game including other forum members. xxxxx :mysmilie_11:

I think vegasplayer maybe sees life through a half empty glass.

Me ... I prefer the half full option. :mysmilie_61:

Very well said Steve :mysmilie_82:

Got to say I enjoy the channel, but do agree with a few of Vegasplayer's points.

Website - as I have said in another topic, to me it looks very basic and can't imagine it took more than a day to knock together.

The book - how many thousands have been printed, surely it would have been worth having it proof read?

Nails - they are yuck! I'm a man so am not too sure myself, but how much does a manicure cost? He is fronting the channel every day near on, yes he has admitted they are vile himself, so why doesn't he do something about it? His wife should tie him down for 15 minutes and sort them out!

Presenting - yes he is the boss, but you do get the feeling especially with Carol that they don't want to be producers, they want to be presenters. Maybe he should firm up a schedule and not waste money having presenters in the building when he wants’ to be on air? Several nights I've seen two presenters 'producing' - surely a waste of his money?

A good point someone made in this thread about Steve being on air is they love his prices, a point I raised in another topic - he undermines the other presenters prices by taking items lower. So why bother buying from the channel unless he is on air as he will undoubtedly bring the price down further.

Please don't all jump on my back like has been done with Vegas, I know Steve has a lot of fans, as I've said in that past I have nothing against him, he is one of my favourites to watch and he is a big enough man to take criticism so no need so many people to defend him from every corner!

You must be paranoid! Show me where ANYONE has 'jumped on my back like has been done wiv Vegas' ??? Frankly, i'm surprised that any of the respondents to this thread have the patience and good manners to reply as politely as they have. None of us need yours or vegas's approval to be fans/customers of Rocks TV, unfortunately, you seem to be under the delusion that we actually give a damn about your opinions. :mysmilie_17:
You must be paranoid! Show me where ANYONE has 'jumped on my back like has been done wiv Vegas' ??? Frankly, i'm surprised that any of the respondents to this thread have the patience and good manners to reply as politely as they have. None of us need yours or vegas's approval to be fans/customers of Rocks TV, unfortunately, you seem to be under the delusion that we actually give a damn about your opinions. :mysmilie_17:

:mysmilie_34: wos I polite - musta bin a typo <a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZNxpt484YYGB%2526i%253D36%252F36%255F11%255F6%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_11_6.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D36%252F36_11_6%2526uiv%253D3.0/image.gif"></a> xxx
:mysmilie_34: wos I polite - musta bin a typo <a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZNxpt484YYGB%2526i%253D36%252F36%255F11%255F6%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_11_6.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D36%252F36_11_6%2526uiv%253D3.0/image.gif"></a> xxx

Its alright Argey we now you havnt been well recently:mysmilie_17:
I agree, VP's outlook is almost certainly the minority view! Sure there are a few niggles to be ironed out, but most of us can see the bigger picture, Great jewellery at great prices with good CS to boot!
I do agree Tabs and I think all those many negative comments by VP have been well addressed earlier in this thread.

I'd like to congratulate Steve and all the team on setting up this new Sky channel. I think the on-screen graphics are very clear, the camera work, the studio background, the interaction between the presenter and crew and their multi-tasking and overall viewer/customer interaction and friendliness are all to be applauded.

Enough of this unnecessary nit picking!!
Whatever anyone's opinion is, one thing is absolutely indisputable - how many other owners of shopping telly channels come on to this forum to politely answer all queries and critiscisms from their customers?:mysmilie_1000:

If I don't like what I'm watching, I don't continue to torture myself and watch, simple.

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