Pippa in Fashion Hour


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Afraid I don't believe that she hasn't either got hair extensions or is wearing a wig/hairpieces. A hairdresser once told me that hair grows on average about half an inch a month, and there is no way on this earth that her hair would be that length, even after 2 years of growth (and most people would need the ends trimmed regularly, even if they are growing it, because of split ends). If she's said she doesn't wear extensions, then it's a wig/hairpieces IMO. Silly to be disingenuous - people are not stupid.

just found one where she's talking about a glitter cardi from Michele Hope, she's wearing all black (which I happe n to like personally) but if this is the one everyone is talking about, I dislike her boots, and although she says she's not wearing extensions, I don't think I have ever known anyone whose hair has grown so long so quickly as she.

I've had long hair all of my life, then I had it cut and it took me more than 2 years to get it back to the length she has it - even months ago, and on her return to Q her hair was much longer than mine got to in the same length of time. It beats me, and I'm still trying to get more length to my hair now.
Exactly - what's to be ashamed of in hair extensions - or a wig/hairpieces, for that matter?

She has said on a few occasions that she does not have extensions. I was suspicious for a long time, but she reckons not. Nothing to be ashamed of. I have extensions even though my natural hair is past my shoulders.

Am off to look up a video as am now very curious to see her 'cool' look!
:mysmilie_483: Love it!

She's beginning to look like she should be up a tree with Swampy or in a tent on some Common or other. I loved the way she had her hair when it was short and she looked much nicer than she does with those awful 'dreadlocks' for want of a better word.
You can buy her CD for 30 quid minus a penny! Click on the link below and you can hear some samples. "16 again" is particularly funny. Should be more like "50 again!" (not that there is anything wrong with being 50 - I just don't think Pipa / Pippa rocks that vibe terribly convincingly). I do like her checked jumper though - it's very "Martha & the Muffins." (Great Band)


One of her other tracks - "Done listening" is perhaps quite pertinent. In that she tries that thing that Dido used to do - that sort of moan in her voice that sounds like a cow is treading on her foot) - all so very last millennium. Can't wait for her book to come out!
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You can buy her CD for 30 quid minus a penny! Click on the link below and you can hear some samples. "16 again" is particularly funny. Should be more like "50 again!" (not that there is anything wrong with being 50 - I just don't think Pipa / Pippa rocks that vibe terribly convincingly). I do like her checked jumper though - it's very "Martha & the Muffins." (Great Band)


One of her other tracks - "Done listening" is perhaps quite pertinent. In that she tries that thing that Dido used to do - that sort of moan in her voice that sounds like a cow is treading on her foot) - all so very last millennium. Can't wait for her book to come out!

The jumper looks very QVC. Actually the whole look is rather Muriel Gray to me
Afraid I don't believe that she hasn't either got hair extensions or is wearing a wig/hairpieces. A hairdresser once told me that hair grows on average about half an inch a month, and there is no way on this earth that her hair would be that length, even after 2 years of growth (and most people would need the ends trimmed regularly, even if they are growing it, because of split ends). If she's said she doesn't wear extensions, then it's a wig/hairpieces IMO. Silly to be disingenuous - people are not stupid.

Yes, absolutely! I honestly kept thinking how can her hair growth so quickly from that short crop style to how it is now in such a shiort time?lt really is not possible is it? I don't care if she has extensions either, just be honest for goodness sake. I have been growing my hair for 3 years and get it trimmed every 6-8 weeks. It's nowhere near her length so l just don't believe hers is real!
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I haven't seen her today but on 20/11/14 I asked her this:

@Pipalive Your hair looks amazing. Please tell me it's extensions. It can't have grown that quickly, can it?! X

She replied:
all mine! The hair guest yesterday couldn't believe it's just 2 years old/long ...my nails grow fast too! X

And this was posted today by someone else:
@Pipalive @Eneri1712 hi pipa how did you get your hair that long so quickly.

She replied:
@IcloudNutt @Eneri1712 hi Elaine, it's been 3 years now, probably only 4/5 trims and I only wash/style it twice a week xx

So, no extensions. It's all natural.
Well the yellow boots have a fan club on the FB page, a number of queries where to buy them.

So I had a quick nose and one review. Person bought their normal size and could not even get them feet into them. That was with the buckle thing undone.:mysmilie_15:
Actually we have to give her benefit of doubt .No idea if dark hair grow faster ,due to melanin increase or something ,as I have dark hair like hers and every second month have to chop it off as it grows very fast .
Although it looks like I'm in the minority I quite like Pippa- she certainly doesn't make me want to turn off like the frightful JF and Chloe know-it-all (who clearly knows more than any guest presenter that she's on with.)At least Pippa is believable and more personable, and I'm not as offended by her clothes as by others ( such as the stuttering Kathy Tayler looking a total **** in an otherwise acceptable Frank Usher cape this morning!
My hair grows v quickly, as does my daughters. :mysmilie_475: I had 8" lopped off in December but I expect it to be the original length by the end of the summer, August/Septemberish. I mostly just have a trim 3-4 times a year. I grew out my fringe recently, it took about 4 months then the 6" off brought all my hair to the same shoulder length. By contrast my friend has hair which is v slow to grow and its also genetically pre-programmed to never grow longer than shoulder length.

Back to Pipa; The half up-do she had the other day did look a bit unkempt which is a shame because once you have long hair the world is your lobster if you get good at putting it up. I can see Pipa with a scruffy fishtail plait to the side. Pipa and Claire both have long face shapes; Claire uses curls to add width but having it hanging straight down like a pair of curtains would drag down the look. :mysmilie_514:

I'm glad the Q presenters don't feel pressured to settle for a mumsy scrunch-dried layered bob once they hit 45; it's a style that only benefits hairdresser because it requires frequent trims! :emo:
i think pippa looked great considering she was wearing quacker factory she made it look really casual on a nice way. the boots were ok but not in yellow for me
Sadly another case of an older woman trying to dress like a teenager. Pippa you are not in your teens any longer, please get a grip.
Except that in one post, it's "just 2 years" she's been growing it, in the other one it's 3! I stick to my original viewpoint - and I believe it isn't all her own hair.
I haven't seen her today but on 20/11/14 I asked her this:

@Pipalive Your hair looks amazing. Please tell me it's extensions. It can't have grown that quickly, can it?! X

She replied:
all mine! The hair guest yesterday couldn't believe it's just 2 years old/long ...my nails grow fast too! X

And this was posted today by someone else:
@Pipalive @Eneri1712 hi pipa how did you get your hair that long so quickly.

She replied:
@IcloudNutt @Eneri1712 hi Elaine, it's been 3 years now, probably only 4/5 trims and I only wash/style it twice a week xx

So, no extensions. It's all natural.
shes part spanish her hair looks real to me. lovely hair it is to

I believe she is also of the jewish faith, and perhaps our jewish forumites could enlighten us as to whether its a 'gene' thing that thick dark hair grows any quicker.
her hair is lovely. it did not take long to grow from her pixie cut intially and that was some years ago. like pippa seems like a nice lady to me
My never-dark hair grows very quickly and to save hairdresser bills I do admit to the odd bit of hacking in front of the mirror with the kitchen scissors every couple of weeks. My hairdresser just shakes her head sadly when she sees me every 6 weeks.

What a pity some presenters try to look younger by having this long and lank, or bleached hair. It doesn't work on an older face. Your hair should be styled to suit your face if you want to make the most of yourself, but maybe imagining they look younger overrides that for some of them. Nobody is saying a granny cut would suit everyone - I certainly wouldn't wear it, but I know the length that suits me and that's what I stick to. I used to have long and lank, but I can't get away with it any more, nor could I be bothered.

Before we get the usual screams of horror from those who've always maintained that it's discrimatory/ageist/against their human rights to not have their hair the way they want it, I'm not saying it's not their right, just that it doesn't suit most of them and they need to take a long, hard look in the mirror.

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