Pipa's definately been on holiday, she kept banging on about it this morning, I think she said it was, oh um, let me see, thats right Egypt lol - she must have mentioned it quite a few times; as well as the fact that her son wants them to go next year to canada, so he can go back to the "everything shop" which according to Pipa is a bit like Walmart (that'll be ASDA to us then lol) but apparently Pipa cannot make up her mind, as she or her husband would love to go on a working holiday (yes it was working, as i thought who would want to go on a walking holiday in...) Uganda!!! Any way that was what the lady with the traffic light hair was saying; i say traffic lights, as she does change her hair colour more times than a traffic light boom boom lol Any way i felt she was crowing slightly, name dropping all her holidays in the last few years; its going to be costa wiltshire, again for me this year lol :flower: