Registered Shopper
Sometimes people meet someone and think they are in love and then things go wrong and further down the line they find true love with someone else, surely even children albeit when they are older would understand that. I can't think there are many situations when children wouldn't be affected by parents splitting up no matter how amicable or how awful their life was with the parents together it would still be an emotional thing to go through no matter what age you are as in many respects we are all children. It would have devastated me if my parents had split up. I had a miscarriage with my first fiancée a man I thought at the time I truly loved, that child, had it been born would have known that I loved another man much more than I'd have ever loved her father sadly it would have been obvious, that said I don't think I'd have voiced it in front of her or written it on a public forum/blog, I don't think it is something that needed to be said unless, of course, I'm trying to hurt my ex, just a thought.
I really believe if things are meant to be ...then they dear mum was cheated on by her first hubby ...left with a small baby in 1946 dear sis a day when that was shameful .....mum had a nervous breakdown she put it " i picked myself up, brushed myself down and started all,over again" ....God bless her sis was 4 when mum met Dad ....she never looked back and had 3 more children and i a the youngest sis was 17 when I was big sis ...easy for me to say but if Mums first marriage hadn't dissolved ..I wouldn't be here boys wouldn't be here ....and mum did look at it like this eventually.....she said ...Harry was great for a laugh and a drink but not husband ...I am not undermining peoples relationship breakups btw .....I wouldn't wish it on anybody....