Pipa engaged!


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Sometimes people meet someone and think they are in love and then things go wrong and further down the line they find true love with someone else, surely even children albeit when they are older would understand that. I can't think there are many situations when children wouldn't be affected by parents splitting up no matter how amicable or how awful their life was with the parents together it would still be an emotional thing to go through no matter what age you are as in many respects we are all children. It would have devastated me if my parents had split up. I had a miscarriage with my first fiancée a man I thought at the time I truly loved, that child, had it been born would have known that I loved another man much more than I'd have ever loved her father sadly it would have been obvious, that said I don't think I'd have voiced it in front of her or written it on a public forum/blog, I don't think it is something that needed to be said unless, of course, I'm trying to hurt my ex, just a thought.

I really believe if things are meant to be ...then they will.....my dear mum was cheated on by her first hubby ...left with a small baby in 1946 ..my dear sis ..in a day when that was shameful .....mum had a nervous breakdown ....as she put it " i picked myself up, brushed myself down and started all,over again" ....God bless her ...my sis was 4 when mum met Dad ....she never looked back and had 3 more children and i a the youngest .....my sis was 17 when I was born....my big sis ...easy for me to say but if Mums first marriage hadn't dissolved ..I wouldn't be here ....my boys wouldn't be here ....and mum did look at it like this eventually.....she said ...Harry was great for a laugh and a drink but not husband ...I am not undermining peoples relationship breakups btw .....I wouldn't wish it on anybody....
Re the comment (can't remember who said it) that all children are/would be devastated by their parents splitting... Well I'm sure that's true in the vast, vast majority of cases, but for me it was the best thing that could have happened. Not that I was a child, but I was living with my parents again, unfortunately, and I was utterly delighted they finally split. I won't get into detail as it's a long and unpleasant story but it was the best thing that could possibly have happened for my mum and I. I imagine our situation was quite different to most people's, so it's not surprising that my feelings about it were atypical... I guess my point is just that there's always an exception however ubiquitous something seems. I personally find it very difficult to imagine what it's like to be upset at a parental split. I mean you know, obviously it's a simple enough concept and not difficult to understand, but I can't empathise. Of course I have every sympathy for anyone who has found it very difficult and upsetting, it's just a bit of an alien concept to me. I spent most of my life from a very early age wishing my father would vanish, I felt nothing but relief. My partner is in a pretty similar position to me, albeit for different reasons, so that kind of exacerbates my lack of comprehension/empathy.

On another note, there have been some really touching stories in this thread.
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Re: the comment about Pipa being a bad parent as she forgot her childs first birthday, well yes it is surprising that a mother would but her child would not have been damaged in any way at that age for lack of celebration. One year olds parties are really a chance for the parents to show off and get some nice gifts for junior. If it was an older child that would be different although an older child probably wouldn't allow her to forget.
Re: the comment about Pipa being a bad parent as she forgot her childs first birthday, well yes it is surprising that a mother would

Unimaginable till I read this thread. But it takes all types.
Re: the comment about Pipa being a bad parent as she forgot her childs first birthday, well yes it is surprising that a mother would but her child would not have been damaged in any way at that age for lack of celebration. One year olds parties are really a chance for the parents to show off and get some nice gifts for junior. If it was an older child that would be different although an older child probably wouldn't allow her to forget.

That was my post ...I'm not saying the child would be damaged ....just find it shocking that anybody could forget their babies first birthday ...if going through a lot of trauma at the time or some thing then that would be understandable ...but she found it quite funny ...or seemed to ...I would t even have confessed to it ....I forgot my doggies birthday ...well her birthday card anyway untill my lovely neighbour knocked on the door with a little something for her ....I was almost in tears !!! Have never done that before '
!! We had bought her a new bed a week before ....cannot think why I forgot ...but my child ....well priorities Definitely a bit wrong there ....how would she like it if her loved ones forgot her birthday? ...very hurt I would imagine ....nearest and dearest especially ...I loved buying my children's bits for their birthdays...etc....they are older now and have money etc ...but I would be totally beside myself if I forgot ...and is get myself to the doc because something would have to be wrong with my brain...personally for me ....I know we are all different but ...
Couldn't care less who she is or isn't married to but don't approve of her disrespecting their father on public blogs which she has done on several occasions. They are still very young. Why can't people keep their private life private anymore?
Couldn't care less who she is or isn't married to but don't approve of her disrespecting their father on public blogs which she has done on several occasions. They are still very young. Why can't people keep their private life private anymore?

So agree with you, why do people have to share everything including blooming so called celebs. One of my siblings did something like this a few years ago, sharing personal family info on Facebook when my mum was very seriously ill in hospital and when she found out it upset her so much I thought it would genuinely kill her all so my sibling could garner as much sympathy and acknowledgement possible even from people that are almost strangers, it's a very selfish act in my view, it's a me me me look at me! It, to me is an action that certainly never takes into account other peoples feelings.
Couldn't care less who she is or isn't married to but don't approve of her disrespecting their father on public blogs which she has done on several occasions. They are still very young. Why can't people keep their private life private anymore?

Maybe he doesn't deserve any respect from her or from the children? Maybe he's a complete s**t, treated all of them badly and the kids have no love or respect for him either. We just don't know. We have no idea what's gone on behind their closed doors, so how can we judge? I know a man who treated his wife and young kids so badly that none of them would dream of according him any respect in private or public - and quite rightly so. It's very easy to disapprove of people's actions without knowing the facts. As for the privacy thing. it's entirely up to her what she does and doesn't make public, it's not like the tabloids have been hiding behind bushes and publishing her private information without her consent. If she doesn't want to keep things private, why should she? Nobody has to read the blog if they don't want to hear it.
Pipa is getting married tomorrow :heart: I hope they have a lovely day and a very happy future :mysmilie_3:
Yes I am not a fan of being mean spirited about an ex. You loved them enough to have children. Children need the space and time to make up their own minds. After all during a divorce children do get hurt and confused. In these situations I always think it best to keep your own counsel. Less is more as they say! Bitching about an ex always comes across as bitter.
A few comments made elsewhere asking if perhaps she is expecting???

Seems(I never actually saw myself), she has been wearing loose tops and hints of a perhaps bump.:mysmilie_50:
Pipa always struck me as being an attention seeker. She would do well to keep her mouth shut in public as children always suffer the most in these situations and airing her problems on media sites will not help them.
Pipa always struck me as being an attention seeker. She would do well to keep her mouth shut in public as children always suffer the most in these situations and airing her problems on media sites will not help them.

Yes I totally agree. Smacks of selfishness as there are always two sides and the break down of marriage isn't always one sided!
Wish Pipa and her husband every happiness.

(As for the mean comments about needing to share details of her life that's exactly what all QVC presenters are expected to do as part of the compulsory blogging. Part of the job now.)
Wish Pipa and her husband every happiness.

(As for the mean comments about needing to share details of her life that's exactly what all QVC presenters are expected to do as part of the compulsory blogging. Part of the job now.)
I am surprised that any company can force employees to put details of their private life on a public media site. Everyone is entitled to a private life and I'm sure most presenters only blog things they want to say not things they are told to say.
I am surprised that any company can force employees to put details of their private life on a public media site. Everyone is entitled to a private life and I'm sure most presenters only blog things they want to say not things they are told to say.

I think presenters will be able to decide how personal their blogs are, for example talking about a new product they have discovered or a day out they had is a bit different from telling us about their relationships. I do feel all this follow my blog malarkey is just to blur the boundaries between them being sales people or "friends", so we believe the sales patter and spend more.
Marriage? Potential baby bump?

Cor, that's fast work considering it hasn't been long from her last break-up.

Feel sorry for any children who see their parents split up, then are moved across the country, then have a new 'daddy' on the scene so quickly... and then possibly another sibling.

Feel very sad for them.
Well, I must have been living in a different country, or not all that interested, but all of this is new to me, I had no idea Pippa whom I like, was having problems with her love life - sad if she is.

Didn't she recently move to Worcester or somewhere?
I feel very happy that the children are in a loving environment ,never understood why people stay together just for the sake of their kids.

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