It drives me mental too :TANTRUM: and the constant squishing their hands into the featherbeds. Scary NN Suzy looks positively obscene doing it especially when she's eyeing up Anthony. :11:PC:
I am so glad that it isn't just me who finds all this irritating. All that rubbing, stroking and squashing of pillows, featherbeds etc! I hope that someone at QVC reads this thread and puts a stop to it. It looks ridiculous! Some of the models also overdo the stroking of coats and tops but it certainly gets on my nerves more when the subject is a pillow. :2:
The reason - apparently - is that in retail psychology getting a prospective purchaser to pick up or touch an item is more than half way to getting them to actually buy it. Because we cant touch the things we see on telly, the presenters mimic this behaviour by doing it for us.